It looks to me like you're trying to find a champagne problem for a boxed wine solution. Why do you have to wait until you can go super silly fast when you could go crazy fast now?
You need to get out of this mindset of, I have all of this infrastructure and should use it. You don't need technology security blankets anymore.
Pick the best solution that fits your budget. Throw away all of the slots, cards, and drives that you already have if you can get to a better place without them. They're a sunk cost.
Sechs: I DO listen. You are one of the few people who has made the transition from SCSI/SAS to SSD and posted about it. IIRC, you said:
"I finally got the Vertex that I ordered and installed Windows on it. It's a lot less impressive than I'd been lead to believe.
It's definitely faster than the 10k SAS drive that it displaced. Windows gets to a useable state much faster, and Photoshop CS4 loads pretty quick. But it's not the whiz-bang wow speeds that a lot of people on the Internet have been reporting.
It is a lot cooler and seems to run on less power (which is not that hard to do). Definitely, at this performance level, it would be worth specifying SSDs as an upgrade for some laptop users.
What needs to happen is for prices to come down. I can't imagine putting anything less than a 60GB drive in a user's computer these days, but~$175 is a bit steep. And really, the folks who are willing to shell out, really want/need much larger drives, which may involve the trading of unborn children.
I see prices falling now. When should we expect the next generation of drives to be on the market? "
I can't imagine why one of these companies hasn't come out with a IDE solution, using the full 125 mb/sec for laptops, cheap, SSD. I'm sure someday someone will figure out there is a HUGE market, and fill it.
You compare it to a 10k SAS. I have two, raided 15k's, on a VERY fast raid controller, in RAID 0, so, I figured from your comments that the speed difference wouldn't be THAT much. In comparing my two cheetah raid 0 to the velociaraptor, general feeling is the Cheetah raid is about 2-4 times faster, at least, in similar tasks. My experience with SCSI 10k's is they are about the same, or a bit faster then the VR. Maybe a hair faster, and, I work on a 10k Cheetah boot drive system that is identical to the VR system, in my house, as well.
I also agree with your comments on the pricing for SSD's. I still think I'll wait until prices drop enough to be able to Raid 0 a couple of them, for the reasons you posted above, or,
when one of my drives finally dies.
Working on the other two boxes in the house reminds me that you all helped a tremendous amount, and, that nearly 10 years later, the system has not become obselete at any of the tasks I use it for. In fact, I'm delighted with how fast the SCSI system is.