Of course, if I could adulterate my filth, I'd be able to post it. Consider that an offer for UNadulterated filth, instead.
While we're at it, AOL paid $4 billion for Netscape in 1998. At the time, Netscape's core assets were its browser, its various server products and the X million hits per day at the netscape.com portal site. Perhaps most valuable of all, AOL purchased the rights to sue the pants off Microsoft.
... The netscape.com portal died as a popular destination, to the best of my knowledge, by about mid-2000.
The browser was never adopted by AOL, and languished until late milestone releases of Mozilla. It remains, by most standards, a niche product.
The server products were adopted by sun. I believe they're still all being developed.
In short, today AOL wrote off $4 billion dollars with a $750M bribe. How about that.
In other news, Richard Parsons has just pulled ahead of Bill Gates and Jen-Hsun Huang in the "Person I most would like to see rectally violated with a bowling ball covered with fine-grit sandpaper or Verne Troyer" race.
I know, it's AOL. I shouldn't expect any better.
Is it too late to stop hoping for the "Spontaneous Building Collapse" thing?