Speed of a 2.5" 7200 rpm drive


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Hi all, I've a question about notebook drives. At the moment, my NB has a 120GB 5400 rpm (SATA) drive from Mercs favourite company. Boot and load times are slow (as to be expected). Will I get much added oomph from a 7200 rpm jobbie?

If it's any help, I had a 15K Atlas II in my main drive and removed it in favour of a Samsung 400GB 7200 rpm. After a while, I reinstalled the Atlas because of the Samsungs noticeably slower performance.


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
I saw MASSIVE difference going from a 4500rpm PATA drive (cheap HP laptop) to a 7200rpm PATA... While greater than a 5400rpm -> 7200rpm transistion, you should notice the difference.

If you don't need the space that the slower HDDs offer, then by all means go for it.


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
Yes, in my opinion, there is a massive difference in performance between 5400RPM and 7200RMP notebook drives.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Sep 20, 2006
Yes, in my opinion, there is a massive difference in performance between 5400RPM and 7200RMP notebook drives.

I will have to disagree, apples and oranges comparisons for multigenerational differences, even when tested on exactly the same platform, are not useful comparisons. And on what performance parameters would you be making such a broad assertion? You know what the OP is loading/booting, how large the files are, if they are in a contiguous section on the HD, or fragmented all over?

Go take a look at the SR database and you'll see for WOW, the difference btw the significantly faster than any other 7.2k rpm NB drive by Hitachi 7k200(notice how 'massively' slower the older Hitachi 7.2k rpm drives are in comparison) and the Samsung desktop drives is negligible.


Assuming an Atlas 15k rpm drive of a price premium and loss of capacity to a Samsung desktop (no price range given, no specs on the NB in question, which can make a 'significant' difference)..then I would wait 6 months for the supposed 128GB 2.5 & 1.8in Samsung SSD's that may or may not come in as under $1k price point (we hear rapid price reductions in SSD are happening...just haven't seen it appear at retail level ;) ) so the current $4k price of a 128GB SSD, may drop dramatically by the time Samsung gets their 120/100MB's R/W, 1/10th the access times of a 15k rpm drive, newest generation SSD's out on the market.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
You should see a boost in performance. Also, check the disk desity in your new drive. A higher density disk may help too.

Bozo :joker:


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
20 MB A SECOND VS. 40 mb sec, using ATTO. 4200 vs. 7200 seagate. Seagate 80 gig 7200 is by far the fastest drive I've ever had in a laptop.

For what it's worth, Ubuntu on the 4200, and, Server 2008 or whatever the trial is, aren't really all that bad on the 4200.

Still, the XP install on the 7200 is VERY snappy, and, any software install is MUCH faster then the 4200.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Darn it, I would love faster drive performance on my Thinkpad. But I wouldn't trust anything other than a Samsung - well, just maybe I would, so long as it wasn't a Western Digital - and I am always battling for space. I could probably live with reduced battery life if the difference wasn't too much.

Any day now I'll remove my 80GB boot drive and replace it with a 160 - biggest size I can get in PATA. I have already removed my DVDRW and replaced it with a 160GB second HDD. The only thing that's holding me back is that I know I'll be back to 10GB free total on both drives added together within a couple of weeks, 'cause that always happens (except on my desktop, where I just stick more drives in) and that I have a perfectly good XP install (still untouched from the day I bought the Thinkpad) with a heap of software, and I dread the thought of having to buggerise about with the keys for all the registered stuff.

I was sort of hoping to delay until I bought a new Thinkpad, but I'm finding it very hard to come at paying good money for a notebook with a worse screen than the one I already have. Why TF does everything only come in useless bloody shallow screen these days?


Storage Is My Life
Jan 20, 2004
Yeah for the laptops I have had more memory and a 7200rpm hard drive makes them much more snappy. I have had the seagate 60gig 7200rpm drive in like three laptops now, fairly happy with it.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
Empty hard drive space = a vacuum :-D
And the computer Gods hate a vacuum

Bozo :joker:


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
The consensus seems that a 7200 is noticeable then. I'll give it a shot.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania

Why aren't you planning on imaging your 80GB drive to a 160GB one? If the install is good, then don't bother changing it.

Good question. Largely because I didn't think of it, and I probably didn't think of it because I don't have any decent imaging software that isn't a complete pain in the A, except for an open source thingie that usually works but only over a network .... er .. PING. That would do the job, actually.


Storage? I am Storage!
Nov 22, 2002
Somewhere in time.
I have Image for DOS from Terabyte; works very well, not fussy about media, fits on a floppy (or used to). I got this after using Ghost, DriveImage (the one before Symantec f'ed it up) and being frustrated. This also writes to external Firewire drives and USB drives and is fast. Current price is USD 30, well worth it IMO.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 15, 2002
Huon Valley, Tasmania
Thanks Mubs, looks like a goodie. Bozo, I've recommended Acronis to people from time to time, entirely on the strength of what people like you and Merc say about it, but never actually tried it for myself.

I used to use LapLink a lot, years ago in the days of serial cables and 20MB hard drives (that's MB, not GB), and then a parallel cable and newer versions of Laplink, followed by a cross-platform one the name of which escapes me now.

Then I switched to another OS/2 native one which was ported to various other operating systems after a while, this was Drive Image, which was excellent in its day, but (alas) was swallowed up by Symantec or some other serial software wrecking concern and ceased to be useful.

I never really cottoned onto Ghost, certainly not after the early versions which I used a bit, and ever since then I haven't used anything.

Instead of imaging, I started doing it by hand again. With DOS and all versions of DOS-flavoured Windows (3.1, 95, 98, etc.), you never needed any software, you just copied the correct files across in the correct order and that was that.

I suppose at the root of this distaste I have for imaging software is the feeling that such a simple, basic function ought to be a part of any standard operating system, or if external to the OS, it ought to be simple and not require any fancy tools. It's very simple operation, after all: copy all these zeros and ones over here.

So, from time to time, I look at the available products, and see that they appear to be reasonably priced, and some of them come well-recommended. So I start the process of buying one or another, and read the fine print. Every one I've looked at is fenced about with a zillion restrictions, and (for what I do) the full-blown technician or workshop licence is the one I need - I'd want to use it regularly or not bother buying it at all - and these are not reasonably priced. They are bloody dear, not to put too fine a point on it.

And finally, I ponder the likley realities: whatever I buy is going to be fenced about with secret codes and registration and activation and all the rest of the crap the lawyers dreamed up. At that point, I throw the whole mess out the window and think of another way to do the job I have in mind.

From time to time I decide that such a simple, basic function really must be available in an open source package somewhere and look for it. The last couple of times, I've wound up with PING, which is workable and not half bad, except that I'd rather it worked direct instead of requiring a network. PING does have the huge advantage, however, of not requiring any BS registration - there are no artifical hoops to jump through, you just have to figure out how to install it and use it.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
You might give Acronis Home a try. I load it on a box ( you enter the license code-once and your done), make the bootable CD, then delete it from the box. There is no registration, activation or other such nonsence.
I use the bootable CD on linux, XP, W2K, and even Windows Server. You can connect to a network if you like; and, it writes to a USB device.

For $49.95 US it's hard to beat.

Bozo :joker:


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Well I dropped a 7200 rpm Seagate into the Dell to replace the 5400 rpm WD, and I like it. Where before, disk load operations used to induce an annoying, though tolerable wait, the 7200rpm drive is noticeably snappier. If I had to, I could live with this notebook as my primary system. It was worth the upgrade. Thanks for your opinions everyone.

FWIW, the upgrade cost me AUS$50 to go from a 120GB WD1200BEVS to a 120GB Seagate 7200.2. To some, this might seem like a waste of money, but I consider it worthwhile


Wotty wot wot.
Nov 8, 2006
Gold Coast Hinterland, Australia
I don't consider AU$50 a waste for noticeable increase in performance, considering there are people who speed AU$500 for in 2% increase in a benchmark score that they'll never notice using real world applications.