Neither did the public at large, which is probably why they're selling it. :rofl:I didn't even know Samsung had a printer division.
The article said HP would be absorbing Samsung's employees and facilities. That makes it a buy of the division, not just the patents.Shouldn't the real title be, "HP Buying Samsung's Printer Patents?"
A mere 500-700 MB, and you call that bloatwareIn contrast, HP printer software is toxic bloatware, so this buyout is a disappointment.
And me. Very pleased with my color MFP with double-sided scanning that I can use across the network.
In contrast, HP printer software is toxic bloatware, so this buyout is a disappointment.
A mere 500-700 MB, and you call that bloatwarewneddnce:
PS: I last bought an HP printer ~ 18 years ago, so my numbers may be off by a factor of 1.5x to 2x![]()
You steal them now too? Highfive! 8)The last printer of any kind that I bought was an HP back in 1996...
You steal them now too? Highfive! 8)
It was a joke... Since you said you don't buy them. You didn't say that you don't use one.Steal them? I rarely ever need a printer.
It was a joke... Since you said you don't buy them. You didn't say that you don't use one.![]()
No, I meant stealing the whole printer. Like pulling a Mission Impossible-esque heist to get one instead of buying it. Hence the joke.I wasn't sure if you were inferring that using one at work was stealing the use of one.
I have a networked B&W Brother laser printer I use when I need one. But, I don't use it much.It is pretty rare for me to need a printer but even so, I've had a bad taste in my mouth for printers over the years that I don't want to buy one. I had a b&w laser printer many years back that was given to me. I used it until I built a new system that no longer had a parallel port to interface with it.
After all the negative press shenanigans like this have received in the past, I'm amazed HP would try something this stupid. The printer business is shrinking as it is. Having DRM for cartridges is only going to encourage people to buy other brands or just look for decent, used printers.Scumbags. That's why my last purchase was not an HP printer.
I don't but it's probably more cost effective to have a professional photo printing service do it unless you have large numbers of photos. They're likely using MUCH better equipment than a home user could afford anyway. BTW, photos seem reasonable on my Samsung CLP-510, or at least I couldn't tell the difference from ones printed on the inkjet I used to use. Then again, I'm not doing this professionally.Sure if you don't print photos.
Scumbags. That's why my last purchase was not an HP printer.
I don't but it's probably more cost effective to have a professional photo printing service do it unless you have large numbers of photos. They're likely using MUCH better equipment than a home user could afford anyway. BTW, photos seem reasonable on my Samsung CLP-510, or at least I couldn't tell the difference from ones printed on the inkjet I used to use. Then again, I'm not doing this professionally.
Interesting article regarding printing photos with laser printers.
In my experience (Brother 5350DN mono laser), Brother's own toner and drum units last anywhere from 40 to 60% of their rated life. Maybe they just don't know how to count. Even after taking off their shoes, they can only go up to 20.The big issue with Brother (laser) printers seems to be shorter indicated life on generic toner cartridges, for example.