I did learn film development when I was in middle school, actually, and I worked for a photographer when I was in high school. His main income source was actually using a Kodak Panoram. He had this crazy ordering and automation system for printing that ran on an IBM System/38 (the thing that preceded the AS/400 and I need everyone to understand how COMPLETELY INSANE it was for a sole proprietor to have that kind of computer sitting around, let alone the custom software needed to run automated prints, which I promise no other System/38 in the history of time was ever connected to) but he still needed someone to keep the setup running.
Even weirder, the computer and the printing system were built into a trailer. It was his trade secret that he could take the whole rig and print on demand where he was shooting. In the 1980s.
Anyway, I do have some antiques, mostly from my dad or uncles: a Canon F1, a Yashica D, a Brownie. The only one I have any film for is the Yashica. I'm sure it's expired but I'm not brave enough to take it out and shoot with it anyway. Maybe I'll try to get some portraits of my partner before she leaves.