Search results

  1. blakerwry

    ASUS A7V8X-X

    i saw that too... newer... cheaper... and there is a gigabit version as well...
  2. blakerwry


    Finding good pr0n at the local video place is not hard.. finding good free pr0n on the internet, however, is.
  3. blakerwry

    Time for Heresey!

    only 1?
  4. blakerwry

    IN retrospect, doesn't IDE, and the computer HD makers suck?

    is there much of a benefit of full duplex vs half duplex SAS vs S-ATA? I can see the benefit when saturating the interface, but when only using say 60MB/sec out of a 150MB/sec interface (remember there's ony 1 drive on the interface and it is half duplex by design)? what other features are...
  5. blakerwry

    windows drivers vs 3rd party... help getting back to windows

    ahh, forgot about phantom devices... will try.
  6. blakerwry

    Ineresting SCSI news: SAS

    The prblem with determining who you were talking to was not one of the language, it is one of your use of the language. However, I will agree that we don't have the same courtesy usage as is common in other languages. I think some of that courtesy is lost because of the morals and ideals of...
  7. blakerwry


    searching for good fonts is like searching for good pr0n now isn't it? I have used google in the past.. and (just click on the letters A-Z and you'll be fine)
  8. blakerwry

    Free email clients

    not I, im a happy Moz user
  9. blakerwry

    Ineresting SCSI news: SAS

    eh? English lang. problem? in your language can you make adjectives plural? Off the top of my head nouns are the only things that can be plural in the english language... nouns are defined as persons, places, things or ideas. Adjectives are words describing a noun, and verbs are words...
  10. blakerwry

    windows drivers vs 3rd party... help getting back to windows

    Just wondering something. Sometimes when you install a new piece of hardwaqre Windows will automatically install drivers for it... usually the manuf. drivers are better so you isntall those instead. I installed a game pad(AxisPad FX) and windowsXP recognized it as a Gemini Gamepad.. to get the...
  11. blakerwry

    WTB: PIII Socket 370 CU, 600MHz +

    when you get this are you going to have a left over? (I have 2 slot 1 mobos and a pII400 and pIII 650.. also have a slotket adapter for coppermine socket 370 chips)
  12. blakerwry

    XP 2500+

    yeah, the 7 plus is a good cooler.
  13. blakerwry

    Compact flash write speed

    Has any body successfully ran scandisk/chkdsk on a memory card? our winME box has a smart media card reader, but scandisk usually bites the dust when trying to scan the media.
  14. blakerwry


    i had a pop 3 account with geocities.. then yahoo bought them and i had the account with them.. then they dripped it completely... yes, it's a bummer but there are so many other services out there that it's not even an issue for me... especially because I dislike pop3 anyway, with the frequency...
  15. blakerwry

    Gigabyte 8IK1100-I (875P) mobo, used once.

    Don't forget new and tested!
  16. blakerwry

    SR new forums

    close? It is tornado alley... we had a massive dose of tornados this year.. luckily none hit my area... one did come a few blocks from my school's campas (University of Kansas) and destroyed some apartments. yeah, yeah the computer doesn't do anything really.. 'cept use electricity... my...
  17. blakerwry

    Visio : No maps for China or Taiwan for "diplomatic rea

    I get the impression that he was pretty well liked there.
  18. blakerwry

    SR new forums

    By the way, I know it's spelled papillon (too lazy to change it)
  19. blakerwry

    SR new forums

    uptime is now 166 days... C:\from Usagi>psinfo PsInfo 1.34 - local and remote system information viewer Copyright (C) 2001-2002 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - System information for \\PAPILLION: Uptime: 166 days, 9 hours, 20 minutes, 5 seconds Kernel...
  20. blakerwry

    Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    When n64 emulation 1st came into play I had a voodoo2 and used the UltraHLE emulator... even though the UltraHLE emulator was made for the voodoo2 it still took a bit of fooling with to get things 100%, but I do remember them being good. When I dumped the voodoo2 and got myself a TNT I found...
  21. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    CPU found. Blake happy. Thanks guys.
  22. blakerwry

    Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    Recently I've been playing some n64 games via an emulator. I've spent most of my time playing an old favorite, Zelda. I've found that things run well on both Nvidia and ATi cards (dispite the fact that you used to have to use a voodoo2 and use glide if you wanted decent emulation for n64) Here...
  23. blakerwry

    WinFS at Toms

    yes, i noticed a few inaccuracies throughout the article
  24. blakerwry

    Speechless - thank you everyone!

    I imagine in Tannin's shop, the number one reason for PSU death would be discarded banana peels.. I realize you have to put them somewhere... and those holes in the back of the cases are awfully convenient, but maybe you do owe him something.
  25. blakerwry

    Speechless - thank you everyone!

    i agree
  26. blakerwry

    Disturbing find about Google

    I agree it's the small things that tie me to windows. I was about 50/50 for awhile.. but now I'm probably 95/5 windows. When I get comercial hosting for my website I will tinker around more with linux.
  27. blakerwry

    Cool XP Powertoy

    I think i noticed it most after switching back to a dekstop after long periods of inactivity... and it seemed like if I had a maximized explorer window on a desktop, and switched away and then back, the explorer window would now be minimized.. switch way and back and it would be gone... All...
  28. blakerwry

    Compact flash write speed

    i would agree that a card reader is the way to go.
  29. blakerwry

    Cool XP Powertoy

    i tried it... doesn't work very well.. the Nvidia detonator drivers have allowed the same functionality(multiple desktops) for just as long and they don't mess up either. The problems I had with the MSVDM was that it would sometimes lose windows, especially Internet explorer and windows...
  30. blakerwry

    Disturbing find about Google

    I think any company with the best product for a niche should be allowed to grow and have as much market share as the market deems fit. MS is only a monopoly in a small handfull of niches at best. They're virtually a monopoly in the Desktop OS market and almost as bad in the browser market. They...
  31. blakerwry

    Disturbing find about Google

    Only Microsoft's competition. The rest of people who find MS evil, do it for a rational reason.
  32. blakerwry

    Disturbing find about Google

    It seems entirely possible that google is limted to 32bits worth of webpages in their database, however I would think it would be reletively easy to upgrade to say 64 bits. I think it's quite foolish of the author to call this an error, just as he/she says that IP technology is itself in error...
  33. blakerwry

    2 gems of

    i miss the one we had... did the whole chain go out of business? Also, I'd like to say that I think Kingston used to be absolute crap in the 486 days. I had inumerable problems with one of their sticks of fast page. They've really changed the brand name around since then.
  34. blakerwry

    Sony DCR-TRV27

    you could probably get $500-$600 for it on ebay... I am just thinking no one here has a need for one. (Although It'd be a nice toy to have)
  35. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    Also, I'd like to thank you guys for your offers.
  36. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    haha.. sorry, but i'm on a budget. Honold- the 1.4GHz is probably just too hot for me, I think she'd like something that can run quieter. Clocker- would you be willing to send me the XP 1700 for $25 shipped? Otherwise i think I'd like to take Steve's 750 if he's willing to sell it for the $14...
  37. blakerwry

    Which components for a basic, high-reliability system?

    Like I said, I'm pretty happy with the Radeon 9000. It's almost as fast as a geforce3 Ti 200(which puts it around geforce4 MX range), but runs fanless and has a reasonable price tag. I really can't see buying a top end video card because there are several new games about to be released that...
  38. blakerwry

    Which IDE controller card?

  39. blakerwry

    Old - Because newer is not always better.

    One of the reasons this part of he forums was created was to allow (hopefully) older versions of software in addition to software that might no longer be hosted by the original manuf. To this, may I point out Because newer is not always better. Need ICQ v1.x? AOL 1.1? How about...
  40. blakerwry

    Which components for a basic, high-reliability system?

    I think most computers need atleast a single fan. This is mainly because of the hard disk and its ability to 1) produce alot of heat and 2) its reletively low tolerence for heat. Besides the CPU/PSU, traditionally the hard disk is the next hottest piece of hardware. Current trends are showing...
  41. blakerwry

    Which components for a basic, high-reliability system?

    I would say a fanless pII/III with the 440BX chipset is reliable... Doesn't mean I'd buy one today.
  42. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    Seeing as how the XP 1600 is almost doubly fast, I would prefer to wait and see if it becomes available. I need this CPU for a system for my little sister, her most demanding app is The SIMS.. the rest of her uses are pretty vanilla. So, any Athlon should be good enough, but it's always nice to...
  43. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    cool, thanks Honold. I'm surprised no one has any sub 1GHz chips laying around that would basically go to waste otherwise. Just post here if you find em, -Thanks again
  44. blakerwry

    Which IDE controller card?

    The cables are 80 conductor all the way (or atleast the dozen or so I have are).
  45. blakerwry

    Boot off RAID 0 (stripe)?

    The RMA dept at both IBM and hitachi has been good to me, however I have never been a rude prick as it seems many people are to RMA reps. Coug- 1) I've found that RAID increases your boot times because of the RAID controller BIOS initializing and finding drives. This ranges anywhere from 5...
  46. blakerwry

    SMP in the modern age

    I tend to think that the more you multi task, the more an SMP sytem will help you out. Not since the Pentium II/III has there really been a good selection of SMP mobos designed for "power user" dekstop use. It seems that most of the current SMP systems are designed for Xeon/AthlonMP and offer...
  47. blakerwry

    Which IDE controller card?

    That rule only seems to apply to cables with 3 connectors on them.. the 2 connector cables don't seem to be affected. I don't know how the controller can tell the cable is backwards. I assume the problem with using a cable backwards is that the distance between drive 1 and the controller is...
  48. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

  49. blakerwry

    Wanted: Socket A CPU

    May I please have a socket A CPU? I guess I chipped the edge of my Duron trying to remove a stubborn HSF clip and now it seems to be really fickle about working correctly. I'm weary about buying any CPU off ebay as most of them are probably dead chips from overheating/overclocking and I'd...