Nice pictures. I went to the Salinas Airshow a couple weekends ago. Blue Angels and a great A-10 demonstration, but no B-1 or B-2. And no camera (I forgot)
A reasonable percentage of my pictures came out ok considering I had never shot an airshow before. From what I saw when I got home I probably I should have used a slightly higher shutter speed though. There's a bit of motion blur in a lot of my shots. It's really a fine line though. If you shoot with too fast of a shutter you'll freeze the props and get static looking pictures.
They had an A-10 demonstration, but I missed it.
The Air Force version of the Navy's Blue Angels, the Thunderbirds, performed in their F-16's at the end of the show. I haven't gotten to looking through that portion of my pictures yet. :skepo:
I do wish I had a monopod and a 1.4x TC at the show though. :-? Next time I guess.