Search results

  1. blakerwry

    Ford escort vs tree

    howabout a miata? have you felt how thin the metal is on those things? My girlfriend is sincerely scared of being a passenger in the car with me when i drive it. She drives an Accord and I normally drive a Toyota Camry. I feel very safe in the Camry, I know it would take alot to tear it in...
  2. blakerwry

    4 sale Pentium4 northwood heatsinks

    I have two heatsinks that came with retail intel CPUs that I'd like to get rid of before I move. Both are still in original retail packaging and have not been removed.. I hear that they are supposed to be pretty quiet, but like I said I have never teted them. Anybody game?
  3. blakerwry

    Ever wanted to know the thoughts of car fans?

    Handy, are the door handles that metalisized plastic that Honda uses in some of their cars? I would really like to replace those with metal if so... just a persona preference I dispise plastic in place of metal.
  4. blakerwry

    Getting In Shape

    i don't see how it's possible to lift that much with your legs... simply crazy... After reading this I feel like I am completely out of shape, which is true compared to a couple years ago.
  5. blakerwry

    Ford escort vs tree

    Maybe 100... But they couldn't do much more than that if they were falling off a cliff.
  6. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

  7. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    Yes. i won my case. You're the man Doug!
  8. blakerwry

    [NEWZ] More On The SAS Front (Maxtor, Seagate)

    I don't know if you got the gist of everything I was saying. By having more channels I was talking about having each disk on its own channel or atleast dividing your disks up among different channels. The difference here would be like having a hubbed network(all drives on a single channel) and...
  9. blakerwry

    Case for 10HDs (with 18" of a PCI slot)

    I have the case, it's plenty deep. There is a purple plastic bracket that holds both the front and rear 120mm fans. The drive placement is the same whether you use a front fan or not anyway. The HDDs do overlap a standard ATX mobo by about 1/2" to 1" However, the drive placement is such that...
  10. blakerwry

    What to do with a G3 Mac, and old computers, like P3, 450mhz

    heh, i know how you feel. PCs de value so much that they're almost not worth selling if they're more than a couple yers old. The machines you mention are still perfectly usable and would make fine PCs for the majority of home or office users I know. Maybe you could tune the systems and give...
  11. blakerwry

    Return of the king

    i was just thinking something along the same lines
  12. blakerwry

    [NEWZ] More On The SAS Front (Maxtor, Seagate)

    i dont think so... because data goes from the media to the buffer over an internal interface inside the disk drive, the data is then read from the buffer and sent over the interface (SCSI, S-ATA, IDE, whatever) to the controller on the motherboard. as far as I know memory can either be written...
  13. blakerwry

    Getting a Windows Refund in California Small Claims Court

    component in the 7 steps to ruliung the world (or atleast your computer)?
  14. blakerwry

    Online Test (07-31-2003)

    shucks I got a woppin 12. I dun agree wid sum dem questions tho. a nightcrawler beats the red worm in my opinion. It's bigger and juicier and I've caught stripers on em before. A .25 caliber pellet is too fat and shoots slower and less acurately than a .22 or .20 (5mm). My 5mm pellet rifle...
  15. blakerwry

    You have a Cadillac XLR for the evening

    awww.. i wanted to see
  16. blakerwry

    Dual-channel SATA RAID controller comparison

    im still awaiting my circuit city rebate from.. uh... was it 6 months ago for my 800JB
  17. blakerwry

    [NEWZ] More On The SAS Front (Maxtor, Seagate)

    i was wondering about this earlier.. dont no if I got a reply. Would a full duplex interface really be beneficial when the disks themselves are half duplex by design (cannot read/write simultanesouly, even to the buffer)? I imagine the more independent disks you have, the more beneficial it...
  18. blakerwry

    [NEWS] Telcos Bundle ADSL Modems

    where would the cheap winmodem fit in?
  19. blakerwry

    NEWZ: Iomega Is At It Again -- DCT

    and they never gave me my rebate!
  20. blakerwry

    Cannot activate Flash Player 6

    if you've installed a enwer version of IE than that which comes with the OS, then "microsoft internet explorer and internet tools" will be listed in add/rem programs. you can double click it and you will find the option to repair IE. I'm not sure if 2k came with 5.5 or 6.0, if the later, I'm...
  21. blakerwry

    Critical Security Patch Windows

    this is rediculous
  22. blakerwry

    So, um, where is everyone?

    I'm out sick. Don't expect me around till I feel better, sorry guys.
  23. blakerwry

    Cool beyond words

    Dont you want to satisfy your inner child?
  24. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    That was a username I sued when Iw as comparing computer speeds.. it was dedicated to a computer named TinNyanko... i dont use that username anymore anyway.. I just go by blakerwry now man.
  25. blakerwry

    Another death in the family

    Man, there comes a point where quality of life becomes an issue. I know you have a strong attachment to your pet, but you have to think about what the pet would want, and not yourself.
  26. blakerwry

    Processor or Fan; Chicken or Egg.

    if the fan had got something stuck in it (stopped spinning) could that have caused more current draw and caused the problem? I know it's easy for power cables or zip ties or whatever to get in the way of a fan.
  27. blakerwry

    Free virus scan.

    Merc and I have both used housecall for a while. I give it my recomendation.
  28. blakerwry

    Power outage

    I guess my family's enthusiasm for the outdoors has us prepared. We have a propane grill (with 2 or 3 cannisters) we also have 2 white gas camping stoves and a propane camping stove. Also ahve some kerosine lanters and white gas ones. In addition to that we have probably 2 sleeping bags per...
  29. blakerwry

    Processor or Fan; Chicken or Egg.

    Yust FYI, the central pin on a 3 pin fan header is 12V.
  30. blakerwry

    Power outage

    I can live without electricity (although it would make most of my toys useless), but I would have a very hard time living without running water.. *never heard of needing electricity to have runing water in your house... do you live in an apartment?
  31. blakerwry

    Narrow thread for pics

    That camera looks sharp. those goats remind me of the petting zoo around here... the gaots get a little too friendly if they see you have food. The best place to see wildlife, in my opinion, is in the wild. While backpacking one year I saw a heard of over 100 Elk (including calves, cows, and...
  32. blakerwry

    Writing something

    I like the installments format. too bad it's not really what one would call episodic. (maybe if you released slower and in larger quantities) I like that you stated the music, it helps me paint the picture. keep it up Merc, I'm looking forward to your next post.
  33. blakerwry

    Microsoft MN-150 5-Port 10/100 Switch

    SMC still make good stuff for "home" networking?
  34. blakerwry

  35. blakerwry

    I noticed that too on my account... very nice improvement.
  36. blakerwry

    New toys

    I take that back, it's been 4 days that I've used the PC and my battery meter is still on green (atleast 3/4ths) for both mouse and keyboard. Considering that the battery meter started off below full (i can only assume becasue of the lower voltage of NiMH) that seems pretty good. Of course, I...
  37. blakerwry

    Guess I'm the "Other" kind of engineer... check out my 404 page... took me awhile to get the layers working properly across browsers:wink: Things overlap in IE6, things almost overlap in moz.
  38. blakerwry

    If you're just putting a personal page together Dreamweaver or frontpage (or another good GUI)is probably easiest (I wouldnt have said this a few yers ago). These products have really improved. The main reason to edit HTML by hand is that 1) you know it's done right and it will be fast and...
  39. blakerwry

    using thunderbird/firebird

    pictures in the bookmark toolbar still get lost every once in a while, they come back when I visit the site. Anybody else have the same problem?
  40. blakerwry

    I like to see it at least once a year

    that was inspiring
  41. blakerwry

    using thunderbird/firebird

    exactly, no Java required on any build of any mozilla/phoenix/firebird browser.
  42. blakerwry

    Did You Know You Are Rich? About Taxes & Tax Reduction

    Do you know how hard it is to be rich Coug?
  43. blakerwry

    Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Access Point/router/switch $109.00

    The 704 was made to compete with the linksys 4 port when the home routers just started getting popular. The 704 was about 20% cheaper and miles ahead of the linksys in terms of stability and working features. I think the 704 was too well built for D-Link, they wanted something cheaper, and thus...
  44. blakerwry

    Microsoft Messenger problem

    it is located under windows components (because we all know what an integral part of windows it is, right?)
  45. blakerwry

    winXP: Windows cannot load the locally stored profile...

    no. VNC viewer may have been installed, but it was not running and the server was not even isntalled (didnt use tight VNC on that computer at the time I beleive.. realVNC instead).
  46. blakerwry

    HDD technology article

    mickey, is it true that on WD disks that when they get an RMA back that doesn't work, all they would re-use when making a refurbished drive would be the disk housing and the circuit board? (and not the heads/media)
  47. blakerwry

    Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Access Point/router/switch $109.00
  48. blakerwry

    Linksys WRT54G Wireless-G Access Point/router/switch $109.00

    yeah, i have this feature on my 704
  49. blakerwry

    realplayer alternative

    objobwa!!!! realplayer alternative. play realplayer files.... without installing realplayer devilware! quicktime alternative and real alternative available here Test here: or *The mozilla plugin...
  50. blakerwry

    SF Folding@Home Graphical Sig

    Username... User Rank... Team Rank... um, the salnt has been overdone... nah really, it's OK. I just thoguht a gradient looked better, I tried a horizontal gradient that kept the slant but it didn't blend as well. 6 of one, half a dozen of the other.