A friend sent me an email loaded with picture attachments. In the body of the mail, he repeated, about 15 times, "I will not complain about my kids anymore". I understood why when I looked at the pics. It's unbelievable what people do to themselves. Eg. one guy had pierced his ear lobes and had a soda can stuck in each. There were pics of guys with studs implanted all over their face, including many that surely interfered with their ability to speak / drink / eat. It got grosser and weirder with each pic. Pure masochism. Sometimes I think there are aliens living amongst us.
Yeah, pretty gross, but it's what you don't see...don't go there

, pierced nipples both male/female, pierced genitalia...ewwww! Bad enough they tatoo those areas.
I guess it's just a matter of what you like. My girlfriend has tattoos and I like them on her (and I like them on other women). In general I like them to a certain extent along with piercings. If 90% of a woman's body is covered with them I think that's a bit much (same with piercings mubs described). I really don't see anything wrong with it but understand it's not for everyone.
Hmm. I mean ummm, Ms Aqua GUI had that pierced tongue, stunning beauty, the only other part of her body pierced was typical lower ear lobs for hoop ear rings...course last time I saw her at Vidal Sasson, she' put on a little weight, freshman 15, or maybe 5, in finishing up school at coumminity college. Oh yeah, on her, that pieced tongue was very mentally stimulating. Now the typical Melrose wanna be's that are students at Vidal Sasson Academy which just raised the price on the 40wk program to $22k, they look yucky, lots of excessively large tats all over too, in addition to pierced lips and what not.
Well Jessica Alba has one on the back of her neck, inside of one of her wrists I think, not sure about the others. Either way, I'd lick every single one of them

. Now I don't understand why women keep saying they are getting these tats at or below their hiphugger pants/jeans line, especially on their arses, which they always refer to as 'my lower back'..yeah right! It's there as a tease, they obviously want it bad, doggy style.
No-one ever posts on weekends...do you guys have, like, lives? Or something?
Trolling for posts, eh?

sarcasm will get you everywhere.
I'm recuperating from some strange adventures. 
Yet your thought makes me wonder how many people are posting from work on weekdays. I'd be very unhappy if my employees were doing that.
Umm, care to elaborate?

...ok, ok, I guess I don't want to know
More you-tubing...
Normally, I think Japanese TV is just stupid. But this is awesome.
Live Matrix Ping Pong without CGI
Japanese TV *is* stupid. But there are some really nice Chinese & Korean TV ads.
Merc should like this one, or maybe it will just annoy him
*note* awe crap, stupid Rupert Murdoch and the censors-it was up there 6 months ago no problem, it's only suggestive sounds, mental imagery...sheesh, and now they make you sign in for 'adult' content only available to children under the age of 6 that sign up as 18yr old? I can't even remember what username I used for Ytub.
"The web can be dangerous, watch out" (you have to watch the super quick subtitles a few times to get it, but Merc should laught at this one):
I was gone all day on a 66 mile bike ride to my friend's dads house where we shot his .22 caliber rifle at some targets, then took a commuter train back to the city and rode back to the north side where we live. The ride was capped off nicely by a very nice tail wind in the city. I averaged over 20mph for the last 6 miles of the ride.
jtr is keeping better track of his speed demon cycling, he's faster than that on average all the time. Me...meh, I could care less how fast I'm going in MPH or my average speed, etc. I usually, almost always nowdays only cycle on my indoor trainer, cause I hate car traffic, I almost get killed all the time, it's insane. Flesh and bone, meets 2 tons of steel > want to guess what happens?
Jtr has airless tires now. Around 1990 or so, I did a foolish thing. I was in better shape then, riding every Sat/Sun morning for a couple of hours locally, maybe 30mi RT. Then I decided to ride to my friend's wife's convinience store about 55 or 60mi south, I forget the exact mileage I recorded for RT, but it was around 120mi. I was fine for about 2/3rd of the way, on the way back through Long Beach, some Effin Hispanics in a car drunk on beer I guess, or just plain POS's threw glass beer bottles out the window of their car trying to cause me to have a flat. About 10hrs into the trip I bonked, took another 4hrs, 2 of which where after sundown, and I did not bring a light. Weeks later my knees would have pings of pain in the joints...dumn mistake.
Lately I've put the computer games away; any time I'm at my computer with spare time, I'm playing with Linux. Any time I need to procrastinate from that, I'm checking the forums. I estimate I refresh this page ~40 times an hour.
Classic OCD/ADD, but then we already knew that about dd