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  1. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    Man, this silicone is taking a long time to dry.. it's been ~24 hours and the "crust" has dried, but it is still very pliable and can be pulled apart to reveal an inner layer that is still too soft for removal from the drive. Maybe after class tomorrow I can put my HDD back in my computer...
  2. blakerwry

    Soyo BayOne AVI Plus Flash Reader/Writer - Pretty Cool

    I think some of the newer Soyo boards come with that... or atleast the USB/mem card part of it... They have a similar product at microcenter... but i already have a mem card reader, otherwise this would be a great addition for people who do alot of work with digital cameras and DV.
  3. blakerwry

    [NEWS] - KT400A additional details.

    This VIa thingy looks good. .. i think it will be another kt266a
  4. blakerwry

    Anybody interested in my slotA Athlon 750?

    sorry man, I already sold it on ebay.
  5. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    uhh... that'll be my next mod.... :roll:
  6. blakerwry

    [NEWS] Roxio Easy CD Creator V6.0

    I've had the host file block out legitimate sites... basically, most of what is listed in the kazaalite host file are ad servers... your host file tells your computer that the address of the ad servers is essentially redirecting the requests that would normally goto ad servers to...
  7. blakerwry

    What is a good Basic Video Card

    True, you couldn't always get a $30 video card that would do more than you needed... or could you ever do that besides now? These low end cards we have now just rock as far as overall value is concerned.. they offer more fearures and performance than the average office or casual computer user...
  8. blakerwry

    What is a good Basic Video Card

    there was a known problem with several manufacturers geforce2MX boards, the manufacturers cut corners on DACs and on filters... ultimately you could run the cards at 800x600 or maybe 1024x768... but if you went higher you started to get some real blurrness... i've also heard problems about...
  9. blakerwry

    What is a good Basic Video Card

    i see it as there are basically 2 segments in video cards... low end and high end... High end stuff consists of the latest and greatest (or best in its segment) type cards, they are usually expensive and built well... low end cards are usually a generation or two behind in the GPU department...
  10. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    mmm... looks tastey, check out pics of the 1st mold in progress here: (I'm sure you'll like the last pic)
  11. blakerwry

    Bare-bones server ?!?

  12. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    my guess is just us enthusiasts... there are retail products that do what I'm doing... and I'm probably spending just as much as a cheap unit for something that is much less practical (most retail units mount in the 5 1/2" drive bays) My only comfort is that when I'm done this thing might...
  13. blakerwry

    WD400JB Just Died

    ::drool:: the RMA queue.... where all the cool people hang out. Have you seen the huge pamphlet that comes with retail WD HDDs.... seriously.. if you've looked at that then I dont see how you can need tech support for your drive... maybe for your motherboard.. but not the drive.
  14. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    mold 1 will be a soft, easy to manage mold... wax, clay, silicon, etc... mold 2 will be a mold that can take the heat of molten metal... plaster seems like the best bet.
  15. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    Mickey, the reason for the silicon is that I need to make 2 molds... 1) Mold 1 is the only mold that touches the HDD.. it gets my first shape of the HDD... if I poured the lead into this, the result would be a copy of the HDD surface... since I want the lead to be a mirror or reflextion of the...
  16. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    The silicon is a good idea... I was thinking of wax or clay... but I bet I have some silicon caulk in the garage Mickey, dont worry, i'll be sure to cover the entire drive in saran wrap before getting it near anything...
  17. blakerwry

    F@H: Moving Cliptin Up the Ranks

    wow, cliptin has 1/3rd of our CPUs folding for him.
  18. blakerwry

    What is a good Basic Video Card

    Does the 2D quality of the card really have much to do with the GPU generation.... i dont think so... I think it's more about using quality components(like DACs) and coming up with a good layout/design of the PCB.
  19. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    I found that foam (wasn't labelled celetex, but was large and pink and available in different thicknesses) However, they only had it available in 4' x 8' sheets... so i figured I'd just get some other pink foam that was cheaper...
  20. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    oh, any tips on making the mold? I guess I have to make two... a mold of the HDD top and then a mold of that so I can pour the lead and have a finished product that fits the HDD... I was thinking of putting saran wrap over the drive and then pressing it into plaster... or possibly paper mache...
  21. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    oh.. rubber.. that sounds good.... good for noise, bad for heat that is... looks like I'm going to have to cut things exact on the side pieces... measure twice cut once kinda stuff. Some sinkers are starting to have less lead .. or lead free.... but you can still find alot of the fully leaded...
  22. blakerwry

    What is a good Basic Video Card

    good point, however lots of people have and still use geforce2 and 3's on a daily basis. These people might wonder whether it would be worth it to upgrade to a ATi card... epecially the people LiamC described... people who don't require 3D, but do need good image quality... thus they're buying...
  23. blakerwry

    Mandrake 9.1 RC2 available.

    you must have some inscesant urge to upgrade, dont you? sure to tell me if they fixed the folding problem.
  24. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    i'll check the foam situation out tomorrow before class. There is a Lowes and a Home Depot ~1 mile from my house.. I have never looked at their foam selections though. I was also worried about the consistency of carpet padding, considering that it's made of scraps of different kinds of "junk"...
  25. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    I think I've invested about as much as I can for now... I'll have some more time next week to play with this... however, I might just get rid of this drive in exchange for something quieter. I'm really glad to see the interest here though. Even if i do get rid of the 800JB, i still have plenty...
  26. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    I read that, but i think it depends on the drive really... The old style caviar (WDAC 2200)has a completely flat top which means boku surface area... however the sides are ~1/4 plastic because of a seal... so not only is there less metal, the seal makes the side not flat... a double whammy...
  27. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    OK, i would just like to warn everyone that the USPS box was a BAD BAD BAD thing... I had been using my computer for a couple hours with the USPS box and decided to check how things were going in the box... the HDD was HOT... The computer was off, so I quickly reached for the thermometer... temp...
  28. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    Where am I going to get ~15lbs of lead? (14.748593449619923 lbs to be exact)... The steel weighs about 10.2 lbs (minus the material lost in cutting) as is... One problem about WD's current drive design is that it is impossible (without making a mold) to get the top surface of the drive to have...
  29. blakerwry

    Hilarious Jokes and Not So Not So Funny

    i wouldn't dount if there is one in Missourri... Do you know where Springfield is? How many states have one of those now?
  30. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    I decided to make a cardboard sound dampener... USPS priority all the way baby! pics: Sound measurements with the 800JB. As you can see, even the cardboard USPS box made an improvement... I tested with the old 2200 caviar and it was a HUGE...
  31. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    Since i am interested in relative sound vs absolute sound levels (I'm comparing the same computer system and only changing one variable - not trying to compare my results with the results of others), I didnt care to use fancy equipment or to calibrate my mic... for what I am doing, this should...
  32. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    For sound testing I used a trial copy of SpectraPlus232, utilizing my plantronics LS One/.audio60 microphone and Fortissimo II sound card. The mic was at about 90% recoding level with the "mic boost" turned off. I conducted 3 tests with the sandwich and 3 without, changing distances every test...
  33. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    i wish i had some more carpet padding, I used about 30sq ft of it in my car a few years ago, but i cant find any scraps. carpet padding is just scrap foam that has been cut up and pieced together into a sheet... much the way "chip board" is made. It is used in houses between the carpet and the...
  34. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    oh, and another thing... this thing *BARELY* fits into my case... if it were 1/8" wider it would not fit at all. This is why I put tape on the one side (serves as electrical insullation)... and also why I used wire instead of bolts. If I had a larger computer case where eithermy mobo didn't...
  35. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    im working on it mickey... in the interum, here are the pics of the steel sandwich... I've learned a few things... 1) The steel must have firm contact (pressure) with the foam on the sides... if the steel is not tight enough...
  36. blakerwry

    Decommissioning old hard drives

    The Speeze is quieter AND it cools better.. but the Tbred 1700 will be a (reletively) cool runner anyway... The stock AMD HSF that I got with my Duron sucked... it was not flat at all and made very poor contact with the CPU surface... I used a generic coolermaster heat sink with the same AMD...
  37. blakerwry

    Decommissioning old hard drives

    yeah sony's are liteOn drives... btw, if you want cheap CD-Rom's I have found that you can usually get one for ~$10 after shipping if you hunt on ebay.. i bought a 16x and a 24x slot loading CD-ROM drive a month or so ago.
  38. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    yeah, when i get out of class I am going to take pictures and do some better sound testing. I'll be sure to get a better temp test going as well.
  39. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    The drive seems to be running ~40.7 C at the moment, I'll take pictures and do more testing tomorrow.
  40. blakerwry

    hdd mod (in the box)

    Hey ya'll I was inspired by a mod I had seen on The mod outlined a way to effectively shut up a hard drive while cooling it at the same time. here's the Mod I...
  41. blakerwry

    Decommissioning old hard drives

    i think i'd go for the duron over the T-bird... less heat.. similar performance for the price of OEM chips.
  42. blakerwry

    JRE 1.4.1_02 released.

    i prefer microsofts Java VM... but i install the SDK/JDK after every reformat... really, I havent noticed any problems since 1.2... all my programs I've written will probably run on 1.1 or better.
  43. blakerwry

    Hilarious Jokes and Not So Not So Funny

    i dont get it.
  44. blakerwry

    WTB: 4 pieces 64MB 72-pin EDO SIMMs (double-sided, 60ns)

    I've got bunches of 4's and 8's... but no left over 16's... and I dont think i even have 32mb or bigger sticks. Sorry. I'm not sure what all of it's even EDO, some are 70ns and some are 60ns... is it safe to assume that all the 60's are EDO and all the 70's are Fast page? is there some kind of...
  45. blakerwry

    Does your computer have a tail pipe? These guys think it...

    yeah, they show a diagram of the basic principle of how their product works. I would think that you could build your own if you had a few hours and were mechanically inclined. I just thought it was a neat idea.
  46. blakerwry

    Thanks Merc: Speeze CPU cooler

    just cureous, what did you decide to do?
  47. blakerwry

    Coolest avatar

  48. blakerwry

    Coolest avatar

  49. blakerwry

    Does your computer have a tail pipe? These guys think it... Just saw this today while looking for HDD quieting equipment, thought it was a neat idea to put a muffler on your PC... after all, it seems most of a PC's noise comes out of the free holes.
  50. blakerwry

    Any decent priced NAS units for home users?

    just out of cureousity, how many PSU's have failed? where they Achme branded or something else? Any guess as to why they fail?