Well, it is much better. :cyclops:Here is what the other photographer managed...with a D200 and a massive flash on an extension.
When I think back
On all the crap I learned in high school
It's a wonder
I can think at all
And though my lack of education
Hasn't hurt me none
I can read the writing on the wall
You give us those nice bright colors
You give us the greens of summers
Makes you think all the world's a sunny day, oh yeah!
I got a Nikon camera
I love to take a photograph
So Mama, don't take my Kodachrome away
Why were you using a ND filter?Looks good. I shot all day yesterday with just the 10-22, and a new 4x medium density filter.
You're talking about a filter that's uniformly dark gray right? How does that help in shade?I've never had any kind of filter before, and wanted to see what effect it had. It also seemed to help when there was a lot of mixed shade.
I've never had any kind of filter before, and wanted to see what effect it had.
You must be using polarizers though.
I've never had any kind of filter before, and wanted to see what effect it had. It also seemed to help when there was a lot of mixed shade.
I've never had any kind of filter before, and wanted to see what effect it had. It also seemed to help when there was a lot of mixed shade.
Ready to junk your camera's yet?Smaller sensors for interchangeable lens cameras
The pixel size for a smaller sensor is about 20% smaller, so diffraction effects begin to be visible at about f/7 or f/8 instead of f/10.
How can I photograph my Canon equipment without using any of it? I don't even have a place for that. Maybe I should buy a white sheet and try the big sofa?
You could take a picture with your phoneOr buy some Nikon kit to photograph the Canon stuff...
How can I photograph my Canon equipment without using any of it?
Use a mirror, you fool!
I was waiting for that one. You know why that is not practical.