A while ago I dropped a random tidbit into the something random thread.
Today I got the response. "Print it".
I'm planning on taking one of the copiers off-line and dedicating it to this for a day. It would be fantastic if I could just queue all the jobs and add paper as needed (it has a 5,000-page hopper). Any recommended app/procedure for printing all these PDFs?
Large would be an understatement. It is over 1,100 files that are each between 3 and 33 pages long. My estimate would be between 10,000 and 17,000 pages; that is a stack 3-6 feet tall. Our fastest printer would take four to seven hours to finish it. It took nearly three hours to download, and would fill 2 CDs.
Looking at each page for 3 seconds would take 8-12 hours. I don't see and index, and they are not numbered logically. They are also not searchable. This is what lawyers do when they don't like you.
Lets meet and discuss a better way of getting what you need.
Today I got the response. "Print it".
I'm planning on taking one of the copiers off-line and dedicating it to this for a day. It would be fantastic if I could just queue all the jobs and add paper as needed (it has a 5,000-page hopper). Any recommended app/procedure for printing all these PDFs?