Storage? I am Storage!
I post from work and home. The huge amount of knowledge and talent here ( on all subjects) has helped me emensly.
Bozo :joker:
Bozo :joker:
udaman is not consistently relevant; but such is the way of the "something random" thread![]()
OK, weel I dont undersatnd the revelance of half of that.
Where is everyone today?
Where is everyone today?
Refreshing this page 40x times a minute.... :joker:
Sorry, building new servers... I've got 8x SBS boxes to build over the next week.
... and there was a guy there who had a bear in a cage being towed behind his truck.
Is that legal? Poor bear, being carted around like that.
We were hoping the cancer would go into remission as it had a few years ago. No such luck. My uncle was a heavy smoker, so little doubt that was a strong contibuting factor.69 is young? That beats anyone in my family's history (both sides!).
A friend's mother died list week at 58.
My condolences to you and your family, but what exactly were you hoping for?
I've never considered age a good metric for having a good life.
I'll agree quality of life is more important than age but nothing worse than working your whole life, then not having much of a retirement because you die fairly young. My uncle was only retired a few years. Because he got sick, they weren't as good years as they could have been. Even my dad, who retired about 4 months short of 60, had less than 12 years of retirement. His quality of life wasn't that great on account of his weight and poor diet. IMHO the taste of food in your mouth isn't worth it if it kills you early. When you die young it's those you leave behind who suffer the most. If me or my brother ever got married our father wouldn't be there to see it. Considering that it was mostly crappy food like bacon, sausage, twinkies, hot dogs, etc. which ruined my father's health, I don't see how it was worth it. I'm personally going for quality and quantity of life. No matter how good my life might be, or what I do, I want to live to see all the fascinating advances which will occur in the coming years. I want to see us go to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, perhaps even the nearest stars. I want to see an end to war. I want to see us finally become good stewards of the earth. I'm aiming to make it at least to the 22 century. Hopefully taking care of myself combined with some advances in medicine will make this possible. I feel the day will come when people regularly live to 150 or beyond, perhaps even not die at all. I'd like to be around to see it.I've never considered age a good metric for having a good life.
Most of my family functions just fine until they're close to dying. My other uncle is 80. He still walks 3 miles a day. He had an operation for an aortal aneurism not long ago. That could have killed him prematurely but thankfully they picked it up. One of my great aunts (maternal grandmother's sister) was tending tomatoes in her garden at 90. Almost all these people had all their mental faculties right up to the end. I think my other great aunt (the one who made it to 99) was a little dotty the last few years but what do you expect? Given what we know about health, there's no reason most people can't lead healthy, productive lives well into their 80s at least, if not beyond.LOST6200 said:Defintaivekly! Por examplar, if somone has a poor quality of life in teir 50s, what is the point of living all to way to sufeer in the 80s+? Espsicailly that may the effects epople with low financial and familial supprots.
You're lucky to have a lifestyle where you can do this. A lot of people are stuck in 9-to-5 jobs for whatever reason, and at most get a week or two off a year. The last time I worked for someone else we didn't even get vacations, either paid or unpaid. You got fired even if you were sick for more than a few days. I've known people like my mother's father who have worked 50+ years and never had anything except weekends off. He even worked 6 days a week for a good portion of his life.I'm definatly not waiting until I'm older to "retire"; counting on a big payoff later sounds like a good way to get ripped off. I already take a 3-6 month vacation every 3-5 years, and try to take 4-10 day vacations every couple months. Seeing the world one bit at a time, and not being worried about when I go.
(Late post. This is from Friday, 10/5)
On this day in 1991, the first official version of the Linux kernel, version 0.02, was released. In 1984, Marc Garneau became the first Canadian in space, aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. In 1973, the European Patent Convention was signed. In 1970, PBS became a television network. In 1969, Monty Python's Flying Circus aired its first episode on the BBC. Also in the UK, in 1962, this date saw the release of the first James Bond movie and first single by The Beatles. And in 1905, Wilbur Wright piloted Wright Flyer III 24 miles in 39 minutes, a world record that stood until 1908. Happy Birthday Nicky Hilton (1983), Kate Winslet (1975), Mario Lemieux and Patrick Roy (1965), Michael Andretti (1962), Daniel Baldwin (1960), Bernie Mac (1958 ), Karen Allen (1951), Steve Miller (1943), Donald Pleasence (1919) and Ray Kroc (1902). RIP Rodney Dangerfield (d. 2004).
"If you want to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe."
- Carl Sagan
My lifestyle is definatly a choice, my income is perhaps 25% of what it could be were I to "apply myself" as I used to. Many people may feel forced to work insane hours, but I suspect that most of it is self-imposed. These vacations I speak of are not granted; they are either endured by my employers/clients, or I quit. I consider them more mandatory than the job.
Anyway, Sugar Ray had to be warned, in return, that he might not find time to enjoy his projected trip to the Philippines.
“Look at these fans now all monkeying on your back?”
“What about?” he asked again.
“There would be millions of them all over there.”
“No problem, I’d love it that way, but did you say there’s no winter out there?”
“No, but we have the finest summers in the world.”
“What do you mean?”
“We have the greatest sea resorts, corals, unforgettable days in the sun, endless white-sand beaches, some smooth as talcum powder.”
“Oh, shucks. Forget it.”
End of conversation.