Hairy Aussie
There are a lot of SDS solutions out there. What's your favorite and why?
Listing a few : (still in development)
Also Ceph/Rook and GlusterFS, although I feel there are better alternatives nowadays.
I left out WekaIO, Portworkx, Datacore (which acquired MayaData) and Spectrum Scale, but all have interesting features.
StorageOS became Ondat and has since been acquired by Akamai last Spring.
Not all of them are equal. Not all of them have the same purpose.
Listing a few :

Home - BeeGFS - The Leading Parallel Cluster File System
BeeGFS is a high-performance parallel file system that accelerates some of the world largest super computers. Learn more

Mayastor | OpenEBS Docs
In this document you will learn about Mayastor and it's design goals.

MinIO | S3 Compatible Storage for AI
MinIO's High Performance Object Storage is Open Source, Amazon S3 compatible, Kubernetes Native and is designed for cloud native workloads like AI.

OpenDrives | Custom Media Storage Solutions
OpenDrives empowers innovators with unimpeded and unlimited access to content and data. Access your content more easily with OpenDrives.

World's Easiest High-Performance AI Storage - Quobyte
Quobyte is the world's easiest high-performance scale-out storage for AI, HPC, and Life Sciences.

StorPool Storage-fastest and most efficient block storage for cloud builders
StorPool is designed from the ground up to provide cloud builders, shared hosting providers and MSPs with the most resource efficient storage software on the market. It is faster, more reliable and scalable. Our systems starts from 500 000+ IOPS and 0.2 ms of latency! High performance, low...

Compare TrueNAS Editions - Powerful Storage Platform
TrueNAS is the ultimate Open Source storage platform. Choose from CORE, Enterprise, or SCALE to get the best performance and reliability.

Also Ceph/Rook and GlusterFS, although I feel there are better alternatives nowadays.
I left out WekaIO, Portworkx, Datacore (which acquired MayaData) and Spectrum Scale, but all have interesting features.
StorageOS became Ondat and has since been acquired by Akamai last Spring.
Not all of them are equal. Not all of them have the same purpose.