Seeing as this popped back up I am going to post my experience with the IOgear GCS1734:
-Video quality pass through is very good, sharp picture at 1600x1200@85Hz.
-Special extra buttons on mice pass through fine, but I can't use the speaker controls on my Saitek Eclipse keyboard for some reason.
-Not compatible with Logitech MX1000 (per mfg website not compatible with ANY wireless mouse) Symptoms; the mouse pointer jumps once and a while, some people could probably live with that.
-Rather picky on the keyboards too (not compatible with the PS/2 to USB Converters) Symptoms; does not work at all.
Symptoms; when the computer is in the BIOS or DOS utilities such as Partition Magic the keyboard and mouse work fine. Once windows xp is loaded the keyboard and mouse stop working for long periods of time, reset and work for a couple seconds and then stop again. This happens on ALL computers attached to the KVM.
Fix; Add in a USB PCI card and attach the KVM to that. Problem; will fix above problem, but you just lost another PCI slot for no reason AND you won't be able to use the keyboard in DOS utilities or BIOS.
From the manufacturer:
We are working with nForce on this issue. They have yet to supply a fix
for this. The only fix as of now is the USB card. I have no date for
when a fix will be out.
Service Support
-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Jalbert [mailto:scottjal@********.**]
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 8:17 PM
To: IOGEAR Support
Cc: IOGEAR Sales
Subject: GCS1734 need firmware update does not work with NVIDIA !!!
I have a couple new computers recently based on the very popular Nvidia
Nforce 4 SLI chipset and apparently based on my direct experience and
some research on the web the GCS1734 is just plain not compatible with
Nvidia chipset motherboards at all? Is this really true that this
product is not compatible with 80% of the AMD computers available today?
I need the firmware update for this KVM switch that fixes this problem.
Adding in another USB card is not an option in this case for all the
computers that won't work on this model switch.
Model: GCS1734
Serial: Z*********** and two others that I am not going to dig out at
the moment.
I am aware I came of as a jerk in that email but believe me that was pretty restrained at the time I figured this out.
I am totally kicking myself because I knew I was going out on a ledge when I decided that USB mice/keyboard was an OK move, I have always been a big fan of the PS/2 HID's because they ALWAYS WORK EVERY TIME in DOS, windows whatever.