One of the tricks I learned from Archie Moore: Red meat blood. You want mean, and rage? It works.
When I was boxing in hope of the 1980 Olympics, and doing martial arts I would take the blood and fat run off from the prime ribs we cooked at the restaurant. After the rib was cooked, and when it was cut, blood would run off.
The cooks would save it for me, skim off the fat, and I'd drink it.
I can't help but think the steroids they feed beef, along with the fact we are predators/meat eaters has a lot to do with the reaction I got from it. I had to be very careful to do it before I was going home, or to work out, since it really was
a hormone rush. Very intense.
Anyway, trying to build muscle they say these days requires at least your body weight in grams of protein, per day. I find it really hard to consume this much protein, but whey protein has helped, and I have some supplements from perhaps the best sup house in the world:
Anabol Naturals
Been using their stuff since 1980.
You are probably better off in the long run, staying with your approach. However, I will say that whey protein bars, amino acids, though at my age they create too much acid in my stomach, if I'm not careful, Creatine, etc.
are excellent ways to build muscle. Also, once you get it on, to keep it on. It's very hard to eat enough protein to reach that goal, without using supps.
The stationary bike is a vital training tool as you get older. Put the seat down, hit the bike, and it works, and loosens your lower back muscles, muscles that have a tendency to lock up when doing a lot of dead lifting, and squats.
My problem has been as I get older, the body aches more. Today I did two 9 year olds baseball games, that's 5 hours of squats to parallel and hold, then back up again. This locked my back up tight last week, and I had two days of cramping/screaming level 10 pain, and only a chiropractor could break my back loose.
I'll be going again tomorrow, if I can make it.