Free HL2 Games for ATI Users


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia

When I originally purchased my ATi R9600XT, it came with the "HL2 voucher". After sending away the voucher and ticking "PLEASE SEND ME A CD" and including CC details for shipping, I never got the CD (wasn't billed either).

I emailed the support for the offer about 2mths after sending away details, and was dutifully told that only a very limited number of CDs were produced, and the only way to get the game was to download via Steam. I mentioned that I was still on dial-up (at the time), and the reply was, well if you can't download it, free game offer not valid, not our problem...

(yes, it was buried deep in the agreement, no internet connection, no game).


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
My objection to it comes in several forms:
1. Even if you install HL2 from CD/DVD, they still make you do a long validation before the game will install.
2. You have to continuously re-validate the game in order to play it. Even if you're not playing online. You also have to run Steam - basically an online service - in order to play, even if it's just single player.
3. In my experience, running steam generates a great deal of upstream traffic... even if it's just a single player, local game.
4. If something happens to steam, you are pretty much locked out of all your steam-related games and functions.
5. Steam wants to run all the time, which puts it in the same category of crapware as itunes.
6. I have no interest in most of the "benefits" steam supposedly offers. I don't play FPS games online. I don't care about all the crappy titles that can be distributed through that system, and I don't want to use it to communicate with other players. I wanted to play the sequel to what I found to be an engrossing single-player game. I couldn't tolerate what I paid for, and as a result, I've never even seen more than the first tiny bit of HalfLife 2.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
The installer crashed late (encountered an unexpected error) on my Vista test machine. The system has an ATI Radeon X1950XT, so it should have worked.

Nonetheless, I am now the owner of a Steam account. I am so proud (cough). Let's say it's not for nothing that I tried it on my test system.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Steam is running fine on my Vista machine, but I didn't get the games because of my 7950. I am giving Sid Meyer's Railroads a try, though.