This is the best description of the bailout plan that I've found.From the BBC; apparently the US Media aren't interested enough in this particular story, or think it's too complicated or something
Really? There have been a lot of articles; some good, some bad. Anyway, blogs are where its at Merc if you want the real deal and discussion -- I recommend nakedcapitalism, calculatedrisk, MISH, FTalphaville, Thebigpicture. In fact, I use those exclusively to aggregate everything ... supplemented with the headlines from Reuters, Bloomberg and a few of the other mainstream newswires.
In any regard, I skimmed your link and its just a glossy/superficial account ... analogous to me stating we are going to have a mission to Mars and then providing a pencil drawn stick figure picture of a rocket ship blasting off from Earth and arrows pointing to Mars as the detailed basis of my plan ... i.e. a little shy on filling in the essentials like "umm, how you going to do that?" and "why do you think that would work?" type questions.
Thanks to members of both sides of the aisle acting like infants, the bailout bill failed to pass.
Well, lets hope they act just as ridiculus the second time around again, cause I assure you that this failure to pass was a good thing. The Paulson plan was just about the worst possible course of action that could have been attempted.
San Fran Nan of course had to give her
partisan "blame" speech, and in turn the House Republicans acted like a bunch of insulted children and helped vote the bill down (along with 40% of Democrats).
Come on jtr, don't fall for the political games -- the Rep leadership used her comments as an excuse. Fact is, Pelosi is inline lock step with the Bush admin. She's a retard. Fact is 2/3 of the Rep party voted against the bill, and that had nothing to do with Pelosi. The rep. leadership comments after the defeat was just election talk spin.
In truth, we've got a case of bizzaro world: the majority of the idiot Dem. supporting the bill and the majority of Rep voting against it. The democrats supporting Wall Street and the Repubs supporting mainstreet. Go figure.
Dow dropped nearly 800 points today.
the equity markets are deluded and filled with a bunch of cry babies: whawwwwwwwwwwwwww, I want my bailout.
In any regard, the equity markets are unimportant -- its the credit markets that matter.
Oh, and
we suspected that the lax lending standards at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac would cause problems 4 years ago but the Dems didn't even want to hear it. And for their part, the Republicans didn't have the balls to take them on for fear of being called "racist" for making loans to minorities harder. Of course, you won't see this on any of the biased news networks
There have been a fairly large number of folks that have been warning about this impending crisis for well over ten years. Even up to as of last year, many were still being ridiculed as being delusional or discredited. Then there are retards like Bush, Helicopter Ben, and Hanke Panke -- who the record clearly shows, and as I've said above, continuously denied that there were problems -- its all contained; won't impact the economy; the worst is over; fundamentaly sound ....
Most certainly is.
Right name however-all he needs is the purple suit.
what he needs is a severe beating. he is a good example of a weasal politician.
congressional leadership really dropped the ball on that one....They are supposed to know if it does not have the votes, continue negociating, and especially not to bring it up for a vote till passage is relatively assured.
The whole point of the previous week of negociation was to come up with a compromise that could at least be tolerated.
well, that might have been their agenda, but the whole point SHOULD have been to try to find the best possilbe course of action to take .... instead, everything was done behind closed doors and in the consultation with the very same economic/financial expert retards who have participated so wonderfully in getting to this very messed up point in time.
Paulsen and Bernanke got us into this mess. Why are we still listening to these idiots?
Well, I certainly wouldn't say they got us into this mess, but as I implied just above, they most certainly have been pulling their share of the weight of the disaster. These guys have absolutely no credibility. Ben is clueless and Paulson is a blatant liar.