Retrieving key from BIOS? (Win8.1)


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
As some of you predicted, I have started to reformat my hard drive with a fresh copy of Windows 8.1. I'm doing it in BIOS mode so I don't have to deal with UEFI. However, I can't seem to grab my key from the BIOS. I've tried RW-Everything, going to the ACPI tab and all that. But it won't load the ACPI tables! It literally runs out of memory. I've already gone to the trouble of wiping out my GPT table so if I have to remake it and then install it in UEFI mode to find my key I am going to be supremely pissed.

What's worse is that Toshiba did not include a traditional drivers disc. So I have to figure out exactly what's in there so I can download the drivers for it all. Oh wait, I already did, and it was almost a half a GB download. FOR DRIVERS. THREE OF THEM.

... Why? Why do this? Y U DO DIS TOSHIBA?


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I decided to say "screw it" and leave Kubuntu on there. I'm so tired of trying to find fix after fix after fix for Windows to no avail. True, with Kubuntu I also have to find fix after fix, but at least I actually can fix my problems with that, If I have to have Windows I can just install my old Home Premium license from my Dell that I'm not using. At least the key for that one's in plain sight! Let's see how PlayOnLinux handles Skyrim on underpowered hardware.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Most modern laptops have their product key stickers inside the battery compartment.
Also, since legality probably isn't a concern for you, it's relatively easy to get a KMS Activator to use with a copy of Windows Enterprise editions.

I'm not a huge fan of using UEFI either. I can't seem to get a Sysprep image working in a properly universal fashion with UEFI, but I've also run in to notebooks that absolutely don't allow it to be turned off.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
No key in the BIOS, no key anywhere physical. The only place the key was included was in Toshiba's recovery program. It also said it plain as day in the System Properties window, looking back I probably should've looked at that.

I ended up putting 8.1 Pro on here and using the KMS activator as you said, and it's even back in UEFI mode. I thought it would've picked up the key if I put it back in UEFI mode, but it didn't. Oh well. Not putting it back in BIOS mode, I've already installed everything back to the way it was. Mostly.

While Kubuntu was on here (it decided to screw up while installing updates so it would boot but X wouldn't start, and I was done screwing with it) I took KDE 5 for a test spin.

It's got issues, I daresay more than KDE 4 had at launch. Thankfully most are graphical, having to do with window redraws, and the underlying shell is mostly stable. If I had that theme for KDE 4.13 it would be nothing short of perfect.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
As some of you predicted, I have started to reformat my hard drive with a fresh copy of Windows 8.1. I'm doing it in BIOS mode so I don't have to deal with UEFI. However, I can't seem to grab my key from the BIOS. I've tried RW-Everything, going to the ACPI tab and all that. But it won't load the ACPI tables! It literally runs out of memory. I've already gone to the trouble of wiping out my GPT table so if I have to remake it and then install it in UEFI mode to find my key I am going to be supremely pissed.

What's worse is that Toshiba did not include a traditional drivers disc. So I have to figure out exactly what's in there so I can download the drivers for it all. Oh wait, I already did, and it was almost a half a GB download. FOR DRIVERS. THREE OF THEM.

... Why? Why do this? Y U DO DIS TOSHIBA?

I typically make a backup image of the C: drive before even booting the first time. Maybe it's too late but consider some backup (disc imaging) next time.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I'm thinking sedrosken would have a hard time coming up with a ~20GB flash drive or the like to back up on to.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I happen to have a 32GB one that I got for my birthday. As I already moved most of my stuff on here from another machine, it... was nowhere near enough. I had to make the backup to another machine using multiple "trips," so to speak, as I had well over 100 GB to transfer. I'm... not thrilled to have to do it again...

I managed to find my original key. Imagine that, it was sitting in the BIOS this whole time. I know how to modify the EI.cfg file when I go to make my bootable flash drive. But to get out of having to copy everything all over again I will probably just install the genuine copy to a different partition, copy all the stuff over and then get rid of the Pro partition.

The smart thing to do would be to install windows on my Sempron, which has a 250GB hdd, and then copy everything over a null ethernet cable I have around here somewhere. I was so proud of myself when I made it, I happened to have an RJ45 crimper and read about switching a couple wires to get a network working with nothing more than a cable. Now just look at it... both ends are missing their plastic retaining tabs... it's sad really. Anyway, after I copy everything over, I can just reformat and be done with it.

I'll probably go with the latter, just because it's easy (although not entirely quick). I'll say what I want about Windows, but communication between two Windows machines is about as easy as it gets. I have to admit that much.

I copied/pasted all three keys that popped up. The one without a name, I presume it's the one I'm using right now, the one from the MSDM tab, and the IE one. One of them has to work. Although I'm not entirely sure that I can use one meant for "With Bing" on installation media without Update 1 and originally meant for "Pro" installs.

Wish me luck, God knows I'm going to need it if I want to so much as hope to retain my sanity after all this.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
Well. I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that I found a really easy way to back up, provided you have another Windows XP+ PC lying around with a reasonably big HDD, and a null ethernet cable or some form of home network.

The bad news is that I'm still running an illegal copy of Windows 8.1 Pro.

My install media wouldn't use my key. At all. Period. I deleted EI.cfg so it would ask for a key, and every last one that I had handy failed.

At this point, I'm thinking about grabbing a known-working 8.1 with Bing iso next month when our data counter resets. If I can get it straight from Microsoft, great. If not, oh well. I have a genuine key so it shouldn't be a big deal.


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
Do you happen to the have OS Restore media for the laptop? Why not use that if you have it. (Did it come with the laptop, or did you have to burn the DVDs yourself based on recovery software in the initial install?) Either way, Toshiba should be able to provide the media (or a download link) for you, as required by their OEM agreement with Microsoft.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I can order a copy of the recovery media. They really want you to make it yourself, using the media already on the computer. If you can't do that, you have to order it. How about no. I'll just find a working Windows 8.1 with Bing iso, thank you very much.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I can't order it, I am el broke-o.

I can't torrent it, we have limited wi-fi at home and the connections at the college are most definitely monitored.

I'll just keep using my KMS activated Pro copy. It's not like much has changed between the base version and Pro. I highly doubt MS really cares, especially given my circumstances of being trapped between a rock and a hard place. At this point I wouldn't even want to reformat again anyway. I have just about everything set up the way I want it, and I've started using this laptop for note-taking so it's current OS install just got flagged as "protect at all costs."


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Dude. Evernote. Or OneNote. Whatever. Get that crap synchronized with Gdrive or Skydrive or something. Your notes are more important than an OS install or a single device, man. There's no reason in 2014 to tie any of that to a single software install or piece of hardware.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
I can't order it, I am el broke-o.

I can't torrent it, we have limited wi-fi at home and the connections at the college are most definitely monitored.

I'll just keep using my KMS activated Pro copy. It's not like much has changed between the base version and Pro. I highly doubt MS really cares, especially given my circumstances of being trapped between a rock and a hard place. At this point I wouldn't even want to reformat again anyway. I have just about everything set up the way I want it, and I've started using this laptop for note-taking so it's current OS install just got flagged as "protect at all costs."

I give you two weeks before you wipe it and install Linux.

Please don't use OneNote.


Florida Man
Nov 20, 2013
Eglin AFB Area
I'm fast getting to the point where as long as it boots up and lets me do what I want to reasonably quickly, I don't care anymore. I'm just so tired of hopping OSes. It seems that Windows is the only real viable solution for all of my needs at the moment.

... OneNote? Pfft, ha. Nope. I'm using a combination of Evernote and specially-crafted Word templates.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I'm fast getting to the point where as long as it boots up and lets me do what I want to reasonably quickly, I don't care anymore. I'm just so tired of hopping OSes. It seems that Windows is the only real viable solution for all of my needs at the moment.

Learning fast. It took me til I was 25 to get there.