Storage? I am Storage!
OK, seeing as the topic is live right now, let's try a little thought-experiment. Imagine that web browsers were like operating systems or office software (ignoring OO and Linux) - i.e., that there was no such thing as a free web browser.
I'm asking you to imagine, in other words, that Windows ships with no browsers installed, and that you normally get onto the Internet by walking down to your local shop and buying a web browser in a shrink-wrapped box.
On the shelf there are a number of packages. You have $100. There is IE 6.0, Mozilla 1.7, Opera 6.0, Netscape 4.08, IE 5.5, and so on.
What is the most that you would pay for each of the browsers that you are interested in? (Remember, for the purposes of my little thought experiment, there is no such thing as a free one.)
I'll work an example.
Mozilla 1.7 or similar: $100
Mozilla 0.8: $5
Firefox 1.x: $40
Opera 6.0: $30 (would have paid $100 back when it was current)
Opera 7.5: couldn't give it away
Opera 8.x: still trying it, possibly as much as $80
Opera 8 with Opera 6 interface (imaginary product): $100
Netscape 4.x: couldn't give it away
IE 4.0: couldn't give it away
IE 5.0: $10
IE 5.5: $5
IE 6.0: $20
I'm asking you to imagine, in other words, that Windows ships with no browsers installed, and that you normally get onto the Internet by walking down to your local shop and buying a web browser in a shrink-wrapped box.
On the shelf there are a number of packages. You have $100. There is IE 6.0, Mozilla 1.7, Opera 6.0, Netscape 4.08, IE 5.5, and so on.
What is the most that you would pay for each of the browsers that you are interested in? (Remember, for the purposes of my little thought experiment, there is no such thing as a free one.)
I'll work an example.
Mozilla 1.7 or similar: $100
Mozilla 0.8: $5
Firefox 1.x: $40
Opera 6.0: $30 (would have paid $100 back when it was current)
Opera 7.5: couldn't give it away
Opera 8.x: still trying it, possibly as much as $80
Opera 8 with Opera 6 interface (imaginary product): $100
Netscape 4.x: couldn't give it away
IE 4.0: couldn't give it away
IE 5.0: $10
IE 5.5: $5
IE 6.0: $20