Yeah, what gives?
Who was the giver anyhow?... He was one the regulars if I recall correctly.
Yeah, it was pretty lame.
Yeah, but "The Giver" was an 2nd screename / alias for one of the long time regulars wasn't he? I just don't remember who it was, or am I thinking of someone else?The only thing I remember about The Giver is that they like to speak about themselves in the third person...
Are you really that bored to come back in this alter ego account to play around?
I was right... My memory isn't completely shot... It's Flagreen...
It's been a long time, what made you remember SF? Did someone stir an old thread sending you a notification?
Your last post was some 5 years ago...
I think his coming coincides with the recession and the tanking of the stock market. I think it could be used as a good indicator that the stock market is getting ready to hit the bottom and will be on the way up within half a year.
Is Paris Hilton still alive?
And apparently on the way up within half a year.
So if Paris is on the way up, does that mean she went down? :0
How's Koggit?
Missed Drunken Bastard!
WELCOME back!!!
Nice to see you around.;-)
I know The Giver is ageless, but the hand in The Giver's rear must be very close to sixty by now. I hope the years haven't been too tough on the old man.
OhK, I rememenbr the Bill from SR. He was the one with 4x15gb (or 30/?) 75GXPs bacj in the olden days, heh. Wanst thre a ban or someting Later on?