Will Rickards
Storage Is My Life
I'm getting concerned regarding jtr, I don't think he's logged in since 10/27. Anybody been in contact with him?
I'm getting concerned regarding jtr, I don't think he's logged in since 10/27. Anybody been in contact with him?
I think it's safe to say that he probably has bigger things to worry about if he hasn't checked in by now.
I have his address but no idea how to check the status of his area.
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Indeed I am friends with jtr. He lives 21 miles from me. I have not heard from him since about 8 PM the night of the hurricane. He spoke of high winds, but seemed confident that the hurricane would pass without any incident. I've sent him emails with no reply. I've called him several times with no calls getting through....."your call cannot be completed as dialed." From this phone message, it appears that he lost power and it has not yet been restored. I will aggressively attempt contacting him.I believe apairofpcs is friends with jtr and lives near by. I'll point him here to see if he has a way to find out for us if jtr is ok.
You could try plugging his phone number into here:
Sounds like there are some issues there:
"It's very dark here, people can't get gas and food is running out so people are going to shelters," he said. "Luckily where I am in Flushing I have power, but the homes on the next block don't. People are coming down from Long Island to get gas here but now we're also running out."
He may be in a shelter with his mother until the power returns, hopefully a bus or something got them there as he doesn't drive/have a license.
JTR is fine. He just emailed me. He will write a post shortly.
It looks like global "cooling" to me!Polar alert here. Heavy wet snow on all the tree branches here. It wouldn't surprise me if we see more outages. Totally weird weather. Hurricanes to blizzards in less than 10 days.
This could be a good thing for aging infrastructure. Lots of old crap getting replaced.
Thanks for the condolences, Greg. The cat who died was named Leno. He originally belonged to our neighbors who constantly let him run around outside, and frankly didn't seem all that interested in his well-being. At first we thought he was a feral cat. We have had quite a few around here over the years that we've fed and either taken in or adopted out if we were able to lure them inside. Anyway, one cold night Leno decides to stay in our house overnight. He seemed really friendly for a feral cat. Later that week, my mom found out Leno belonged to one of our neighbors. For the next few months he would wander over to our place, and we would bring him back. Because Leno didn't get along with the neighbor's two dogs, he said we could keep him. We had him for three years. He was roughly 5 years old. He gained some weight living indoors with us, not doing the outdoor exercise he was used to. Early this summer, he started losing weight which we thought was good. However, this weight loss continued despite his healthy appetite. By October he was looking very emaciated and we bought him to the vet. He needed to go to a 24 hour clinic because the vet said his body was shutting down. The most likely cause according to the doctors there was untreated diabetes. In the end we spent over $4000 trying to save him. I really wish we had taken him in sooner. Unfortunately, this year has been a perfect storm of events with one thing after another, starting with my mother being hospitalized in February. For what it's worth, the way Leno ran around outside, if we didn't take him in, he most likely would have been road kill a few years ago. At least he had a few happy years with us.JTR:
I'm really sorry about your cat. Mine is near 60 in cat years, and it's constantly on my mind. I'm really glad you said one of your cats. If and when my cat dies, I hope I'm dead first.
I really wish I'd let her have a litter, so we would have more then one cat. Plus, she's unique, in that she's feral, half, yet more dog like then most cats. She understand "No" when she wants too, "snack",
"mouse", "lap kitty", though she ignores it, "bad kitty", my own terms to ask her to come lay down and sleep with me, etc.
She's the love of my life, and, I can barely deal with the couple times she escaped to explore, and then came back.
How old was your cat? What was she like?