OS/2 - I need to get warped.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I need to get a refresh on OS/2 because I might have to use it at work soon and I don't want to look like a noob. Last time I used it was 1996 IIRC.

It would be great if I could have a kind of evaluation copy à la Windows .Net Server 2003 beta builds fom earlier this year. Last time I checked, IBM was asking criminaly high prices for legal, full copies of the latest version.

Anyone (meaning Tannin) knows if I could grab a resonnably modern version of the warped OS and how?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Not too long ago I ran into a site that was basically a repository of x86 Operating System installers. Stuff like Windows 1.0, DOS 2.1, CP/M and quite a few things that were obscure enough that I couldn't immediately place them.

I read this thead and immediately thought of that site, but alas, I can't find it again. Now I'm left with a feeling very much like the last time I lost a very important business card.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Tea said:
I probably have a spare licence or two, Coug. I'll have a hunt around when I get back. (Tree planting again this weekend.)
How would it cost to ship a copy here? If you're whiling to separate yourself from one of those, of course.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
27a No Fixed Address, Oz.
The cost would be very small, Coug, and it would be my pleasure to ship it to you. But first I have to dig Tannin out and make him look high and low for it. There are bound to be spare ones around - we were an IBM OEM and used to buy 20-pack cartons of Warp 4 to sell with new systems - but that was a long time go. Tannin never throws anything out, but he can be very disorganised, so the lord only knows where we should start looking.

In the old days (such as about this time last year), time management wasn't too much of a problem for him: if he was flat out he could just ask me to help. Given a sufficiency of bananas, that I'm always willing to do. Alas, he has over-committed himself to the point where I seem to be working a 17-day week at present, never mind the old boy.

I'm wondering if it's allowed for imaginary people (like me) to invent extra imaginary people to help out? Or are only real people allowed to invent imaginary people? We certainly need to be three of us.

I've got to rush off to Benalla again now to plant some more trees. But when I get back I'll see if I can scare the old bugger into action.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Merc said:
Not too long ago I ran into a site that was basically a repository of x86 Operating System installers. Stuff like Windows 1.0, DOS 2.1, CP/M and quite a few things that were obscure enough that I couldn't immediately place them.

I read this thead and immediately thought of that site, but alas, I can't find it again. Now I'm left with a feeling very much like the last time I lost a very important business card.

Abandonware more OSes here. No links to download. Seems more like a compilation.

Oldversion.com more apps here. Can download.