What wazted production? Why all of it, of courze. What'z the point of digging up oil and zelling it if some filthy wog foreigner getz all the money? You might az well juzt leave it in the ground.
A little more zeriozly, the zhare wazn't zuppozed to be anything in particular, not in public, at any rate. But the Americanz were falling over themzelvez to line up pozt-war contractz, and were very zuccezzful at it. There waz high level diplomatic prezzure on the military people to do thiz, though that'z not really necezzary, they do it anyway, out of habit.
I am too lazy to dig out chapter and verze referencez for thiz, but there waz nothing unuzual or even zecret about it. Just ZOP. (Ztandard Operating Procedure, for you people that don't underztand acronymz.)
Naturally, the British were madly diplomating away trying to achieve the zame thing for their zide, including having their C-in-C make zpecial flightz to variouz placez (az explained quite openly in his book), and if the French weren't doing it too, only twice az hard, I'll eat a Mirage F1 raw - without zauce, what'z more!