Not me. Wasn't there a thing somewhere about Google being able to track something if you had their link on your site?
Also, what is the difference between Fatwa and Fatwah? Many search results try to auto-correct to Fatwa.
Originally I was going to state that it and its products are the corporate equivalent to pederasty but the text field isn't that big.
I was examining the new software and looked at the calendar. For some reason that I don't know it won't go newer than Dec 2006. If there is going to be a calendar function, it would seem to me more valuable if it can actually at least get to the current date.
Please don't consider this to be a priority for I have access to other calendars. I just wanted to include it in whatever bug or to-do list you have.
What is the difference between the 2 mobile themes? Hard to tell.
Can I put in a request that clicking on a thread in the mobile app jump to the new posts? IIRC, this was the behavior in the old version.
I believe this function is already there if you click the right-most arrow next to the thread name. This should take you to the first unread post in a thread.
Handy, how hard would it be to move the left edge of that arrow button to the left an 1/8". It would be nice if it were a bit wider under the mobile theme.
The arrows on the right works like that for me.
At the forum level the arrows on the right don't do anything but if you are in a forum looking at threads the arrow on the right of each thread bring you to the new posts for that thread. Works for me anyway. The layout works and I wouldn't want to scrunch the text up too much, most thread titles are already three and four lines. I was on the fence after using the full site on my phone too much but the mobile default theme works well.