P5, I totally agree, one should have personal responsibilty to repay their debts. (My personal debt is approx $25K total, and have started repaying my debt already). For clarification, in Australia, the government will take on the student loan only for your first university level degree (if you wish to complete multiple degrees, you are entirely self-funded, but there are exceptions, like there are PhDs placings that are government funded as well), and the current situation is that, the loans are interest free, and repayments are garnished directly from your wages by your employer when you earn over a certain amount per fortnight (as time has already mentioned). (An employee has very little control over this).
The current cultural belief here, is that all students should have access to University level education irrespective of background or financial status. The student loan (HECS) system currently allows that.
My concerns with the recent changes in Australia (and I don't have a concern on the interest charge aspect as it's expected to be the same as the cash rate), but the minimum income threshold when repayments start. For some, lowering the repayment threshold will put some effectively below minimum wage (especially if they have a family to support on a single income), making the first 5-10 years post graduation very, very difficult financially. There are other changes, but currently most university placements (for non-medical degrees) are very fixed priced (most have their fee rates set by the government). The amount a Uni can charge per course will become open-ended, but I personally don't see much change to the current fee schedule as they don't want to price themselves out of the market.
However on the flip side, with the changes, when I was at Uni, there were a lot of students there that I don't think should have been there, and these changes will make students actually commit to their studies rather than pissing around for 3-4 years. (Which should lead to those that want to be there, doing well and not being hindered by the slackers).
Mind you, Germany seems to do quite well providing University level education at no cost to their citizens...
Anyway, sedrosken congratulations on your placement. I hope you do well.