However, I just bought another one. Because there's at least five people I know who want woot to move on to a different item, and 'cause I had $145 I wasn't doing anything with, anyway.
However, I just bought another one. Because there's at least five people I know who want woot to move on to a different item, and 'cause I had $145 I wasn't doing anything with, anyway.
My first one lasted about two and a half years and then it stopped vacuuming. It still roamed around just fine, so I used it for a cat toy but eventually it quit working entirely.
However, I just bought another one. Because there's at least five people I know who want woot to move on to a different item, and 'cause I had $145 I wasn't doing anything with, anyway.
Why must woot put wine on the woot-off. Isn't there a wine.woot for that? Someone who doesn't live in stupid state like mine please buy some so we can get on to the next thing. I'd love to try the wine but nope, no wine shipments here. And where is the Bag O Crap?
You must live in Pa
Bozo :joker:
I got a Random Crap.... with 3 craps in it. Woooooot!
I wonder what they send you. Maybe lint from the warehouse floor or something. Maybe those leakfrogs. I'll let you guys know either way.
Left handed golf things and whatever the hell sake is are pissing me off.