I'll have to move my Rifftrax stuff to the machine you can access. You're only on one of three servers.![]()
Up to you, no pressure.
I'll have to move my Rifftrax stuff to the machine you can access. You're only on one of three servers.![]()
I just watched The Martian for the first time (BluRay). It isn't a bad film, just absolutely sucks compared to the book. Can't blame anyone involved with the film, the audio book was at maximum density and 10+hrs long. It is no wonder that the characters seemed under-developed and the drama appeared shallow.
Up to you, no pressure.
It seems that having read the book ruined the film for most. Those who didn't read the book thought it was a great movie.I just watched The Martian for the first time (BluRay). It isn't a bad film, just absolutely sucks compared to the book. Can't blame anyone involved with the film, the audio book was at maximum density and 10+hrs long. It is no wonder that the characters seemed under-developed and the drama appeared shallow.
It seems that having read the book ruined the film for most. Those who didn't read the book thought it was a great movie.
I've been watching this one also. I saw the first 4 episodes before I went to Asia. I've watched 3 more episodes via on demand since getting back. I'm enjoying it quite a bit.Over the weekend I binged on a TV series called "The Expanse." Thomas Jane is the only actor I recognize in the cast, but it's a hard science fiction conspiracy thriller with high production values and good acting. Only eight episodes have aired as I write this but it's well worth checking out.
Deadpool is EXTREMELY funny. Funnier than Guardians of the Galaxy, if that's anything to go on. It's also a hard R-rated movie. There's tits aplenty. Bodies get mutilated.
Deadpool was very funny and we were clearly in a full theater of aficionados. I had to do some research to get straight the Xmen origins Ryan Reynolds Deadpool from this one. Sadly I didn't know to pay attention to the opening credits and I missed a couple of jokes.
I don't recall anything about Guardians of the Galaxy that indicated comedy. Maybe it had some amusing moments, but was a rather odd and disjointed film in the action/adventure/sci-fi/fantasy genres.
Two of the main characters were a talking raccoon and an ambulatory tree. The final battle included a dance sequence and the soundtrack was basically 1981's greatest hits. What part of that ISN'T suggestive of comedy?
With regard to familiarity with Deadpool: The movie is fully aware that only fans will know the character and that at least half the people in any theater will have been dragged there by a more enthusiastic partner. The movie made nearly $150M in its opening weekend so clearly it's something that a lot of people enjoyed. It is however a very raunchy film.
I thought the movie just came out last week, so how many people would be fans ahead of that?
I thought the movie just came out last week, so how many people would be fans ahead of that?
Would you expect normal subjects to find the film amusing or entertaining? Someone wants me to see it next weekend, but she is a little strange. I'm not very familiar with the Spiderman if that makes any difference.
It depends on your sense of humor. If you like repartee, sarcasm, and dark humor you will enjoy it. I got that from Spiderman, minus the dark humor. The only familiarity my wife and I had was the two trailers. I think they are representative.
Deadpool is probably one of the most popular comic characters created in the last 25 years. The script for the movie has existed for 10 years. Fan outcry after test footage was leaked on the internet is what got the movie made in the first place. There is definitely a pre-existing fan base.
I always thought that comics were for pimply-faced teenaged boys before they discovered girls. I suppose that is not the case nowadays.
Proper comic book fans tend to be middle aged adults with decent levels of disposable income. A single comic book with 22 pages of content usually costs $4, so reading lots of them gets expensive really quickly, especially since a fan will probably be buying 10+ titles in a given month. Even obtaining comic books is kind of a hassle, since they're really only sold in specialty stores.
The other major set of comics fans are under-30s who grew up on Batman: The Animated Series and X-men cartoons. These same people were also hit with Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and the Star Wars prequels in about the same time frame and then on to the Nolan Batman and Marvel Studios movies, so it's entirely possible that someone who was seven years old in 1996 has been bathing in geek culture for the last 20 years.
It was nice to see Spotlight win. At least there is some intelligence left in the world.
I haven't seen it, but it seems that most of the critical acclaim in Hollywood award shows is for movies that are box office failures and aren't generally liked by the public at large.
I haven't seen it, but it seems that most of the critical acclaim in Hollywood award shows is for movies that are box office failures and aren't generally liked by the public at large.
I'm pretty sure you're confused. The majority of films are crap, but so are many of the critically acclaimed films. They're not "good" & worthy of awards because they're fantastic masterpieces of art that and happen to be box office turds because they're just too sophisticated for the common folk plebes in middle America. They're "good" and are give awards because they have a preachy message about some cause they all care about at the time, or it was that persons time to get acknowledged, or for some reason they're all just taken with someone's acting in an otherwise bad film.That's exactly how it should be. The majority of films are crap because they have to appeal to the masses with average intelligence and education. In recent years they have to appeal to the internment market to be blockbusters, so the lowest common censorship denominator also applies.
Well, she plays the same basic character in all her movies.Of course many films are just plain bad in about every way, like something starring Melissa McCarthy. :lol: