Webcam hardware/software?


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I'll have a camera outputting composite video connected to a dedicated computer, via a capture card of some kind. Here's what the customer wants:

1. Live webcasting of video
2. Saved images at a (much) lower framerate
3. Storage for ~1 week of video
3. Storage for 1 year of images

Does anyone have a suggestion on software that would do this? I haven't bought anything yet, so if you have suggestions on another capture card that's fine. Any speculation on hardware for the machine that will do this owuld be great, too. If need be I can have a $10,000 budget for this project, but of course cheaper is better.



Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
My ex's partner sets up surveillance systems as a side business. If you can wait until the weekend I can probably get some pretty decent advice for you.


Storage is cool
Aug 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Only a few days ago somebody broke down my front door trying to break into my house. Nothing was stolen. I suppose someone must have appeared and scared them off, because the door was totally wrecked; there was nothing to stop them from helping themselves to whatever they wanted.

I feel like I have to get an alarm or some sort of surveillance system now. We'd been lucky to have been left alone until now, but there have been a lot of break-ins in the area lately. First I have to get a new door installed though :(. I'm not sure the deductible on my insurance will allow insurance to help with that. I have a feeling that doors are the kind of things that are a lot more expensive than one might expect them to be.

It's a pretty unnerving experience to come home to a broken down door. I'm not a particularly angry or violent person, but I did take my frustration out on the wall (which I blame on the pints that were circulating in my system when I came home). Now I have a hole in the wall I have to repair in addition to the door, and bunch of stitches in my hand. My right hand is pretty sore and bandaged so I'm reduced to hunting and pecking --just to complete the miserableness of the situation and confirm that I am stupid :roll: .

OTOH, it's quite convenient that you started this thread when you did Dave, so that's rather nice :). Hopefully I'll learn something useful.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
If it is the front door of a house I bet it will cost at least a few hundred $ to replace. Obviously you don't want to go with something flimsy.

Next time try punching a couch a pillow or just scream real loud.

If an alarm system seems like a lot of money there are other options like signs that make it look like you have an alarm system that you can put on your windows and signs you can put in the yard.

I didn't think you guys in Canada had crime...


Storage is cool
Aug 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
ddrueding said:
I know it's hindsight, but that door would have been a great target for your anger ;)

timwhit said:
Next time try punching a couch a pillow or just scream real loud.

I certainly learned my lesson. Who would've thought that the wood people build houses out of is solid :roll: . Also, having to explain to the cute resident how (stupidly) you hurt your hand is very good punishment. Humiliation is a very effective learning tool...


Storage is cool
Aug 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
ddrueding, I know your probably interested in a Windows solution, but, if only for the record, Zoneminder looks like a very mature Linux solution. It's GPL as well. I wouldn't have thought this type of software would be particularly mature on Linux. Hell, it can even integrate with X10 home automation hardware.

It would probably require a decent amount of configuration though. It uses the now classic LAMP stack though, so there would be a wealth of help available. I just noticed that there is apparently a LiveCD. That makes it pretty easy to try out I suppose. The forums also seem very active.

Some general Googling indicates that, apparently, webcam support in general --not just Zoneminder-- (USB, Firewire, IP cameras) is quite solid on Linux. The irony is strong. Wireless is a bit of a mess, but webcams, oh, that's all taken care of ;).


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Gilbo said:
Who would've thought that the wood people build houses out of is solid

Actually, I have done the same thing. It seems I can never find a stud with a nail or screw, but my fist is 100% sure to catch one between the middle and index fingers of my writing hand. Look on the bright side, you could have found a drywall screw (eww).


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I'll never need an alarm system or an indoor camera. Since I threw my old computer in the middle of the street last year and then split it many times with my axe, all my neighbors think I'm a psychotic murderer. Combined to the fact that I often go out in the middle of the night for a few hours and many people are scared to shit by me. No ones gonna try to break in where I live.

If you have an old computer system that you no longer care about, try to do the same thing I did. Around souper time, so that most of your neighbors notice it. Way cheaper than an alarm system and probably even more effective.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Gilbo said:
I have a feeling that doors are the kind of things that are a lot more expensive than one might expect them to be.

Within the last two years I paid $700 for a not particularly pretty solid wood door for the basement.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
ddrueding said:
I'll have a camera outputting composite video connected to a dedicated computer, via a capture card of some kind. Here's what the customer wants:

1. Live webcasting of video
2. Saved images at a (much) lower framerate
3. Storage for ~1 week of video
3. Storage for 1 year of images

Does anyone have a suggestion on software that would do this?

Have you looked at DLink's line of web-enabled cameras? Based on the advice of the person I talked to, they have some pretty decent hardware (DLink?!?) and the higher-end models have good multiple-camera control software, too.

She did say that videotape remains her preferred method of storage if the purpose is security. Too many problems with unattended computers crapping themselves without anyone noticing or realizing it. Better web-enabled cameras have normal A/V outs and can be hooked up to directly to a VCR.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
Mercutio said:
ddrueding said:
I'll have a camera outputting composite video connected to a dedicated computer, via a capture card of some kind. Here's what the customer wants:

1. Live webcasting of video
2. Saved images at a (much) lower framerate
3. Storage for ~1 week of video
3. Storage for 1 year of images

Does anyone have a suggestion on software that would do this?

Have you looked at DLink's line of web-enabled cameras? Based on the advice of the person I talked to, they have some pretty decent hardware (DLink?!?) and the higher-end models have good multiple-camera control software, too.

She did say that videotape remains her preferred method of storage if the purpose is security. Too many problems with unattended computers crapping themselves without anyone noticing or realizing it. Better web-enabled cameras have normal A/V outs and can be hooked up to directly to a VCR.

Funny you should mention them. I actually have a pair of DCS-2100+ at the game center. They even carry really nice outdoor enclosures for them! Thanks for the tip!