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  1. P5-133XL

    Dying S3

    I really thought from the title that your Audi A3 had died and was feeling very sympathetic. My bad... I really try to keep my phone use to a minimum, so I really can't help compared to others here with far more experience.
  2. P5-133XL

    Newegg Premier

    Newegg has a much better search capability than Amazon.
  3. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Labeling is a long-term solution that helps the next time something goes wrong. Swapping things out, only deals with today. But then you really ought to know that by now.
  4. P5-133XL


    I haven't yet heard of anyone testing to see if 14.1beta works for Linux. It is the first driver version with a different OpenCL so maybe that's the one to make a difference. Unfortunately, I don't know if the beta 14.1 is even available for Linux yet.
  5. P5-133XL

    Windows 8 install tricks

    That sounds like a software-patent caused issue.
  6. P5-133XL


    For anyone running AMD GPU's, there are reports that the new 14.1beta1.6 drivers include a new version of OpenCL which is adding a bunch of PPD. To give numbers, an extra 29K on a R9-290X, or 15K on a HD7870.
  7. P5-133XL

    I'm retiring

    Snowing here too. Over a foot, so far. Very pretty, almost aesthetic. I can definitely tell that there are few children for the snow remains relatively pristine in my apt. complex and all schools have been closed today. The Apt. parking is all up on a hill, so cars can leave but they can't...
  8. P5-133XL

    problem Performance / Delays

  9. P5-133XL

    Some work on my A3

    Would it not be better to start with an S series Audi rather than an A? I know you already have the A but still the S would seem to be a better base platform to start your modifications from.
  10. P5-133XL

    Some work on my A3

    The concept of paying those prices for a car battery is unfathomable, to me. Yes, I know they are outright better than standard lead-acid but still. Will a car's charging system work well for Li-ion batteries or will it cause premature death?
  11. P5-133XL


    Not personally a sports fan, but I did watch the start. After the first play, where the hike went into the end-zone, I turned it off in disgust and left to go eat. Came back at 6:30 and after I saw the score I knew I was right to ignore the whole game.
  12. P5-133XL

    Free laptop memory & cpu

    Even if the CPU is worthless to you, the RAM is not!
  13. P5-133XL

    Some work on my A3

    Octane is one issue, ethanol is another. In Oregon, some stations are allowed to sell pure gasoline with no ethanol added and that will also add to HP.
  14. P5-133XL

    Helium filled hard drives

    Been there, done that and never more. Even the act of needing to restore from backup isn't worth it...
  15. P5-133XL

    Helium filled hard drives

    Multiple drives in Raid-0 is not a replacement for a single larger HD. HD's fail, and when they do they take out the entire raid-0 set. When you are dependent on multiple HD you multiply the failure risk many times. The data is normally far more important than saving a few bucks at the start.
  16. P5-133XL

    Interesting high-end TOR switch from the OCP initiative

    It might be cheap compared to the competition, but it still looks mighty costly. How inexpensive can a managed fibre 12x40GbE+48x10GbE be? My guess is $30,000 at the low-end.
  17. P5-133XL

    New Computer

    Look into downloading Cisco emulators, if buying isn't an option.
  18. P5-133XL

    New Computer

    Intel still wants high-performance server chips. Eventually, that will trickle down to the consumer. Unfortunately, without any significant competition the rate of change has slowed down to a crawl.
  19. P5-133XL

    LogMein free is terminating access

    LogMeIn Blog [/FONT][/COLOR]
  20. P5-133XL

    What were you worst computer related mistakes made?

    I'm sure we have all made mistakes. Here are two old ones that stick out in my mind. Feel free to add your own stories. 1. I had purchased a dozen very expensive SCSI HD's for a customer build. I unpacked them and placed them on a card table where I promptly kicked out a leg and watched...
  21. P5-133XL

    problem Desktop pc freezes after I put it to Sleep a 2nd time

    Fold and they will be doing something useful all the time...
  22. P5-133XL

    problem Desktop pc freezes after I put it to Sleep a 2nd time

    Personally I've had a lot more HD's fail (Dozens) than monitors but I also have a lot more HD's. The only personal monitors I've had fail were because water pored down inside it (A leak from upstairs) and a power button wore out (was replaced under 5Y warranty).
  23. P5-133XL

    problem Desktop pc freezes after I put it to Sleep a 2nd time

    It has always been my understanding that electronics are harmed much more by the power-up/power down process (Heat cycling) than continuous running while mechanical items like HD's and anything with florescent tubes like monitors are better served by turning them off. Do note that there are...
  24. P5-133XL

    problem Desktop pc freezes after I put it to Sleep a 2nd time

    I assure you, I have no good process to help you find an errant driver that doesn't identify itself but is causing lockup problems. The best I've got is disabling drivers, one at a time, till you can find the problem child. Just as a side question does the behavior still happen from within...
  25. P5-133XL

    "Adware vendors buy Chrome Extensions to send ad and malware-filled updates"

    Are you sure that it isn't the data that is being updated rather than the programs themselves?
  26. P5-133XL

    problem Desktop pc freezes after I put it to Sleep a 2nd time

    Never auto-update drivers using Microsoft. This is exactly the type of scenario that can happen and it is a bear to diagnose and fix because you don't know what driver was fiddled with or even when. At least when you manually do updates then you can say it was working and now that the update...
  27. P5-133XL

    "Adware vendors buy Chrome Extensions to send ad and malware-filled updates"

    Firefox doesn't auto-update extensions when a new version of the extension comes out. Only Chrome (probably Chromium too) does that. So, if a Adware/malware company buys Ad-block (as a fictional example) then the adware/malware company can update the extension with a new version that contains...
  28. P5-133XL

    "Adware vendors buy Chrome Extensions to send ad and malware-filled updates"

    I saw that article. It sucks! At the moment it is just ad-ware but at some point it will inevitably become malware. Google will need change their policies to stop it before that point or risk class-action lawsuits.
  29. P5-133XL

    Ivy Bridge-EP (Xeon E5) specifications leaked

    If you get permission to fold at the workplace, then often you can take that to whomever in IT controls the firewall to have ports 80/8080 (the only ones that really matter) unblocked for that specific application.
  30. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    I'm sure it is just a liability issue: Hire an obvious prostitute.
  31. P5-133XL

    Caching software for SSD

    No, I didn't get a good answer or at least an answer I that I could use. I really thought that SSD caching (non-hybrid drive) would have been much more useful and prevalent. Unfortunately, I already found it a home so selling it is not really an option.
  32. P5-133XL

    Something Random

    Lots of people already live like that while the Govt. turns a blind eye: They are called the homeless.
  33. P5-133XL

    Best movie you've seen

    I really like Saving Mr. Banks. It made me want to see the original Mary Poppins again and read the original book. I wish the two films had been released as a double-feature...
  34. P5-133XL

    TR's SSD endurance test

    500TB update
  35. P5-133XL


    Actually, today it gushed rain, lots of wind and in the high 30's. For me, that is much less comfortable to be out and about than when it was in the teen's with no wind and very low humidity. Wet and cold is a lot worse than just cold. On the other hand high 30's isn't going to crack the...
  36. P5-133XL

    problem Performance / Delays

    I just tried pressing that button with Chrome and it just immediately scrolled back to the bottom and put me into a Quick Reply box.
  37. P5-133XL

    Crap selection of laptops

    To my knowledge no one here has censored anything. Did you have a post edited? Single Xeons work just like any other Intel processor when placed in a consumer MB. You are not very likely to notice much difference but there are some. They can cost more! When they can be OC'ed they tend to...
  38. P5-133XL

    Alternative folding support idea - mining for coins to fund F@H

    Why R9 270's and not R9 290's? Is it just you could not afford the higher performing card?
  39. P5-133XL


    Where I am the weather is and has been quite normal.
  40. P5-133XL

    Ad Block Plus indicates it is blocking something here.

    I see no such option in the Chrome extension.
  41. P5-133XL

    Ad Block Plus indicates it is blocking something here.

    I do not see anything it ABP that specifies what is being blocked. I wish it were that simple.
  42. P5-133XL

    Ad Block Plus indicates it is blocking something here.

    I don't know if this will help much because I see little difference between the enabled and disabled other than the ABP indicator. Edit: Other than one is at the top of the page and the other is scrolled down. I thought that there wasn't any difference when I took them. I can take more...
  43. P5-133XL

    Ad Block Plus indicates it is blocking something here.

    Mine is running on Chrome (Desktop) using Easylist, Malware Domains, Fanboy's Social Blocking List, and Easy Privacy.
  44. P5-133XL

    Ad Block Plus indicates it is blocking something here.

    Ad Block Plus was recently updated and I now observe that it claims to block an advertisement here. I thought we were ad-free. Perhaps it is blocking a facebook link but I am merely guessing.
  45. P5-133XL

    Crap selection of laptops

    Yes, but you have to do all the Windows updates to make it current before you can get the update to 8.1 from the store.
  46. P5-133XL

    Caching software for SSD

    I now have a spare 180GB SSD, so why not use it? The problem is that my partitions use far more space than the SSD contains. I know that I can reinstall everything and move stuff around so it would all fit but that would take a lot of time that I'm not really interested in spending. So, what...
  47. P5-133XL


    Whatever happened, fixed itself and it is all working now.
  48. P5-133XL


    As far as I can tell, the entire folding network just shut down. Santa is giving folding computers worldwide the gift of relaxation. For them it has become a SPA day.
  49. P5-133XL


    Congrats. It happened much faster than I thought it would but it was inevitable.
  50. P5-133XL

    question Which series Intel SSD for a desktop pc, and where to buy it?

    I know that I bought 2x 180GB 530 series at Fry's during cyber-monday where they price-matched Newegg's $110 shipped, for Xmas presents. When you are dealing with brand-name SSD's I don't think where you buy it matters, just price. I also agree that you shouldn't necessarily limit yourself...