
Which candidate would you vote for?

  • George W. Bush

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • John Kerry

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ralph Nader

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michael Badanarik

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I've been quiet here, because I don't have many nice things to say to the majority of readers here who happen to disagree with me on the ultimate superiority of my political ideals.

But tomorrow is the day when we in the USA will essentially decide the state of the free world for some time to come.

So I think I'm not understating things when I ask that everyone with enough information to do so go out and vote.

Yes, it pisses me off that there's any support at all for the "person" currently sitting in the highest elected office in the US, but honestly, if you're one of those people, it's probably your parents' fault or something.

But I think this time there is no doubt that civic duty is of utmost importance. There needs to be some kind of mandate for the person about to be elected (hopefully, rather than appointed) into office. And that will not happen unless everyone votes. I don't want my leader chosen based on the actions of a bunch of senior citizens and unemployed people with nothing better to do.

The more I think about it, the more I dislike the state of things in the USA. Our political state right now largely consists of two essentially right-wing (in the global sense) parties which have the support of something like 48% of the electorate and nigh-total partisianship. Politically speaking, this is not appealing to me, but on the other hand, I desperately want the lesser of the two evils to stand victorious tomorrow night.

At any rate, I feel the need to remind people that they need to make a choice. Even if your choice is wrong, I would at least take comfort in knowing that the people whom I associate with here took the time to make one.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
I'm writing in Rudy Guiliani. Or maybe even Mickey Mouse. I can't stand Kerry and I'm not that fond of Bush. This election is a joke. If you want to talk disenfranchisment then I've long felt that neither party represents me. Both parties are all about keeping the status quo. The Democrats will throw a few crumbs to the poor in the form of benefits to stay in power. The Republicans will do the same with miniscule tax cuts to the middle class. Neither party will abolish the income tax, neither party will take on big oil, neither party will take on the airlines, neither party will shrink government to what it was 200 years ago, neither party will stick their two cents out of social issues, neither party will attack the increasing cost of medical care or medical entitlements, neither party will stop catering to special interests, neither party will simply kick chronic criminals out instead of wasting resources incarcerating them. I'm as disgusted as anybody, although for different reasons than you. I really can't give either of these two parties my endorsement. I like a lot of the Libertarian platform, but I do feel government needs to support public transportation. Maybe one day I'll vote with my feet and leave the US forever for a country with ideals closer to me own.


Learning Storage Performance
Mar 31, 2004
Well, this is the first time I've been able to vote, and I'm voting for Michael Badanarik. If we want to end this "Two Party" system, then WE need to do somthing about it. Voting for the lesser of two evils is pointless, they're both evil. In order to create change, you must DO SOMTHING! You want less government? Michael Badanarik. Lower taxes? Michael Badanarik. Freedom of school choice? Michael Badanarik. I really don't see what the problem is here, everyone is voting against somthing. OPEN YOUR EYES and vote for somthing you believe in!


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 18, 2002
Brisbane, Oz
With a first past the post system, it's foolish to vote for anyone other than the two leading contenders. Your vote becomes worthless. In fact, that's often the reason that other candidates register - to suck votes away from one side or another in a calculated act of bastardry.

The reality is, one of the top two WILL be the successful candidate for the next four years. No amount of last minute hillbilly philosophy can change that, and it never will. If you don't like the options on offer, it's up to you to help promote alternatives in other areas - before the eve of an election.

In some countries (like Oz), they use preferential voting. This encourages citizens to vote for whichever niche party has their attention, while still allowing them a deciding vote on who should actually be elected. In short, you are ranking the candidates according to how much you dislike them.

Combined with compulsory voting, it's very difficult for someone who is hated by 51% of the population to gain office.

Best wishes to everyone on this historical day.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 1, 2003
Left Coast
I'm all for the borda count.

Imagine the election nightmares with that!


Xmas '97
Jan 15, 2002
Salem, Or
You have no idea what the "Swing states are going through". I don't even think of Oregon as a swing state (It's pro Kerry, but close) but for the past week I've been getting at least 5 calls a day from different Bush campain volunteers asking if I've received my ballot (we have vote by mail): That means at least 35 different people from the Bush campain have called me personally. It doesn't seem to connect that I've said yes; I voted for Kerry; and that I have already sent my ballot in. That is not including all the pre-recorded messages from Bush and his cronies that also call promoting the Republican messages and Bush in particular. It is impressive the amount of resources being used by the Bush campain for Oregon's mere 7 Electorial votes.

Normally we are universally ignored by everyone. This year we got multiple visites from Everyone -- Bush, his wife, and daughter; Cheney and his wife; Kerry and his wife; Edwards and his wife; Please note that the wives and daughters are coming and speaking seperately from their husbands/father. They have figured out that seperate visits keeps their names floating around in the news longer.

Please note that I'm not receiving any telephone messages from the Kerry side: They aren't allocating nearly the resources to what I believe to be a Kerry state. The Bush campain is trying really hard to play catch-up because he believes that maybe he can.

P.S. I'm registered as an Independant


Learning Storage Performance
Mar 4, 2003
Left Coast
jtr1962 said:
I'm writing in Rudy Guiliani. Or maybe even Mickey Mouse.
Cool. I'll have a write-in vote. :mrgrn:

I plan to vote tomorrow (and hope I don't have as many problems as I did last year finding my polling place; I've lived at my current address for over five years and have had five different polling places, which alternate with no discernable pattern (special elections and stuff).


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I have to believe that there is a special place in hell reserved for those who spout ignorant and misinformed political opinions, assuming that everyone agrees with them, in the workplace.

Me? I don't talk about politics at work. Or religion. Obviously I have a minority view on both subjects.

But being forced to listen to someone else lecture you about it...

Well, there's such a thing as justifiable homocide.


Learning Storage Performance
Nov 22, 2002
sechs said:
You forgot Cobb. Nader isn't on the ballot here...
Nadir didn't make it on the ballot in Texas this time around either -- the democrats made sure of that with charges of petition signing fraud back in September. Nadir had a lawsuit going here for a while, but it fizzled.

P5-133XL said:
...Bush has set the bar very low - Almost anybody other than Bush...
I don't even know why the Republicans nominated him. The guy was a certified dumbass even before he ran for President!


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 25, 2002
Flushing, New York
With Ohio projected to go to Bush by two networks at best Kerry can manage a tie. In all likelihood it looks like four more years of Bush. I can't say I have any feelings about this, good or bad. I'd rather neither of them got elected.

If you were a little closer Mercutio I would send you a nice big pail to puke into.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 21, 2002
Runny glass
This time he'll have the popular vote and the collage. We'll prob still have to hear another 4 years of how Kerry/the Dems were robbed.

White evangelical Christians saved the day :)

I'm off to Boston for work tomorrow, perhaps a nice Republican flag to put on the van....


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
Will Rickards said:
Kerry took PA... and me and my wife helped.
Unfortunately it isn't looking good so far for Kerry.
I noticed that PA's final tally is actually closer than that of Ohio. I wonder if the absentee votes still to be counted could reverse the outcome?


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Americans proved yesterday that collectively, they were one damn bunch of imbeciles. At least one half of them. The one that should be gassed. Or nuked, as you wish. Oh well, if terrorizing the world with your overly-expensive army is what makes you wet your bed every night...

Congratulations, you're hopeless.


Learning Storage Performance
Oct 19, 2004
Well I'm a dumb Hoosier hick Bush voter and proud of it! :p
Funny how libs think their ends can justify any means. They want to make so us Midwesterners aren't allowed to vote because we're too stupid. Scary. :eek: I'm sure it's the end of the world now that Bush won. Why, he is the only person I know who can personally create hurricanes and cause a flu epidemic. See you all in eternity.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
They are saying that 15 million more people voted this year than last time and it's the largest number of people voting ever.

I had the choice of a four cadidates and waited in line for two hours (4:30-6:30) last Thursday during early voting.

Last time the differential in the popular vote was around 500,000. Last I heard the differential this year was around 3Mil.

Apparently Nevada had/has an interesting choice on their ballot.

There are two states that split their electoral votes with the guidance of the popular vote.

The JoJo

Wannabe Storage Freak
Jan 25, 2002
Finland, Turku
Hmm, a few interesting tidbits we have heard here:

-55000 votes missing a week before the voting day
-due to computer glitch some voting place told the voters to come back later
-5hours queues for those wanting to vote (can't remember where)
- international observers not allowed on the premices (what is this, russia during the cold war? unbeliveable)
- a lot of talk about who is allowed to vote

and just on the news, they are going to start drilling for oil or gas in some wildlife park(or some environmentally sensitive area), couldn't hear where in States.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
RWIndiana said:
Well I'm a dumb Hoosier hick Bush voter and proud of it! :p
Funny how libs think their ends can justify any means. They want to make so us Midwesterners aren't allowed to vote because we're too stupid. Scary. :eek: I'm sure it's the end of the world now that Bush won. Why, he is the only person I know who can personally create hurricanes and cause a flu epidemic. See you all in eternity.
Welcome fellow Redneck!


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
You're right, RWIndiana, I do think the vast majority of the residents of the state I happen to reside in are, well, let's just be kind and say they have "poor judgement".

And I can prove it with three little words:
Senator Dan Quayle

I think that ends all argument.

Anyway, there was an interesting study released a couple of weeks ago that I considered posting here when I first saw it, but ultimately decided against doing so.

But I will now

The gist of the white paper is that Bush voters have some pretty strange beliefs about the conditions and outcomes that led to and have continued since the war in Iraq. It's an interesting read.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Maybe Coug can give us French lessons.

Apparently a majority of my countrymen are morons. I apologize to the rest of the world on the behalf of the 49% people who who live here who had the good sense and decency not to vote for the Great Satan.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
Good one Bill! :D

If you guys really do leave the States, I applaud you for actually backing up your words with some action. I'm sure you won't actually go though...chatter like that always ends w/o action.

If it's any consolation to you, Frankenstein would not have been able to get much of his liberal crap done, anyway, with the Republicans firmly in control of the House and Senate. Also, you can clearly point to GWB as the hero (or the zero) after 4 years when we assess the status of Iraq again.



Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
Oh, and thanks for calling me a moron. :-?

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way to Canada.


Wannabe Storage Freak
Feb 10, 2002
I'm disappointed. I have nothing against the Republican party - some of what they claim to stand for suits me better than the rough equivalent within the Democratic party. I guess I don't really fit in either category. But this is George Bush we're talking about here. Not John McCain, or even Arnold Schwarzenegger - either of which would have received my vote if they'd been on the ballot this time. I just don't understand - why is there 50+% support for someone who doesn't care much about the future, and who is so intent on squashing the rights and freedoms of the people in this country? Don't get me wrong - I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to point out the same problem with Kerry or any other Democrat, but I just don't understand how so many people don't see Bush as the worse choice in this area. flagreen - you've always come across as a good guy - please, explain to me what the appeal of Bush is, because I'm really not understanding it.


Storage Freak Apprentice
Jan 14, 2002
i said:
I'm disappointed. I have nothing against the Republican party - some of what they claim to stand for suits me better than the rough equivalent within the Democratic party. I guess I don't really fit in either category. But this is George Bush we're talking about here. Not John McCain, or even Arnold Schwarzenegger - either of which would have received my vote if they'd been on the ballot this time. I just don't understand - why is there 50+% support for someone who doesn't care much about the future, and who is so intent on squashing the rights and freedoms of the people in this country? Don't get me wrong - I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to point out the same problem with Kerry or any other Democrat, but I just don't understand how so many people don't see Bush as the worse choice in this area. flagreen - you've always come across as a good guy - please, explain to me what the appeal of Bush is, because I'm really not understanding it.
In a word - Character.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
The JoJo said:
- international observers not allowed on the premices (what is this, russia during the cold war? unbeliveable)

Hmmm, We had observers from China at three different precincts in my county. They even fake voted.