According to Jacobs, AMD had started seeing similar shutdowns with high-end, dual-graphics card setups recently. He was concerned that readers might attribute the problem to the power draw of the FX-60, which would be an incorrect conclusion. Jacobs pointed the finger squarely at dual-graphics cards, noting that the 512MB 7800 GTX can draw in excess of 11 amps when running full bore. If the two cards share a power supply rail, that means that more than 20A is being pulled from one power supply rail, which is a recipe for disaster. According to another source, AMD has started recommending 700W power supplies with high-end SLI or CrossFire setups to alleviate potential problems.
The issue, by the way, has nothing to do with the CPU. AMD was seeing these problems with CPUs as low as the single core Athlon 64 3200+, which draws relatively little power.