Something Random


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Hi Bill! Good to see you here. Hope all is well with the world for you.

(I was going to post to say that a couple of hours ago when I first saw you post and nearly fell of fmy chair, but I decided to leave your post on top, so that those of us who have missed your famous sig could see it from the front page. Buried in here, no-one might notice.)


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Couple things:

Those of you willing to do vile things involving Bittorrent clients would do well to search on a site like for "Global Frequency". There's a pilot for a TV show that didn't get picked up, and a 12-issue comic book series available here and here for not-free. Both are highly, highly entertaining and worth money and time. The torrents are just so you know what it is you're paying for. :)

The other thing is... one of my clients bought me a DVD set of "Battlestar Galactica" as a holiday present. I remember it as a disco-influenced Star Wars rip off . But this DVD set is not that version. It's new. Still being aired? Anyway, I'm surprised, 'cause it's really very good. Not "Firefly" good, but probably better than any other TV science fiction I can think of. I waited all day to get home and continue watching it.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
Mercutio said:
The other thing is... one of my clients bought me a DVD set of "Battlestar Galactica" as a holiday present. I remember it as a disco-influenced Star Wars rip off . But this DVD set is not that version. It's new. Still being aired? Anyway, I'm surprised, 'cause it's really very good. Not "Firefly" good, but probably better than any other TV science fiction I can think of. I waited all day to get home and continue watching it.

It's showing on SciFi channel (and in HD on UniversalHD).


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Hi B

WONDERFUL TO SEE YOU AROUND. :excl: :mrgrn: :wink:

Feel free to message me...

or email..



Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
RE: Pet Door.
It would be much easier and more reliable to put a small bell on the cat's collar. It would not be able to catch anything in the first place. :eek:

Bozo :mrgrn:


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
  • Cats are smart enough to adapt to bells - some people have resorted to multiple bells without success.
  • If they cheese the cat off enough, it will find a way to remove them.
  • Some prey is just too stupid to take any notice of the bell - and snakes are deaf.

But yeah, the recognition system seems just a teensy bit over the top ...


Learning Storage Performance
May 10, 2002
Rack 294, Pos. 10
I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone "out there" has a cat webcam site that shows cat activities like cats catching mice, cat fights (REAL cat fights, not female human cat fights), or what I will call "cat transportation corridors" -- such as alleys, tops of neighbourhood / community board fences, and other shortcuts that are popular with cats.

A couple of years ago, I recall someone's "cat escape prevention" videos, where this person was putting up various sorts of barriers to stop his cat from escaping the yard. The hidden video camera revealed how the cat kept escaping time after time. In response, the guy kept tweaking the barrier until the cat could no longer escape, but could still be kept outside in the yard.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Platform said:
I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone "out there" has a cat webcam site that shows cat activities like cats catching mice, cat fights (REAL cat fights, not female human cat fights),

There are already female cat fight sites—usually pay-per-view—and possibly involving latex, mud, jelly...



Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Platform said:
I wouldn't be at all surprised if someone "out there" has a cat webcam site that shows cat activities like cats catching mice, cat fights (REAL cat fights, not female human cat fights), or what I will call "cat transportation corridors" -- such as alleys, tops of neighbourhood / community board fences, and other shortcuts that are popular with cats.

A couple of years ago, I recall someone's "cat escape prevention" videos, where this person was putting up various sorts of barriers to stop his cat from escaping the yard. The hidden video camera revealed how the cat kept escaping time after time. In response, the guy kept tweaking the barrier until the cat could no longer escape, but could still be kept outside in the yard.

That brings back memories...

When I first moved back over here from Hawaii, in 1994-5, my mother had a 10 bedroom house in the Kensington area, Berkeley hills. Fantastic, huge yard. A stream ran out of the hills two properties over, and, we had a 8 foot high chain link fence, on both sides of the yard.
My step F.. tried to raise apples, and other food source stuff.

First problem are the massive number of deer in Tilden Park, that came down the stream, at his apples, and departed. I once saw a good size doe jump the fence, and, my cat, Air Jumpster, had NOTHING on this deer. The fence wasn't there, as far as she was concerned, and, as I remember it, she jumped the fence from a sideways, jump, off four feet, and cleared the fence, 8 feet high, with no run, no effort, landed, and started eating my step fs fruit. God Bless that deer;-)

Another highlight was I would take a maglite, 4 d cell, or 5, and aim it into the yard late at night, and see all kinds of things.

My mother came down one time, and said look out the window. A doe had fawned, and, the fawn was wobbling, falling down, being licked off, and, in about 20 minutes, was jumping our fence along with her mother.
The fawn was born under our porch.

Another night, it was freezing, and had rained. We had a pound that caught water, and, it was about 12 at night, and literally 32 degrees, crystal clear,I caught a male racoon, humping a female racoon, in the water, on that freezing night. He looked up, stopped humping, and, the look in his eyes would have given Satan pause, and, if I was closer, I'm sure I'd have been nuetered(I was three floors up, looking out the window, after doing the same thing he was doing, with my girlfriend, who enjoyed the sort of irony as much as I did.

I wish I had those on video...



Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
CougTek said:
What's that global frequency thing? What is it supposed to do?

It is a comic book, but not a super heroes comic. It has a really neat near-future science fiction premise. From the website:

There are a thousand and one people on the Global Frequency.

A worldwide independent defense intelligence organization with a thousand and one agents, all over the world. Anyone you know might be with them. It's the world's little open secret. You could be sitting there watching the news and suddenly hear an unusual cellphone tone, and within moments you might see your neighbor leaving the house in a hurry, wearing a jacket or a shirt with the distinctive Global Frequency symbol... or, hell, your girlfriend might answer the phone, and then put on her Global Frequency badge and promise to explain later... for all you know, they have your file, and you'll be recruited next... anyone could be on the Global Frequency, and you'd never know until they got the call...

...from Aleph, central dispatcher for the Global Frequency, getting her orders from Miranda Zero, creator and operator of the organization. Not her real name, but the only one you're getting. Her real name and identity were erased from the world's records the moment she went into business for herself. Global Frequency is run on the cash she made doing bad things in the Nineties, and on the hush money paid her by the G-8 industrialized nations for...

...for what the Global Frequency does. Clearing up after the 20th Century. Keeping an eye on the bad mad things in the dark that the public never found out about. All the black projects, the mad science, the chilly encounters with the unknown, the Cold War traps... they're all sitting there like landmines. Eventually someone will trip over one of them. Global Frequency are there to catch them when they fall, and defuse the mines before they explode into mainstream consciousness and cause more pain and horror than they already have...

It's a great read.
The application to read comic book files is called "CDisplay", by the way.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent

The O RLY? owl makes me laugh. I do not to know why. It makes me laugh and reminds me of Tannin, which may be because it also kind of looks like a sock puppet.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Shucks. Well, here's the link to the O RLY? owl then. It's a funny picture. Click on it and behold its glory.

Tomorrow I am off to interview with Honeywell. Again. I get to be on a plane for the first time in my life, but the person booking my trip is possibly the most cruel human on the face of the earth, as my flight has me arriving at 12AM (plus a 30 mile drive to my hotel) for 7:30AM interview the same day, and my return flight doesn't have me back in Indiana until 1:30AM the next day.

WTF do people do on those enormous layovers???

On the other hand, I stopped by the Starbucks down the street from my house this morning, and the coed who waited on me talked to me for a bit and then gave me her Email address (and a bunch of IM addresses), which I think is the 20something version of getting a girl's phone number.
And that was pretty fucking cool.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
LiamC said:
20something to Merc

What's a phone?

It's like a cell phone, but apparently there are uses for them other than having annoying people leave you voice mails about all the work they want you to do the following weekend.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
Mercutio said:
Tomorrow I am off to interview with Honeywell. Again.
Good luck, my friend. If they're having you back, they're interested. If you took the job, would you be moving out of your present location, then?

If I were you I would have asked for a different schedule, at least for the outbound part of the journey (I know it's too late, though). It's no fun landing in a strange town that late at night and having to drive to a place you aren't familiar with. NJ roads were so asinine I got lost several times, during the day, despite having Yahoo/MS Maps directions. Far cry from CA where 95% of the time, you can just wing it if you know the lay of the land, no map required.

Can't believe you've never flown before. I logged 56k miles in 2005. I don't care for it; just something I have to put up with.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
mubs said:
Can't believe you've never flown before. I logged 56k miles in 2005. I don't care for it; just something I have to put up with.

It's just never come up. I don't vacation and "business travel" to me means driving 70 or so miles to see a client. The few times I've wanted to go somewhere far away, I've taken the time to drive.
There's lots of other things one would think a 30-year-old man would've done, that I haven't.
Maybe I should leave the house more often.

Yes, I'd be moving. Probably to Philadelphia or somewhere in that area. But that's making an assumption I'm not ready to make.


Jan 13, 2002
My grandparents lived in philly. I've been there several times in my life, just not recently. Good luck with the trip, I hope all goes well.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
mubs said:
Far cry from CA where 95% of the time, you can just wing it if you know the lay of the land, no map required.
I hope so since I'll be in San Jose next month for a conference. It'll be my first time in northern CA. Southern CA, LA to San Diego, certainly is easy to navigate so I hope San Francisco & San Jose aren't too bad. Not sure if I'll see any part of SF other than the airport, but I'd like to.