mubs said:
Holy crap, you guys scare me. Is this the U.S. we're talking about or some third world country with no regard for the environment?
Uh, what Coug said is basically true. When George Bush the second took office many of his first days in office were spent reversing EPA policies set by the Clinton administration, in the name of fostering a pro-business environment.
I've never really been to Lake Michigan in Indiana. It's right out my brother's back door (and about 150 feet, down a steep hill etc), but if you can imagine it, there are steel mills ringing the lakeshore from the Indiana border that starts in Hammond all the way to the north-and-westmost bit of Indiana at Michigan City. There are four huge mills (US Steel/Gary Works, LTV, ISG/Burns Harbor, and US Steel/Midwest), and small strips of land in between for lakeshore housing, National Parks, State Parks, County Parks... I work about three minutes away from Indiana Dunes National Park, and I've never been there; never seen any reason to go. Any time you get close to the Lake, no matter where you are, you can point and say "There's the steam from the stacks at ________" or "And there's the Coke Oven where my cousin works."
Which, obviously, kind of ruins the point of visiting
Mt. Baldy.
Another view, so you understand why I'm not interested.