EGS is just Steam with shadier business practices, at least as far as DRM is concerned. I refuse to give them my money and I'm one of those obnoxious ones who think you shouldn't either.
I'm fine, don't worry. I was given one as part of my "home care" kit when I left the hospital after getting tested. My symptoms were surprisingly mild considering my co-morbidities, and I'm over it now. Worst my O2 saturation ever got was, like, 92, and that was when I was asleep. Typical awake values were anything above 96. Most of my problem was mental, really.Are you ok? Do you have a pulse oximeter?
I know too many people that only got it once, most recently a classmate of mine from the 70s.I know someone who has been diagnosed with Covid five different times now. She works at the pharmacy in a grocery store in Florida, where the culture of masking and social distancing is barely even a suggestion, even though she wears hers more or less constantly.
Do you have an EAP available through your employer?Yeah, I try to limit my exposure to the outside world for that reason -- I live in northwest Florida now, or lower alabama as the locals sometimes call it, and I was once cursed at just for wearing my mask, not even suggesting that anyone else should wear one. This was my second go around and while I was extremely lucky my symptoms were so mild, I seriously do not want another repeat performance. Next time the anxiety alone might do me in.
I've been in that exact position my entire life. Once I aged off my father's plan in college I had no health insurance. I'm a little less than 6 years away from Medicare. I was hoping Biden would lower the age to 55 or 60 but so far it doesn't look that way.I also have no affordable health care option. Indiana did everything it could to make sure that the ACA was implemented as poorly as possible, and I can't bring myself to pay $400/month for a health plan with a $15,000 deductible and no other benefits. I also work for a small business with no mandate to offer coverage (in fact, I've never been offered health care at any job I've ever had). My saving grace is that I know several physicians and NPs well enough that I can get prescriptions and many services at cost.
You should just look natural. Nobody wants an oversmiling OR crazy looking tech employee.![]()
So they don't want you to leave, is that it?I also have blue and pink hair, something that my employer actively supports.
So four years later Nadal has 21 in what may be the best AO final ever. I can hardly believe it.We saw some of his semifinal against Marin Čilić.
Didn't see the final, but no question he deserved his twentieth. Can't think of any other male who has dominated such an athletic sport for so long. Very nearly the oldest Grand Slam winner of all time, only pipped by Ken Rosewall back in 1972 at the age of 37. And with all deference to Ken (whom I idolized as a little kid - I even had one of his signature racquets), his level of athleticism was nowhere near Roger's.
At 36 and six months, Roger Federer is still number two in the world. He was almost number one yet again in 2017, save for his withdrawal from the Cinnicannti Masters to try to rest before the US Open. That's after massive downtime in 2016 including knee surgery and ultimately having to take six months off after a re-occurrence.
He has also been voted by his peers to receive the tour Sportsmanship Award a record thirteen times. That attitude in particular is what makes Roger Federer the ultimate sporting hero.
So they don't want you to leave, is that it?
Some people just photograph poorly. I'm like that as well. On the other hand I completely refuse to interact with Linkedin or anything else that smacks of social media so it probably doesn't matter. I also have blue and pink hair, something that my employer actively supports.
Security I get the feeling I'm going in completely blind on.
Security+ is something that is really only a big deal for people wanting to do IT work for governments. If you're actually going in to a security field, it's extremely basic, but also a lot more than most general IT people learn. A+ and Network+ are a good general purpose foundation for anybody.
As an anecdotal viewpoint, most of the people I've worked with in both big corp and startup rarely advertise or even have any of the certs mentioned above. I'm not saying they have no value, just not to get hung up on having the cert or thinking it's 100% required to get into a decent position.
I'm one of them. Yes, I brush regularly. Unfortunately I have a sweet tooth. And for much of my life I haven't had the money to keep up with dental work. Cavities end up becoming root canals and crowns instead once I do have the money to go the dentist. And now the pandemic added a new wrinkle. I have four teeth with issues. Most of it started after the pandemic did. Needless to say, I don't feel comfortable being in a situation where it's impossible to wear a mask. I don't trust people to follow proper procedures, either. If we were so great at doing that close to a million people wouldn't be dead now. So I'll have wait until covid is over. In the meantime I've used some of the stuff dentists use to make temporary crowns. I still have 29 of my 32 teeth in some form or another, but it looks like at least two of the teeth are in bad enough shape to need crowns and root canals. That's in addition to ones which already have crowns and root canals. The front teeth though are in great shape. Never even had a cavity.Most people eventually regret not taking care of their teeth as well as they could have.![]()
Unfortunately, people usually go in only one direction as they age. The biggest thing is she just lost any desire to walk in late 2017. She had a hematoma in the brain which they fixed. It may have affected her balance, among other things. The reason we put her in the hospital in late 2017 was we thought not walking was due to joint issues. Then they found the hematoma. But ever since, I have to wheel her around. She can bear her own weight when I stand her up, so muscle tone isn't the problem. Mentally, she started going downhill I'd say about ten years ago. It just got really bad maybe by 2016.Congrats on retirement and sorry that caring for your. I'm has been more intensive, that has to be really difficult. She's lucky to have you there for her.
I hear you. I love to tinker but even retired I can't do much of it with the constant interruptions caring for my mother entails. I don't miss working at all though. I was never one of those people whose identity is tied up in their job. To me working was just a means to an end, the end being eventual retirement.I'm definitely tired and burned out a bit from this industry and would love to retire so I can go back to tinkering and enjoying tech versus being pessimistic about it. My previous company got acquired back in Dec 2021 so I'm now back to big corporate for a while. I've also been maxing out tax efficient retirement accounts and save as much as I can elsewhere in growth funds. It's tough to know what the right number is but some days it feels like enough.
If they do nothing with Social Security, it'll mean a roughly 20 something percent cut in benefits around the time I start collecting. However, I doubt they would do an across the board cut. They'll probably cut the benefits of those getting large amounts by more so those at or under the poverty line don't get cuts.Unfortunately right now I really don't make enough to properly contribute to retirement savings, that'll happen later on or possibly not at all depending on how bad things get in the future. By the time I'm old enough, if they stop moving the goalposts that is, there likely won't be any social security anymore -- it'll have been gutted as an austerity measure, if the government's around at all. We're already rapidly backsliding to a society where you work until you die.