I started running again


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
(Sorry, couldn't resist. :) )

Seriously though, the reason I dredged up this discussion is because I wondered what people were doing excercise-wise (ouch) these days, if anything. I've been looking at the all-too trendy Bowflex for a few years now, and I'm actually considering getting one as I finally have some stability in terms of housing. Not to mention cash. Anyone ever tried/owned one? I've only read positive stuff about them online.

That and I'd like to take up running. Not sure how to start though. I'm not even sure what kind of shoes to look for. Barefoot through the streets is flat out in this weather... :wink:


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 22, 2002
When I was into running years ago, I needed running shoes or cross-training shoes. The impact absorbtion was very important for me and my joints. This usually translates into something not trendy and not plastered with a bunch of plastic trim. Nike and Addidas have always been good for me. Then for tennis, I would own a separate pair of tennis shoes, usually Addidas. For walking, cross-training, tennis, or comfortable casual shoes would work. But be careful on the casual shoe angle, they have the tendancy of deforming their uppers and losing their sole rather quick. H.S. Trask shoes have always performed well for me. The Gallatin are especially comfortable and long lasting.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I used my large gym contraption for about a month, then the central tension cable that attaches to the weights snapped, knocking me on my ass. It's apparently not repairable without a great deal more mechanical skill than I have, so now I use it to hang my coat and various computer parts.

I don't like being 120lbs. overweight, but frankly, diet and exercise are way more work than I want to do. Especially exercise. The last thing I want is a bunch of mindless, repetitious motions. If I wanted to do that I would've gotten some kind of blue-collar nothing job.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
Yes, and if it's really, really good sex, you start skipping meals in order to have more time for sex. Hence you lose even more weight. 8)


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Dude, I slept in the same bed with a woman for four years and never technically got to do that. What makes you think I'm going to get it now?

No, I'm not kidding.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Sorry if I re-railed the topic, I was replying directly to the OP...

i was pretty spot-on...and me has a good idea bout the ferret...


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
Mercutio said:
Dude, I slept in the same bed with a woman for four years and never technically got to do that. What makes you think I'm going to get it now?

No, I'm not kidding.

Hey, honestly I'm nothing special. Believe me. With one very short-lived regretable exception, this summer will mark my 4th year completely alone in the world.

I've basically been dead since February 1997. Not physically of course (duh), but in terms of spirit or happiness to any real extent. I could get hit by a truck tomorrow and no one would notice. I'd just get a couple of messages on my answering machine first asking where I am, then later telling me I'd been fired.

I'm trying to find the energy to salvage what's left of my life though. Exercise is one of the things I'm hoping will help. God it's hard though. Anything I mean ... not just exercise. Short of sitting down here at the computer as soon as I get home from work and spending all my time reading stuff here on SF or elsewhere that is. I used to play Half-Life all the time, up until the summer of 2002. That was when I realized one night that I was getting mad (I mean really mad) at another player.

He was 12.

I quit cold turkey on the spot. And at that point, I realized that I'd been playing all that time (we're talking pretty much every moment I wasn't at work for at least 2 years) simply as an escape from having to face my life. Some people drink, others use drugs. I played Half-Life.

Nowadays though I realize that all the time I spend online at various websites has really basically replaced Half-Life. I've got to do something, somehow. It's so darn hard ... especially some days, you know?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
If you have some time and some spare cash, why don't you simply subscribe to a local gym? You'll have more chance to meet people there than training on your Flexo-something alone in your basement. Plus, you'll have access to trainers who will be able to help you to reach your objectives, something that isn't obvious for someone who probably lacks some basic knowledge about physical training.

Don't be shy to go there simply because you think you're too flimsy. People shouldn't go to a gym to show off, but to improve their shape (or at least to maintain), no matter how good or bad it is. Sure, there will be tall bastards with F'king 20 inches arms who will look downward to you (but not me : I don't train in Virginia ;-) ), but you just have to nevermind. Training should be something you do for yourself, not to compare yourself to others.

Just my 2¢


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
i said:
Seriously though, the reason I dredged up this discussion is because I wondered what people were doing excercise-wise (ouch) these days, if anything.

Cycling when the weather allows (which it hasn't for two weeks if you count that I'm also still getting over the flu) and walking at least a mile (frequently much more) each day. Other than that, not much on a consistent basis. Digging in the garden is a great workout, but that's a seasonal thing. I guess snow shoveling takes its place in the winter. The only reason I'm able to walk/cycle fairly consistently is because the scenery is always changing. I used to lift weights in school but this gets old very fast. Despite this, I'm still in much better shape than most people my age. I've heard comments from people half my age after I walk to one of the local stores maybe a mile and a half each way which go something like "you walked all the way there?" Actually, I start to reach my limits walking at around ten miles, but this has more to do with being the point at which blisters start to make walking uncomfortable than with fatigue. Cycling? I do ten to twenty miles easily at a stretch. I suppose I could do a hundred if I had a destination and cut the pace a bit. And I still really need to lose about 20 or 30 pounds. I know I would feel much better. I think I did lose about five thanks to the flu, so at least it's a start.

I've basically been dead since February 1997. Not physically of course (duh), but in terms of spirit or happiness to any real extent. I could get hit by a truck tomorrow and no one would notice. I'd just get a couple of messages on my answering machine first asking where I am, then later telling me I'd been fired.
Tell me about it. I've more or less felt this way since mid 1982. I somehow manage to go through the motions of life, but usually the spark just isn't there. I do have rare moments where I feel almost human. In my case I just blame a lot of my misery on the fact that most things that make me sad really aren't my fault and are beyond my control. That makes getting on with life somewhat easier.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
ddrueding said:
Suggestion? Handcuffs ;)

Please don't joke about that, David. I make acerbic and witty comments from time to time but for that one matter the jokes cut a little too close.

I can't really write about it, but I was with someone for 12 years, and even now there is nothing I would like to do but make her happy. Only, I can't. I don't know if I ever did. I feel absolutely worthless as a human being because of it; I'll never know what she really felt, whether there was any truth in the time we were together.
I failed as a man. I wasted her time. It eats at me, because half of me says that my whole life from the day we chose to be together was nothing but a goddamn joke, and the other half says that all the things that were, were real, and that perhaps the good that I did for her really does matter somehow.

But mostly I see a morbidly obese, bespectacled virgin who doesn't have the courage to step toward his fate. All I can do is wait and hope that fate comes to me, soon.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
i said:
Seriously though, the reason I dredged up this discussion is because I wondered what people were doing excercise-wise (ouch) these days, if anything.

Between July and September I upped my running milage to 40mi a week. I also injured my back in July but since it mainly hurt when I awoke in the morning and actually felt better after a run I continued training through Sept.

After my last race of the the season in Sept. I have not worked out at all to try to give the back time to heal. I have also not gone to the doctor which is probably why it hasn't healed yet. I go to the doctor soon.

On the up-side, my metabolism stayed high and I have lost a real (not water weight) 10 pounds since Sept. Probably mostly atrophy related.

i, start light. When I started working out last year I walked for three months. I just went when I had time, then I went on certain days, then I introduced an occasional 100 yard jog once a week. Eventually, I increased the number of times I was running and then increased the distance.

You should be able to search the web for running and/or hiking clubs/stores in your area. They are rich in information and participants.

If the shoes you have are more than three years old, you might want to get some new ones. Other than that just listen to your body.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
Hmm...well getting in shape has proven more elusive than I thought, as Dozer mentioned in the 3rd post.

But, now I have a goal and a reason to get into shape. I mentioned in another thread a long while back that I am thinking about joining the Marine Corps OCS program. Well, I am only about 2.5 months away from graduating and have decided to apply to the program. However, I have to be in pretty good shape to even have a chance of being accepted.

Top scores for the physical fitness test are an 18:00 3 mile run, 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes, and 20 pull-ups.

So I have started to work out pretty regularly, like running 1-2 times per day as well as doing burn-out sets of push-ups and sit-ups several times a day. Still when you start from nothing these things take awhile to materialize. Well, my legs don't hurt anymore since I took a nap so it's about time for another run.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
Excellent timwit - you'll make a fine officer. Thanks for being willing to serve our nation.



Learning Storage Performance
Feb 24, 2003
I give you two words timwhit "semper fidelis" Remember this also the only people that you can rely on are those standing next to you in your company or platoon.Remember this also it is no video game the dead stay dead.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
The Marine Corps has officers? I thought that those were reserved for the Navy.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Yes, I've been computer addicted, but, I only have DVD, no tv.

I have felt as you all do, and, my savior was AA, and God. As I stray from that path, so it seems, does my success in life.

I try and help with a local basketball team, they hired my best friend to coach, and, they have a football team that has won 150+ games in a row, ref basketball games, and, I have a gym membership. Teaching has been helpful, since with handicapped kids, in the past, we did pe 5 days a week, all in the weight room.

I've spent the last couple years recovering from either knee, or foot surgery, and, almost dying, thanks to a doctor failing to correctly diagnose blood clots. A week in intensive care...

I'm not going into my sex life, but it's not a great area of exercize.

I've just lost 10 pounds, by not eating, and I'm down to 200.

I'd like to be at 175.

Basketball refereeing is fun, and it gets me out of the house, with a bit of extra money.

I teach so I can go to the gym. With the season ending, I'm thinking about other forms of exercize.

3 years ago, I could take the best guard from one of our local high schools, and beat him like a step child. I'd like to get back to that kind of condition.

We'll see. I like to do different forms of ex over the year. Weights for 3 months, swimming and surfing for a while, etc.

I don't like being away from the ocean. It sucks. Surfing, and warm water kept me in the best shape of my life...
and boxing and martial arts. All things I need to do more of. I just turned the big 50...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Yes, I've been computer addicted, but, I only have DVD, no tv.

I have felt as you all do, and, my savior was AA, and God. As I stray from that path, so it seems, does my success in life.

I try and help with a local basketball team, they hired my best friend to coach, and, they have a football team that has won 150+ games in a row, ref basketball games, and, I have a gym membership. Teaching has been helpful, since with handicapped kids, in the past, we did pe 5 days a week, all in the weight room.

I've spent the last couple years recovering from either knee, or foot surgery, and, almost dying, thanks to a doctor failing to correctly diagnose blood clots. A week in intensive care...

I'm not going into my sex life, but it's not a great area of exercize.

I've just lost 10 pounds, by not eating, and I'm down to 200.

I'd like to be at 175.

Basketball refereeing is fun, and it gets me out of the house, with a bit of extra money.

I teach so I can go to the gym. With the season ending, I'm thinking about other forms of exercize.

3 years ago, I could take the best guard from one of our local high schools, and beat him like a step child. I'd like to get back to that kind of condition.

We'll see. I like to do different forms of ex over the year. Weights for 3 months, swimming and surfing for a while, etc.

I don't like being away from the ocean. It sucks. Surfing, and warm water kept me in the best shape of my life...
and boxing and martial arts. All things I need to do more of. I just turned the big 50...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
adriel said:
Top scores for the physical fitness test are an 18:00 3 mile run, 100 sit-ups in 2 minutes, and 20 pull-ups.

Do you know the form that is required for each of these exercises?

The run differs depending on weather. If the weather sucks then it is run indoors, if it is nice then outdoors.

The pull-ups are dead hand and can be either overhand or underhand, your choice.

The sit-ups are laying on your back, feet flat on the floor with something or someone holding them down, arms across the chest gripping your biceps. You have to go up until your elbows touch your thighs.


Storage is cool
Feb 22, 2002
Behind the Bar
timwhit said:
The run differs depending on weather. If the weather sucks then it is run indoors, if it is nice then outdoors.

The pull-ups are dead hand and can be either overhand or underhand, your choice.

The sit-ups are laying on your back, feet flat on the floor with something or someone holding them down, arms across the chest gripping your biceps. You have to go up until your elbows touch your thighs.



Learning Storage Performance
Jan 24, 2002
Portland, Oregon (hometown)
The pull-ups are dead hang and can be either overhand or underhand, your choice. The sit-ups are laying on your back, feet flat on the floor with something or someone holding them down, arms across the chest gripping your biceps. You have to go up until your elbows touch your thighs.

Oh, that's real easy then, standard military situp form. I saw a pic on the OCS website; yeah they're touching elbows to thighs. Their pullups, provided underhand is allowed, is easy as well.

What are your running habits, timwhit? Obviously you're squared away on the training methods and drills, but I notice you mentioned your knees hurt in high school...

1. Got runner's shoes? (New Balance, Adidas, etc.) Had your running style analyzed and an appropriate pair of shoes assigned?

2. Do you stretch your IT bands?

3. Are you taking any joint health/cartilage supplements such as Glucosamine and MSM?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
adriel said:
The pull-ups are dead hang and can be either overhand or underhand, your choice. The sit-ups are laying on your back, feet flat on the floor with something or someone holding them down, arms across the chest gripping your biceps. You have to go up until your elbows touch your thighs.

Oh, that's real easy then, standard military situp form. I saw a pic on the OCS website; yeah they're touching elbows to thighs. Their pullups, provided underhand is allowed, is easy as well.

What are your running habits, timwhit? Obviously you're squared away on the training methods and drills, but I notice you mentioned your knees hurt in high school...

1. Got runner's shoes? (New Balance, Adidas, etc.) Had your running style analyzed and an appropriate pair of shoes assigned?

2. Do you stretch your IT bands?

3. Are you taking any joint health/cartilage supplements such as Glucosamine and MSM?

Sorry I never responded.
1) I have runners shoes, they are Nike. I have always worn Nike. I have narrow feet and Nike is one of only a couple brands that make shoes narrow enough for me.

2) I do now. I saw a sports trainer a couple weeks ago about a couple of problems that I was having. Including my knees, but he gave me some new stretches and other things to do and they are almost completely better.

3) I am not. Since I saw the trainer I haven't had nearly the amount of knee pain as before so I don't think I will need any kind of supplement. I just do a lot of stretching, ice knees, and strengthen my legs by doing squats and riding my bike.

Today I ran 6 miles in about 42 minutes, which equals out to about 7 minutes a mile. I was also able to do 83 military sit-ups in 2 minutes. I didn't do any pull-ups today, but they are proving to be the most difficult portion of the test.

Hopefully in a few weeks I will be able to smash the Marine Corps phystical fitness test.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
This thread got buried, but I was accepted into the Marine Corps officers candidate school. I leave for Quantico Virginia this Sunday, so I won't be around here until sometime mid-December (assuming I make it through without injury).

See you all in a few months.