I'm finding Windows 10 to be a very dual-boot unfriendly OS. Every major update results in it usurping my bootloader (GRUB) to instead force itself into my MBR. Even on an entirely separate drive I can't escape it! It's infuriating to have to, every time it does this, reboot from my Linux install media and chroot into my install just to reinstall my bootloader. Sure, it's all of, what, eight commands (decrypt my root volume, activate my logical volumes, mount both / and my /boot, manjaro-chroot, give /etc/default/grub a quick sanity check, install it to the MBR, and generate a fresh config file for it) for me, and it takes no time at all, but it's annoying.
On another note I find it odd that this motherboard doesn't seem to support UEFI at all. Not a big deal, since my boot volumes are all <2TB, but it's odd. This board's latest BIOS (installed) comes from mid-2014 at least and it shows no signs of support for it. Meanwhile, the DQ35JO it replaced supported it just fine.