Fatwah on Western Digital
That setting is Vin Diesel's baby. He's put up his own money to make games, cartoons and comics set in that universe. It's not just some rip-off cash grab.
I found it a bit cheesy, but entertaining enough to keep watching.Just started watching Falling Skies from season 1 on. I really like it.
Post WW2: "Many Zainichi Koreans chose to retain their Japanese names, either to avoid discrimination, or later, to meet the requirements for naturalization as Japanese citizens."I thought Lt. Hikaru Sulu was supposed to be Japanese, not Korean? :facebalm:
Post WW2: "Many Zainichi Koreans chose to retain their Japanese names, either to avoid discrimination, or later, to meet the requirements for naturalization as Japanese citizens."
Actually, I was thinking the other way around; Hikaru Sulu could have Korean ancestry but adopted Japanese name and culture.Oops. Well I assumed somebody named Cho and born in Seoul was Korean.
World War Z is perfectly adequate as long as you completely forget the book that it's based on and also that the Z is supposed to stand for "zombies."
Second Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. really didn't hit any of the right notes for me but it did have Samuel L. Jackson in it. Still gonna watch, but it just didn't feel like anything special.
I watched "The Hunt for Red October" again this morning for probably the third time. Liked it again.
Seems I can't get tired of Sean Connery. "Finding Forrester" was also good.
My wife isn't a fan. Apparently their Russian sucks (Connery and Baldwin). Though some of the others on the Russian sub were actually Russian.
Das Boot is another good submarine movie.![]()
I was likely a bit older than you when they aired the TV series here, but I loved it.I saw Das Boot when I was a little kid. That movie gave me nightmares for probably two or three years.