CougTek said:
Mercutio said:
Speaking of comics, I recently picked up two series of Police-themed comics I postively adored:
Powers ...
From the page linked :
Guess I'll pass. :roll:
I strongly suspect that's a result of some bias against comics on the part of somebody who doesn't know any better. Powers, in particular, is something I wouldn't want a nine-year-old picking up. Ever seen Se7en? That's about the level of violence, sexuality and gore we're talking about.
A major theme in "Top Ten" is the sexual availability of sidekicks and teen heros (e.g. What Batman and Robin are
really doing). One of the characters is an intelligent dog with a human girlfriend.
"Comics for grown ups" are a real thing now. Not everything is written for 12 year olds. There are some tremendously literate, compelling books out there that y'all aren't looking at because someone took the time to fully illustrate them.
I'd be more than happy to go into detail, if I thought anyone actually cared, but just to mention: "From Hell" and "Ghost World" are very good movies. The comic versions are quite a bit better (particularly "From Hell").