Search results

  1. blakerwry

    7200.7 results coming in.

    The other place has low level results for the 7200.7, very comparable to the ATA V, despite its slower access times.
  2. blakerwry

    160gb maxtor Diamond Plus 9

    i bought a 80GB DM+9, I'm hoping it's as quiet as a 120/180gxp or 7200.7 when idle.
  3. blakerwry

    Frickin' techie miracle

    That sounds pretty familiar.. lemme guess quantum pro drive LPS in a compaq presario 800 series. (both my 800 series 486 presarios came with 200-300MB Quantum prodrives)
  4. blakerwry

    Thanks Merc: Speeze CPU cooler

    What i meant was have you gotten any of the Speeze coolers that have a wrap/sleeve around the 3 wires? Two of the coolers in the article had the "plain jain" no wrap with just the 3 seperate wires and one microflow had the wrap that kept the wires bundeled together.
  5. blakerwry

    Thanks Merc: Speeze CPU cooler

    Are they that bad? considering he's using an Athlon 1.4gHz...non XP... that would be a thunderbird.. aka hot and slow. Merc, have you gotten any of the wire sleeved coolers yet? like the microflow pictured in the article... I almost got another whisperRock, but instead got a shuttle SS51G with...
  6. blakerwry

    Frickin' techie miracle

    the drives are only in there to keep the boxes from floating away, right?
  7. blakerwry

    Thanks Merc: Speeze CPU cooler

    i would ahve liked to see them also run tests with a control fan so we can get an idea about the efficiency of the coolers.
  8. blakerwry

    Thanks Merc: Speeze CPU cooler

    IT IS ALIVE!!! Independant Spire heatsink comparision; (FalconRock II, FridgeRock, and Microflow II)
  9. blakerwry

    Please rip me off?

    haha... i don't reposind to span, but when asked to enter my email address I usually enter something like postmaster@localhost or admin@[] I feel it's only appropriate.
  10. blakerwry

    WD Raptor on it's way into my PC soon, any tests beforehand?

    so you're saying they're quieter than a ball bearing drive that's been used for a year or two? heh... i would certainly expect as much.
  11. blakerwry

    My P4 new mobo?

    So that would just be RAID 1 then... with a striped reading algorithm. Nothing new, highpoint and 3ware have had this for awhile... maybe others
  12. blakerwry

    If you have a terrabyte array then yes, I'd say that the 80GB array would prove to have less failures (assuming you're comparing 80gb vs 40gb drives of the same model)
  13. blakerwry

    My P4 new mobo?

    yeah, those chipset fans can be annoying when they start to die. coug - maybe I should have specified passively cooled, verses electronically passive.
  14. blakerwry

    My P4 new mobo?

    I assume he meant RAID 1,5 (as in raid 1 or 5) I like the way the fan looks, but I don't like the fact that it has a fan. Is it really cheaper to buy a crappy heatsink and a crappy fan than just buying a good heatsink and no fan? Does anybody still find a passive motherboard a good "feature"...
  15. blakerwry

    That's the way I felt about it at first too... but I have herad of people short stroking 10k drives in a real wolrd situation (not just testing). So I figure this may have some basis in reality. The only thing you can conclude from this is that you may be able to get similar level of...
  16. blakerwry

    why does the acrobat plugin suck so much?

    heh. were you?
  17. blakerwry


    btw, corsair uses alot of micron modules... Kingston uses Samsung... not sure what each use in their "high end" stuff.
  18. blakerwry


    I tend to agree. People who buy Hyper-X or Corsair XMS modules are generally of the "beach bum" overclocker type. If those are the only sticks that meet my timing requirements I would buy them, otherwise there's no reason to spend extra on heat spreaders and brand name when that extra could be...
  19. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    I saw on Tyan's site that they have certified the 256MB DIMMs as being completely compatible with one of their 845E boards. I wonder if it's possible the onboard gfx are interfearing (845GE uses "shared" memory) with normal operation... I don't know how the 845GE's graphics work, but I'd assume...
  20. blakerwry

    Shuttle introduces AK32E

    Just saw that shuttle has a new AK32 board out, featuring the new VT8235CD south bridge. AFAIK shuttle is the only board maker to use this SB with the kt266a NB. The new SB will add USB 2.0, ATA 133 support, and the full featured PCI bus including PCI...
  21. blakerwry

    stupid computer boxes!?

    I like how it doesn't say what's even in the box... "Miracle Computer Card" maybe we'll get what's pictured on the outside... speed boat, motor cycle, astronaut, and a jet fighter!
  22. blakerwry

    Free Packet Sniffers?

    you could try looking on
  23. blakerwry

    stupid computer boxes!?

    In my case it would be for my girlfriend. :bravo:
  24. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    I'm sorry, I must be off today The modules each have 8 chips per side(as in front and back). For a total of 16 chips per DIMM. To clarify: I will have 4 DIMMs 1) 512MB Crucial 2) 512MB Kingston 3) 2 x 256MB crucial On the 256MB DIMMs, the markings on the Micron chips are as follows...
  25. blakerwry

    stupid computer boxes!?

    It seems weird/futuristic looking women screaming is a common theme on sound cards (a la the Fortisimo II) piyono, he wasn't saying anything bad about the card, just the box it came in.
  26. blakerwry

    stupid computer boxes!?

    Any body have any good examples of stupid computer boxes. Either hardware or software? I found this highly typical box while scavenging ebay. notice the card is ISA... But truthfully, i've seen some really stupid boxes with incredibly unfounded claims, serious spelling/grammar errors, really...
  27. blakerwry

    why does the acrobat plugin suck so much?

    i don't see the "infamous space"... um I'm using the newest version of acrobat reader.
  28. blakerwry

    Pre-Sale: Asus nforce2

    Bring on the Tetris! :mrgrn:
  29. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    CityK, all my DIMMs are double sided with 4 modules on each side.
  30. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    the ways i've gotten RAM info before are: 1) look at the label 2) look at the modules' markings (there's usually atleast a logo, if not product codes) 3) look at the PCB for manufacturer/markings 4) ID the stick using Sandra (don't know if they still include this tool... it was a DOS based tool...
  31. blakerwry


    on my kt266a, it only supports up to 266mHz FSB/RAM operation... by going from cas3 to cas2 I notice a measurable difference in benchmarks that are dependant on memory (Encoding, and 3D benchmarks). The difference isn't much, a few percent at best, but why not eek out the most you can?
  32. blakerwry


    I consider the ATA IV 2 gens old... if you consider 5400RPM drives 2 gens old then you've got a deal. I agree the Seagates need some improvement.. either in price or in speed, i really don't care which -they are over valued as is.
  33. blakerwry


    ah, i didnt realize SR had detailed reviews of the SP8004. The ATA IV and V kicked the Samsung's butt in the one area it mattered (photoshop)... So I guess it'll be Seagate for me... maybe I'll get a 160GB Samsung for myself for bulk storage.
  34. blakerwry


    So.. how quiet and cool are these Samsung drives? I'm putting together a new Shuttle SFF machine for someone and was going to put an ATA V in the box. My ata IV runs acceptably cool, but if I can get something just as quiet and maybe even cooler for less price per GB and a 3 year warranty then...
  35. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Firebird 0.6 available for download.

    ah, i wenst through that list twice, unfortunately the find feature doesnt work on that page, thanks
  36. blakerwry

    Ever wanted to know the thoughts of car fans?

    oh, i was just reminded of something, why do transmission flushes cost so much? I've completely cleaned out my transmission 3 times and each time it's cost me less than ~$8 and about 1/2 hour of my time. (A mechanic could do it in 10 minutes with a lift) So, why does it cost so much for a...
  37. blakerwry

    Ever wanted to know the thoughts of car fans?

    I have a chilton's manual for a 95 handa accord and a Haynes for my Camry... I find them both pretty poor, they could be organized so much better, especially when regarding torque specs and fludid capacities for various items. But I was actually talking about a guide that tells mechanic shops...
  38. blakerwry

    Pre-Sale: Asus nforce2

    Merc, i was talking to a guy the other day... he may have been talking out his ass, but he said that he has DSL over an ISDN line. He said he wouldn't normally be able to get DSL because he was too far away from the nearest switch. He said he only paid like $60 a month (he didnt have to pay the...
  39. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - Firebird 0.6 available for download.

    OMG, is there any way to disable the crappy smooth scrolling? "smooth" scrolling has to be the worst invention ever. Seriously, who wants to intentionally slow down their scrolling?
  40. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    i tried SPD and manual, although both crucial sticks are Micron modules on micron PCBs rated PC2100 cas 2.5. I'm thinking it almost must be something with my particular board... When I get that stick back from crucial I'll have to do some more testing...
  41. blakerwry

    uhh... strange memory problem... more = slower?

    Would that be a BIOS probelm or a chipset problem? (I almost find it impossible that a modern day intel chipset would have such a problem)
  42. blakerwry

    why does the acrobat plugin suck so much?

    what do you mean? acrobat has done this to me for years in several computers. Even when there are no active windows using it, it takes up almost 30MB of RAM.
  43. blakerwry

    Ever wanted to know the thoughts of car fans?

    man, there seems to be so much variance.. makes me think alot of car places are crooked. I thought there was supposed to be some kind of "mechanic shop pricing bible" that said how many hours it should take to fix something and whether or not it took that long the mechanic should charge for...
  44. blakerwry

    Pre-Sale: Asus nforce2

    i've had innumerable problems with the MMC and winXP with my Nvidia cards.. it was quite a popular problem... Although I found that if I slipstreamed SP1 into winXP and installed that way, that I could then setup my computer and install MMC last and it would work as expected. Installing SP1...
  45. blakerwry

    F---! California passes Net Tax

    You got a transvestite call center worker? ewww...
  46. blakerwry

    2003 Server

    yeah, im posting this using winPE and the offByOne browser (HTML 3.x) unfortunately I had to use a 3com 905 NIC... uh.. anybody know a good way to find out which nics are supported by winXP? If I remember, M/S had a site that showed XP compatile hardware (but i forget the URL) if the hardware...
  47. blakerwry

    2003 Server

    does anybody have a copy of windows PE? and uh.. how do I get NIC drivers into winPE?
  48. blakerwry

    Pre-Sale: Asus nforce2

    :bravo: (i think this deserves the Johnny Bravo smiley) Unfortunately, I always get the same fedex guy with no hair. Atleast he's personable. :monkey:
  49. blakerwry

    F---! California passes Net Tax

    haha... maybe i should be changing my avitar? It's always nice to talk to you Honold.
  50. blakerwry

    why does the acrobat plugin suck so much?

    why does the Adobe acrobat plugin suck so much? I mean really... it doesn't exit after i close IE... it takes up 28MB of RAM even when it's not being used... it sometimes has problems with (i guess) bad pdf's causing it to not load/mess up the associated IE window... I think I should get rid...