Old news - VIA KT400A confirmed


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Tannin said:
(FIC? Was the AZ-11 one of FIC's hybrid AMD/VIA boards? Or am I thinking of the SD-11?)

I upgraded a system that had that motherboard three weeks ago. Nice board, albeit a bit too large to my taste.

It's strange how manufacturers seem to selectively ship their bad products in a certain region of Australia while I almost always get stuff that just work, no matter what's the chipset or motherboard manufacturer. SiS, nVidia, VIA and ATI. AMD like Intel. Even IBM drives. Of course, I've had a few DOA here and then, but nothing related to a specific chipset.

And since when is Jetway a part of ECS?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
Zince Mercutio zaid zo.

If you zhipped a bit more product, Coug, you'd get more dudz too. And if you bitched az much az Tannin doez, Quebec would be independant by now. Or pozzibly radioactive glazz. Tannin expectz perfection. Zometimez he getz it. Heard him complain about Zamzung hard drivez? Mitzubizhi monitorz? Gigabyte motherboardz? Leadtek video cardz? Zamsung keyboardz? Epzon printerz? Logitech mouzez?


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Cougtek said:
since when is Jetway a part of ECS?
I thought it was common knowledge...Jetway, PCChips...I think Houston...and about a zillion other sister companies or aliases.

Tannin: I know you said your list wasn't exhaustive, but I thought I'd point out you skipped the Sis745.



Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Tea, if you could, please direct Tannin's attention to my earlier question:

CityK said:
Tannin said:
The retail boxed one was OK, we had a small number of those too, and no problem to speak of, but the allegedly "identical" OEM version was appallingly bad.

I'm curious about the packaging of the OEM boards - how does it differ from the retail? Do you mean you buy preconfigured systems (say from like a DELL OEM) and the MSI board was inside....or do you order in "OEM boards" which you would place into a system package your store offers ...or are these boards that any end user who walks into the store can purchase off the shelf?


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
The retail ones, CK, were just what you'd expect: the usual lush MSI packaging, all the trimmings.

The OEM ones, which were billed as being exactly the same, came in an anti-static bag with (I think - it's a long time ago now, long enough for the two year warranty to have run out) just a manual and a driver CD. Was the manual different? Can't remember. There were a few little things missing - can't remember what, nothing important, jus that the box looked sort of empty. And the box wasn't from MSI, it was a generic "Legend" box provided by the wholesaler. Perfectly solid enough for shipping in, but no frills at all. Presumably. Legend bought them in boxes of 20 or something, packed loose in cardboard slots with just the anti-static bags.

The boards themselves were marked MSI KTsomething LITE. They were supposed to be the same exact boards as the retail ones but they were not. They looked sort of low rent - I forget why, but I remember looking at them and feeling a bit sort of disappointed. They were for sale in the ordinary wholesale way, though I don't think you would have been able to just order one at retail. They were obviously intended for the larger OEMs who buy in carton or multi-carton quantities. (If they's been worth a pinch of donkey poop, I'd have done that myself.)

Err ... did I leave anything out? Mention that Legend were (I think) an official MSI dristributor? Good guys, anyway. They always honoured the warranties on them. I wonder how many they got sent back? Probably hundreds and hundreds of them, if mine were any guide!


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
CityK said:
Cougtek said:
since when is Jetway a part of ECS?
I thought it was common knowledge...Jetway, PCChips...I think Houston...and about a zillion other sister companies or aliases.
Common knowledge? PCChips is obvious, Houston I know, but Jetway, nada. If they would be part of ECS, then why would they post their sales results separately? Same goes for Acorp, that has been assosciated to ECS by one of our very wordy prominent member (hint : not Mercutio). If those two companies are part of ECS, please tell me where you saw that.

Besides, you guys are missing the point when acusing ECS of being the worst thing ever in term of quality. It isn't PCChips that bought ECS, it's ECS that bought PCChips. Saying that all ECS boards are crap simply because they own PCChips is like insinuating that all IBM CPUs have poor floating point performances simply because they once owned Cyrix. Get over it and see what's on the table now, not yesterday.


Storage? I am Storage!
Oct 12, 2002
Kansas City, USA
The difference is that IBM has proven their chips can have excellent FPU performance. ECS has not proven that they have impecable quality... quite the contrary, they have shown that they have middling or mixed quality. I've asked several shops about ECS(shops that sold ECS), none of them place ECS very highly.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Sep 2, 2002
Cougtek said:
Common knowledge? PCChips is obvious, Houston I know, but Jetway, nada. If they would be part of ECS, then why would they post their sales results separately? Same goes for Acorp, that has been assosciated to ECS by one of our very wordy prominent member (hint : not Mercutio). If those two companies are part of ECS, please tell me where you saw that.
I stand corrected on Jetway. Have no idea about Acorp...nor really care :wink:....The point I was trying to make was that there are several boards directly associated with ECS....looking for them would probably be a waste of time....or an excercise left for those willing to find out.

Besides, you guys are missing the point when acusing ECS of being the worst thing ever in term of quality...Get over it and see what's on the table now, not yesterday.
Don't know if you included me into the "you guys" category, but my opinion of the one ECS board I've owned isn't inflammatory in any respect....like I've said, its not bad, but its nothing special either.

Tannin: thanks for differentiating. My follow up question would be - do you think they were manufactured at MSI facillities and shipped to the distributer, or do you think the Legend boards came from one of MSI's OEM manufacturers?
