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  1. F


    Uh-oh guys.... Source - Complete article here
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    In a word - Character.
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    Welcome fellow Redneck!
  5. F


    That's odd considering Howard's recent victory.
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    Behavioral Survey

  7. F


    I noticed that PA's final tally is actually closer than that of Ohio. I wonder if the absentee votes still to be counted could reverse the outcome?
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    Sept. 19th is "Talk like a Pirate Day"

    Whose turn was it to get the fetching wenches this year and what's his excuse? eh?
  9. F

    Where's the fire?

    Source - Can you imagine?
  10. F

    Handy - 3,000+ posts

    Yeah haw!!!!! Whopdi-do! Hubba-hubba! Shazam.... :D Congratulations Doug and thanks for all that you do for us here! Bill
  11. F

    Move over SUV lovers...

    I predict that the fact that they are ridiculous and completely without merit as a means of transportation virtually guarantees that they will sell all they manufacture.
  12. F

    Superbowl 2005 Preditions

    I think that I jinxed my team by picking them here last year. So this year I'm picking to "jinx" the teams I hope to see loose big time. Pittsburg over Carolina (via of beating Philadelphia again in the NFC Championship game!).
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    The Jo Jo, Where do you normally dive in Finland? How cold is the water?
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    SF vs. SR

    They get more traffic at SR which is great for me since I love to discuss politics. Signal to noise ratio? In which forum? The Bar & Grille?
  15. F

    SF vs. SR

    I like both. I've known folks longer here. It's more of a family atmosphere - a disfunctional family perhaps (complete with the old man you'd like to keep locked in the attic if you could - me). But I have some good friends at SR as well.
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    SF vs. SR

    Why do you prefer, if you do, SF to SR?
  17. F

    It's a small world

  18. F

    United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement

    We subsidize our Sugar industry here as well. I know they have a fair amount of political clout but it's beyond all reason at this point to continue supporting them with price supports etc. Particularly when here in Florida we not only support them to grow it - but then also have to pay to clean...
  19. F

    United States-Australia Free Trade Agreement

    From - Sounds good in principle but will it help or hurt our Aussie brethren?
  20. F

    This is what your taxes are used for...

    Anything and everything that happens in the way of accidents, illness, or injuries to civilians happens to service personel and their dependents (who are also eligible for care by the medical corps). Cleft-pallets, breast cancer victims, burn victims, are just a few of the legitimate cases in...
  21. F

    Swinging by to say hi

    For those who missed it Frank thinks that I am a troll, a racist and a Muslim-hater. He presented what amounted to an ultimatim to balding_ape that if I was allowed to continue to post at SR he would find a new place to dwell. For the most part I don't post regarding politics here Frank so by...
  22. F

    [NEWS] - Seagate to let go 3000 workers

    Small world Bookmage, I grew up in Annandale. Graduated from Annandale High many-a-year ago. I live Florida now (25 yrs) but still miss being able to drive out to the Blueridge when I feel the need to get away.
  23. F

    [NEWS] - The end of MBM

    I liked the original GUI but stopped using it when they went to the larger version a few years back. But it was very helpful back before the mobo manufacturers began supplying their own monitoring utilities. In fact as I recall it was the only windows compatible monitoring utility out there for...
  24. F

    Happy 1000th, David

    Congrats David. BTW it's probably about time to change the pantyhose. The old pair must be getting a bit stale after having made 1,000 posts in them. :mrgrn:
  25. F


    Exactly. :D
  26. F

    This is what happens when you run a red light

    No I don't think so. Either way, walk or don't walk, it wasn't the ped's fault. I was taught that pedestrians always have the right of way. I drive very defensively and slow down at every intersection at least enough to make sure that no one is going to plow into me. Being in an accident is a...
  27. F


    Are you hitting on me? :eekers:
  28. F

    This is what happens when you run a red light

    I am assuming that the car that flipped over had the green light. If so the pedestrian must have been walking against the "Don't Walk" signal. Either that or the PT Crusier had the green light?
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    I am seriously worried about a few of you fellows. :)
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    I hope that it was Tea who voted "no" and not one of "the guys". The thought of Tea wearing pantyhose is scary enough. :o
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    Is our resident alien Pradeep justified in calling in sick Monday to inspect and adjust his new 47" HDTV?
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    I need a new TV

    I think we need to poll on that question.
  33. F

    This is what happens when you run a red light

    That poor pedestrian! It's a miracle if he survived.
  34. F

    I need a new TV

    Glad to hear things have worked out well for you. Watching football on that TV should be awesome. Do you get cable? We have cable with cable company supplied TIVO and I'm spoiled after having used it for a few months now.
  35. F

    I need a new TV

    In the "worst economy since the great depression", you who are not yet even a citizen (I assume), have managed to find two jobs in fairly short order? How can that be? Seriously congratulations on the new job and that sweet TV you lucky bastard! :lol:
  36. F

    I need a new TV

    Damn Pradeep how about seeing if you can get me job at the loading dock - I need a 53" HDTV too! :)
  37. F

    Jihadi Rocket Scientist...

    :lol: [URL Removed. Bloodshed is not a topic for amusement. - Moderator]
  38. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    From whence did the Normans come forth?
  39. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    You have gotten yourself all upset because you have read into what I wrote other then what is actually written. This tends to happen when folks react emotionally rather than behaving in a rational fashion. Re-read my post when you have calmed down - you'll have a better chance that way of...
  40. F

    Pay attention Rodney King...

    Glad you guys liked it. :)
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    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    The primary interest is that of self-defense. It is the Bush administration's belief that the best way to address the root cause of Islamic terrorism is to transform the middle east from a collection of dictatorships and absolute monarchies into democracies. This has already begun to happen...
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    Pay attention Rodney King...

    Hmmm... try taking the link on this web page; I hope it works.
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    Pay attention Rodney King...
  44. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    You mean like the other 191 nations do?
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    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    What makes you think I care? As far as I am concerned the UN can shove it.
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    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    Again, I ask what is the significance of this and how does it relate to anything which I have said? You seem to have implied in your post before last that I had said the war would be over when the troops came home. I outlined a few posts ago what my definition was of "war over" and that...
  47. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    What significance are you attaching to the turning over of authority for the Iraqi Army and police to the interim government? By the way, the article says January 2006 at "the latest".
  48. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    Oh boy you've got me there. I might as well admit it - I do live in a bubble - it is funny, and I am planning on vacationing in Iraq in two years. :roll:
  49. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    Tannin you ignorant pudwhacker. I need to practice reading posts? Like you do you mean? I think not! If you would be so kind as to read back through this thread you will discover than it was none other flagreen who introduced the word "prompt" into this discussion. The context in which I used...
  50. F

    Should Rumsfeld keep his job?

    Tannin, Greed? Good lord are you still on that "it's all about the oil" bandwagon? This war will be over in no longer than two years provided Bush wins reelection - which I believe he will. If Kerry wins then all bets are off. BTW by "over" I mean not only that the resistance will have been...