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  1. G

    Wide angle

    LOL. I should probably have checked Pradeep's link before posting. 15mm it is.
  2. G

    Wide angle

    Well, fisheye doesn't necessarily imply any particular focal length, although all fisheye lens are very short focal length lenses. Fisheye is actually used to describe a lens that is designed with not attempt to correct the image to make straight lines straight. That's the best way I can put...
  3. G

    Warning : Possible data corruption on nForce 4 motherboards.

    There's more ammunition for Merc in these threads, which I nipped from an SR thread: I haven't read them yet, because I'm...
  4. G

    PSWD clear = CMOS reset in Dell? Power outage fried dell.

    Oh, by the way thanks for your advice P5-133Xl, and yours as well Tannin. I followed your procedure before I called Dell support and you were exactly right, bad motherboard. No beep codes ever, CD-ROM gets power. Great call by the way :). Colour me suitably impressed!
  5. G

    PSWD clear = CMOS reset in Dell? Power outage fried dell.

    I talked to Dell Support. Even as it came out of my mouth I realized I shouldn't have mentioned it; I told them about the power outage, although I didn't mention the horrible on/off death that the computer died. Dead mobo, they think. Good guy on the phone, Indian accent, but very good...
  6. G

    PSWD clear = CMOS reset in Dell? Power outage fried dell.

    Also I should have googled better before I posted. Google has links that lead to 404's. One of which is usefully in some Oriental language that my Linux setup doesn't display very well. Luckily Google cache still has has some info. Sorry for the easily googled question, the triple post, and...
  7. G

    PSWD clear = CMOS reset in Dell? Power outage fried dell.

    More accurately it's CLR PSSWRD and MMODE, but you know what I'm saying.
  8. G

    PSWD clear = CMOS reset in Dell? Power outage fried dell.

    My girlfriend's PC was in standy during a power outage that hit Halifax today because it was mildly windy and Nova Scotia power sucks. My power has gone off in light drizzles before. I live a 5 minute walk from downtown! Unfortunately the power didn't just go out, it flashed on and off for...
  9. G

    Warning : Possible data corruption on nForce 4 motherboards.

    Great. My two home fileservers currently use NForce4 motherboards, ~300GB of my music and a medium amount of video. I hope this is an isolated issue. I don't have md5sums or any other way of checking the integrity of the files short of untarring a quazillion backup CD-R's... I have to say I...
  10. G

    Sony releasing malware

    That appeared on a bunch of RSS feeds I subscribe to and boy did it piss me off. Can't criminal charges be filed in many countries and/or states for something like that?
  11. G

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    Bethesda has released the E3 preview videos to latest Elder Scrolls game. You can find them here. There worth watching for the visual appeal alone, but if you don't know much about the game they'll also give you an overview of most of the biggest features.
  12. G

    CPU Optimised Firefox

    As a gentoo user, I have a lot of experience with custom compiled software. My opinion is that for the vast majority of applications --and this should be held to be even more true for desktop applications-- compile optimizations have no noticeable affect on the user's experience. The only...
  13. G


    Currently some of the Slashdot commentary is actually pretty funny. Normally Slashdot comments make me pray for a nuclear war and the commensurate eradication of the human species. #1 feature I have heard of so far: sharing bookmarks between different computers. I assume it does this by...
  14. G


    LOL. Minutes after I post the above this Slashdot article on the browser appears in my RSS reader. I'd still love to here your opinions Adcadet.
  15. G


    That's the new browser that's all "WEB-2.0ey" eh? It integrates a lot of social information management features I suppose. If you wouldn't mind, could you run down a quick list of what it does differently. I've been looking into ways to manage the internet a little more efficiently lately. I...
  16. G

    AMD sockets

    Ya, both are up for replacement in 2006. 940-pin has been around for a long time as sockets go.
  17. G


    I prefer Rye and Coke, personally. Rum and Coke is way too sweet for me. There's something about how Rye complements Coke too, that has always made me wonder how the Rum and Coke became the standard acoholic Coke mixture. Of course, there could be something wierd with my taste buds.
  18. G

    Head for the hills! Pradeep's in America!

    My favourite Sleeman's is the Steam. Propeller Bitter, is far and away my favourite beer. A Halifax local, that one.
  19. G

    Life is such a fragile thing

    I'm sorry CityK. That's terrible. I lost my last cat about 18 months ago. A car ran it over :(. I'd had her since she was a kitten. I found her in the woods thirteen years ago with two of her brothers. They seemed to have been abondoned by their mother, so we adopted them and gave one of...
  20. G

    Watch preferences

    I'm also in the no wristwach camp. I think we're a rather unusual demographic. I used to keep a pocket watch though. I don't like having jewelry on me, but it's sometimes useful to know the time, so a pocket watch was a nice solution for me. It broke about two years ago though and I haven't...
  21. G

    A quick look at the countryside

    The birds are gorgeous subjects Tannin, and I really like the composition of the 2nd last shot, the one with the river. It's my favourite I think. That old, overburdened tree (the eighth shot) is also really compelling.
  22. G

    Oh look, a legislator from Indiana is doing something stupid

    Sorry Merc, I can't help you out, but like mubs said, Canada is looking for immigrants, especially skilled workers in the tech trade. Ottawa, where I used to live was hit hard by the Bubble, but its tech industry has come back to life the last couple years or so. The west is just booming as...
  23. G

    SR TestBed4 Article is up

    Personally, I think the Testbed is well chosen and that the benchmarks are as good as one can get for general-purpose desktop and server testing. I'd like to see stop-watched Writer launches on linux, analysis with and without pre-linking, stop-watched Photoshop launches on...
  24. G

    Compact Digicam recommendations

    GIANT, that's definitely an autofocus miss, not a shutter speed or depth of field problem. Notice that the green leaves are in focus and sharp, but the flower, the intended object of the shot is not. Too slow a shutterspeed, handheld would have blurred everything including the leaves. While...
  25. G

    Oh look, a legislator from Indiana is doing something stupid

    The ridiculousness that constantly iterates through your government is really quite amazing Mercutio. Sometimes I don't realize how much of a different world Americans live in since most of the ones I've met have seemed so normal. I guess the sickos don't travel north very often. They...
  26. G

    Social bookmarking sites and your favourite RSS feeds.

    RSS (and when I say that I include all RSS versions and their analog Atom) has made a lot of things much more convenient for me sechs. It's nice to have my news and information at my fingertips in one location. I used to waste a lot of time running from site to site to make sure I didn't miss...
  27. G

    Something Random

    It's worth mentioning that Dan does say that particular amplifier is likely worth the cash with some caveats regarding its power output --which were exactly what were pointed out here.
  28. G

    Something Random

    I just have to mention the best review at 6moon's: the Cable Tower 1 and the Cable Tower 2. Those are plastic things meant to keep you cables off the ground. You see, static buildup in carpets can impair the performance of your expensive music system if you're such an idiot as to just run your...
  29. G

    Something Random

    Dan has brief blurb on that inexpensive, audiophile amplifier in his latest letters column. It's well worth checking out ;).
  30. G

    Social bookmarking sites and your favourite RSS feeds.

    Means that I'm picky when it comes to signal to noise ratios. RSS feeds are supposed to save me time, not drown me in information.
  31. G

    Social bookmarking sites and your favourite RSS feeds.

    Does anyone use anything like or Reader2? Do you have any comments you'd like to share regarding their usefulness? Recently I've been trying to expand my internet horizons a little and find better sources of tech news in a variety of specific areas as well as satisfy some other...
  32. G

    I made an order from a possibly sketchy online store.

    LOL. Thanks Stereodude. In the end, I resolved it without sending them anything other than basic credit card information. I'm a little worried about them having my credit card number, but the instant I originally sent the order in I was doomed in that regard I suppose. I always watch it...
  33. G

    I made an order from a possibly sketchy online store.

    I emailed them back and told them I was willing to call Mastercard and try and sort things out, but that there was no way I was faxing them a copy of my driver's license and my credit card. I haven't called them yet mostly because I'm cheap, and in no particular hurry.
  34. G

    A little bit chilly

    You say what! Look at the picture... 20cm of snow in early October --it's practically September! I can just tell it's gonna be a crazy one this year. That stuff is far, far west of me, but this is unusual even by Canadian standards, hell it's unusual by maratimer standards, and the only...
  35. G

    I made an order from a possibly sketchy online store.

    Nothing really disturbed me at first. There were a couple 'advisory' boxes that popped up during the ordering process, which is rather bad form --I alt-F4ed them without touching them, mostly out of habit, not because I was suspicious. However, I got this: A photocopy of my driver's license...
  36. G

    hey, doc...

    A simple anti-inflammatory like Ibuprofen or Aspirin should be adequate. It'll reduce the swelling. It'll also kill the pain a little. Take them regularly (as suggested) over the course of the day to get the full anti-inflammatory effect. Anecdotally, for a while, --not sure why, I might...
  37. G

    Audio Components

    I also have heard excellent things about Onkyo equipment. My impression has always been that it is a high-quality brand that sells at reasonable prices because it's brand visibility is much weaker than many competing brands.
  38. G

    New camera: Canon 20D?

    And it doesn't even work! If anyone cares anymore, just go to photozone, click on Canon EOS Lenses under User Performance Surveys. Then select all zooms from the pull down menu, and toggle Order by: Performance Sorry for the kajillion posts :oops: . I'm a moron...
  39. G

    New camera: Canon 20D?

    Ugh, sorry about what that's going to do to the page formatting. I hate when people do that...
  40. G

    New camera: Canon 20D?

    I forgot the link to all the Canon compatible zooms, ordered by performance at photozone. The BBCode doesn't like it (too long?), so you'll have to cut and paste it...
  41. G

    New camera: Canon 20D?

    You certainly got bad apples, and I don't think the odds of a good one are as bad as you suggest. Most people get excellent samples apparently (120-300mm f/2.8 & 100-300 f/4.0 respectively). Those are among the highest rated lenses on Fred Miranda, which has a far more educated and...
  42. G

    BOFH Episode 15

    I don't get the Dutch lobster reference either. I'd google it... but I'm kind of scared.
  43. G

    Our Feral cat took off...

    That's terrific news Santilli :D !
  44. G

    Our Feral cat took off...

    I've had cats disappear for days, especially around this time of year, and in the spring. Don't give up hope just yet. :)
  45. G

    New camera: Canon 20D?

    Have you taken a look at the Minolta 7D Tannin? It's an amazing camera to work with. As a tool it puts every other camera I've handled to shame (20D, 350D, S2 Pro, D70 --disclaimer I only own the S2, but have played for several hours with most of the others). I'm sure the Canon & Nikon Pro...
  46. G

    PC Gaming = World of Suck

    I think Civilization IV is coming out soon. I haven't really looked into it personally, but it might be worth paying attention to. Of course this doesn't solve your present predicament.
  47. G

    Rollcall: who is running what?

    Those 64-bit Semprons are definitely great deals, even if you don't consider overclocking. On the other hand, as far as I've seen the Semprons aren't particularly better overclockers than the other low multiplier A64 chips out there. I think it's just their price that has people even more...
  48. G

    AMD ahead of the manufacturing process?

    It's worth adding that AMD also led Intel with SOI.
  49. G

    No Connection to the Internet Is Currently Available --Win98

    Actually, it was a manual IP config, and I had specifically set the gateway address so it should have been working. Who knows what was going on. Crazy Windows computers!
  50. G

    No Connection to the Internet Is Currently Available --Win98

    Of course, after rebooting for the twenty-seventh time it suddenly decides that the router it has been talking to for ages is indeed an actual gateway and that the internet really is right on the other side of it. OMFG Windows is a bizarre beast.