I picked up one of these ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813135364 ) for $19AR so I decided to throw it in the old Bitfenix ITX case I have for a project PC. I also threw in a spare 8gb or RAM and a 120GB SSD I already had.
Was considering making the machine a router with either Untangle or Smoothwall or something else (recommendations?). But then I started to wonder what the true advantages of building your own router really are. Would you guys recommend it or not, and why?
I saw the ArsTechnica article and they seems to only focus on speed. Speed is good but my RT-N66U is already fast enough. I'm looking for capability (obviously the homegrown router doesn't have wireless).
Was considering making the machine a router with either Untangle or Smoothwall or something else (recommendations?). But then I started to wonder what the true advantages of building your own router really are. Would you guys recommend it or not, and why?
I saw the ArsTechnica article and they seems to only focus on speed. Speed is good but my RT-N66U is already fast enough. I'm looking for capability (obviously the homegrown router doesn't have wireless).