Something Random


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
I didn't read all of it, just the headline. In this day and age, when the most private of body parts are pierced and otherwise tortured, a rabid Blackberry user altering the thumbs isn't so far fetched. I'll bet somebody will actually be "inspired" by this story to follow suit.


Jan 13, 2002
Since October 2005 I've lived alone in a house built for two people in mind since my ex left me. I have finally closed on my house after 1 year and 10 months of trying to get rid of it (she's buying it out from me for $10 (yes, ten dollars).

Come September I'm finally moving on with my life and I'm moving into an apartment for at least the next year. This makes me very happy to close that chapter on my life. That is all.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Congratulations Handruin. It sucks that your life turned that way, it sucks that it took so long to close your house, and it sucks that you didn't get more for it. But at least you can start looking forward instead of backwards. That is worth just about any price IMHO.


Jan 13, 2002
I was certainly down and out around that time in a bad way, but I agree with what you said about looking forward now. I've been looking forward for a while, even though I thought no end was in sight for my closing. I'm seeing someone new right now (which I mentioned in Clocker's myspace thread) where her and I graduated high school together 12 years ago. We've got a lot in common and things feel pretty good between us.

Other than my house and ex situation I realize I have very little to complain about in my life. Sure I'll say it sucked (then) but the way things are turning out aren't bad. Her and I were obviously not meant for one another and in some ways she helped to fix things in my life by leaving me. For one, I've never felt better health-wise (physically) than I do right now and I've certainly gained a bunch of confidence. I've lost 35+ lbs since then and I'm overall much happier. Her leaving me helped motivate me to lose weight and have some basic goals to be a runner (even if I'm only marginally good). The loss of money from the house (roughly $15k-18K) is worth it. I look at is as paying rent over the past year and ten months. I had to live somewhere, so if it wasn't owning a place, it was renting.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
The loss of money from the house (roughly $15k-18K) is worth it. I look at is as paying rent over the past year and ten months. I had to live somewhere, so if it wasn't owning a place, it was renting.

Good perspective. You actually got a good deal; my rent is more than double that.


Jan 13, 2002
Well, that's what I lost in initial value of the house based on what I paid for it. That still doesn't account for what I pay monthly to the mortgage. Since a new house/mortgage pays very little to principle in the early years, not much was actually paid down. I've had the place since July 2004.

Not to mention I have to power and heat a 2250 sq/ft place that only has me and a cat. I literally left my downstairs completely empty and kept the heat at a minimum 50 F during the winter as to not heat the unused area. I use so little water that every quarter I payed the minimum fee of $22, which I had no idea there was even a minimum fee. In an case I'm sure you pay more for rent in that area just because of the area.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
My new policy for stupid early morning calls:

Client is billed double for every hour from when they call me until 9AM.

It used to be just billed double, but that isn't enough encouragement for me. It's important that you like your job, the easiest way to do that is to make sure you feel you are fairly compensated. ;)


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
One of their industry-specific crap applications requires a manual procedure to get the services on the server up and running. They had a power outage over the weekend. There is a lovely 4-page (with screenshots!) document next to the server showing how to fix it. They called me at 6:15AM instead.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Handruin, that is very good news about your house. I have a feeling that the next several years are going to be a better time for those of us who don't own homes.

And I am completely jealous of the fact that you can get a date.
With anything.

Seriously. I hate you.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I have a feeling that the next several years are going to be a better time for those of us who don't own homes.

Interesting. I'm playing with the idea of getting into a home within the next 6-12 months, you think it will continue to get worse?

I don't want to do it as an investment, I want to do it because I like to mess with stuff. I'm tired of not being able to rip out the drywall and install smurf tubing for my surround sound, or install ventilation in the closet to make a server room.


Jan 13, 2002
Most of the people I went to look at their place for rental were only renting because they couldn't sell (much like the place I'm about to rent). It seems pretty bad here and I was involved first hand.

I have to admit that even though everyone is telling me it's a good time to buy because I can offer really low...I'm a bit gun-shy to buy again because I don't want to have this issue yet again. I'm not looking at it as an investment either, but rather so I can do what I want to my own place. The place I'm renting has a ton of room, so that will be fine, but I'd want to fix it up and do things with the place on my own.

As for the date...I'm not exactly swimming in women. Given my relationship with my ex was 8 years long and then I dated one other in between this current girl, I haven't been going crazy. My current situation was a bunch of luck...and also since I already knew her from a long time ago. You can hate me, but I'm trying to tell you if you get your butt outside and start doing exercise, it does wonders for confidence when you feel better about yourself.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark does wonders for confidence when you feel better about yourself.


I must admit, my only fear of buying a house is having to sell soon or in a hurry. Where I am looking the market is already down ~60% from 2 years ago, to about 1999 prices. It might still go down some more, but not much (I don't think :crap:). If I stay in at least 5 years I'm fairly sure I would come out ahead.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
I must admit, my only fear of buying a house is having to sell soon or in a hurry. Where I am looking the market is already down ~60% from 2 years ago, to about 1999 prices. It might still go down some more, but not much (I don't think :crap:). If I stay in at least 5 years I'm fairly sure I would come out ahead.

5 years is generally when you start to break even. Anything less and you will probably be losing quite a bit of money. The longer you stay in a home the better though. Go for a 30 year fixed loan if possible.

I have a 5 year ARM set to expire in 2010, I could have afforded a 30 year fixed loan at the time, but mortgage brokers like to push ARMs because then they get to make more money when you are forced to refinance.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
30 year fixed is what I will probably be looking at. If I were to go for something unconventional, it would be interest-only. AFAIK, its the only sub-prime that never increases.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark

had tightened their lending standards for subprime mortgages, loans offered to borrowers with weak credit histories.

They bunch those two together quite nicely. There are people who opt for sub-prime mortgages, and there are those with weak credit histories; neither necessarily makes you a member of the other.


Storage Is My Life
Jan 23, 2002
Illinois, USA
Re: Interest-only mortgages. Seriously, every unconventional mortgage option that's arisen over the past decade or so exists solely to make the lender more money. None, I repeat none, of them are consumer-friendly. They either exist to let you get a home when you otherwise couldn't afford one (getting everyone involved a commission that they otherwise wouldn't get) or let you buy a home that's more expensive than your income allows you to get (getting a larger commission for everyone involved).

Around here there are a lot of McMansions. The people are house-rich and cash-poor. Go into these beasts and you typically see several empty rooms as the home owner (mortgage owner really) spends every cent on the mortgage and has nothing left for things like furniture. I can't imagine what their heating/cooling bills must look like.

ARMs are fine if you are reasonably sure you'll move/sell before the balloon comes due or the rates start shooting up. They're also OK if you think overall rates will trend down.

Personally, I'm in a 30-year fixed @ 5.75% and I ain't budging.


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
So as not to lengthen the Dubai thread...

I was going to post there, but the post wouldn't post for some reason, tried 5 times, the indicator wouldn't quit going round.

Anyway, I worked in Jubail, Saudi Arabia between December 1983 and October 1990 for a petrochemical joint venture between Shell Dutch and the KSA Gov't.

The Americans and the British I worked with had very high salaries and great benefits. The Americans had a bonus equivalent to 100% of their salaries while the Brits had a 50% bonus. If they signed on Married Status (which was 95% of the time) they got free housing (3/4 bedroom houses, furnished, with free water and electricity and free maintenance) free education for all their children (kids free in International Schools in KSA and college ones free wherever they wanted) free vacation allowances equivalent to air travel (IATA rates - everyone could get tickets at 40% of these rates, they got to pocket the difference) to and from point of origin for all members of the family every 2 years.

What I was trying to say is, many (straight from their mouths) never had it so good. It was true, the employer took everyone's passports for "safekeeping" and no one could legally leave the country without their employer's and the Saudi Government's permission, but many took jobs there and enjoyed the benefits. They gave all (except, of course, third-country nationals with very, very few exceptions) a generous transportation allowance to purchase a vehicle.

Anyway, my salary then was less than USD650 and I augmented that with 80 hours of overtime per month. They provided me with free food and lodging, a plane ticket home and 25 days vacation every year. But my wife was able to purchase a small (198 square meter lot and a 2 bedroom house) subdivision plot and we amortized it for 9 years. Now we've got the title and are talking of how we can the 3 kids inherit it without spending too much in taxes.

Many Americans (the singles ones mostly) talked of relocating to the Philippines or Thailand on their savings and living it up. I know of a few who have actually done that. They have set up businesses here in the names of their wives and prospered.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
I just got the results back from my first physical in 10 years and my first time for blood work.

Blood Pressure: 96/70
Cholesterol: 158
HDL: 56
LDL: 87
Triclyceride: 73

Now I know why the blood bank stalks me. I chalk it up to my diet of bacon and eggs.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
HDL should be >60 and LDL <100. Howell's numbers are quite good. No idea of my HDL or LDL but my BP is usually around 110/65 according to my home BP monitor.

ddrueding said:
My last doctor died 9 years ago.
Don't feel bad. My last physical was when I started college in 1980. Given the track record doctors have as far as accidentally killing people or overmedicating them I feel I'm probably helping my longevity by avoiding doctor visits. And without insurance I can't afford checkups anyway.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
While I was at the doctor the nurse informed me that the target numbers for blood pressure was no longer 120/80 but now 110/70. Something about the higher pressure being bad for the eyes.
American Heart Association provides a set of guidelines for total (fasting) blood cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease:[6]
Level mg/dL 	Level mmol/L 	Interpretation
<200 	<5.2 	Desirable level corresponding to lower risk for heart disease
200-239 	5.2-6.2 	Borderline high risk
>240 	>6.2 	High risk

However, as today's testing methods determine LDL ("bad") and HDL ("good") cholesterol separately, this simplistic view has become somewhat outdated. The desirable LDL level is considered to be less than 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L)[citation needed] , although a newer target of <70 mg/dL can be considered in higher risk individuals based on some of the above-mentioned trials. A ratio of total cholesterol to HDL — another useful measure — of far less than 5:1 is thought to be healthier. Of note, typical LDL values for children before fatty streaks begin to develop is 35 mg/dL.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
While I was at the doctor the nurse informed me that the target numbers for blood pressure was no longer 120/80 but now 110/70. Something about the higher pressure being bad for the eyes.
American Heart Association provides a set of guidelines for total (fasting) blood cholesterol levels and risk for heart disease:[6]
Level mg/dL 	Level mmol/L 	Interpretation
<200 	          <5.2 	              Desirable level corresponding to lower risk for heart disease
200-239 	  5.2-6.2 	     Borderline high risk
>240 	          >6.2 	              High risk

However, as today's testing methods determine LDL ("bad") and HDL ("good") cholesterol separately, this simplistic view has become somewhat outdated. The desirable LDL level is considered to be less than 100 mg/dL (2.6 mmol/L)[citation needed] , although a newer target of <70 mg/dL can be considered in higher risk individuals based on some of the above-mentioned trials. A ratio of total cholesterol to HDL — another useful measure — of far less than 5:1 is thought to be healthier. Of note, typical LDL values for children before fatty streaks begin to develop is 35 mg/dL.

Basically, all of my numbers are off the charts good. My health would have to deteriorate to hit the good range.