Hairy Aussie
I'm again dying of boredom. If someone is going to watch Once Upon A Time In Mexico this evening, please tell me if it worthes the price of the entry ticket. This isn't a movie I would usually be tempted to see, but the presence of Jonhy Depp among the cast tells it might be good. His last few movies were usually quite entertaining (especially Pirates Of The Caribeans and Sleepy Hollow).
I have absolutely nothing, and I do mean nophing, to do this evening. I'm in my off-day for my physical training and my budget doesn't allow me any expensive entertainment. Nothing interesting on TV. Plus, my bicycle is broken (not my temper this time) so no ride in the nature. I will probably try Mandrake 9.2 RC2 later this evening to witness once again that it fails to setup correctly my LAN connection, but I would rather do something else than play on my damn computers again. ...And I don't get along very well with people frequenting bars. The music they listen's horrible :errr:
I have absolutely nothing, and I do mean nophing, to do this evening. I'm in my off-day for my physical training and my budget doesn't allow me any expensive entertainment. Nothing interesting on TV. Plus, my bicycle is broken (not my temper this time) so no ride in the nature. I will probably try Mandrake 9.2 RC2 later this evening to witness once again that it fails to setup correctly my LAN connection, but I would rather do something else than play on my damn computers again. ...And I don't get along very well with people frequenting bars. The music they listen's horrible :errr: