The Giver said:
'tis I my friends, flagreen.
Why am I not surprised?
It is kind of sad, though, that a person had to resort to using an alias in order to troll... err... express his
true views, I mean. IMHO that says something about the community, or about that person's perception of community. Or
perhaps about the person himself. Pitiful, actually. :blue:
CougTek said:
Well, I admit I might have worded what I wanted to express in a way that is a bit crude. Oh well, I'm known for being crude anyway. Helldiver will probably find a hundred manners to call me an anti-semitist. Nevermind.
I won't need a hundred - one will do, you anti-semitic pig! :wink:
On a serious note, there
is a certain anti-semitic taste to your claims (and I'm
not talking about the two specific passages you quoted).
However!!! Since I've also read around your posts a little, I
think I understand the roots or motives for such inclination in your views, and IMHO those roots mainly boil down to lack of information and historical background / misinformation. As such, I don't see too much wrong with it, since if someone described Canadians to me as bloodthirsty cannibals that seek the destruction of US and slaying of <whatever the current prez would be at the time> on the altar of whatever their screwed-up Canadian God is - yeah, I think I'd be expressing anti-Canadian views as well.
Except, perhaps, for the fact that if I really felt like discussing the need to launch a full-scale nuclear strike against
"our friendly but backwards neighbours"* with someone in a serious conversation, chances are I would have researched the subject thoroughly myself prior to making any claims, rather than relying on hearsay.
BTW, I've noticed that some of the posts by some of the individuals were edited, but I could locate no way to edit my own posts. IMHO, given the nature of the messageboard allowing editing of the posts was a bad idea as in itself (which eventually leads to extensive monkey business with members addressing other members in less than agreeable ways and then simply removing the questionable content, thus "clearing their own record"), and much more so if the possibility to edit posts was granted to selected few of the members, thus also putting the rest of the community at a disadvantage.
Unless I missed something about posts editing, that is!
P.S. As some of the SR members who know me for a couple of years have probably guessed, I'm currently in my "off" phase of the "on again, off again" cycle on the boards. I just came back to look up something specific and bumped into this thread. So, even though you may feel free to answer this post, I'm not sure I'll have the time to have a look at the replies anytime soon. My apologies in advance.
See ya all, folks! :beer:
* - long, long time ago
, when SR forums still bloomed
and actually contained all the threads, I posted a very nice map of "World according to Yanks". I think it was in AtC thread or something similar - perhaps some of the old-timers still remember it :roll: Well, that's where the name comes from.