On another forum I visit, I like to argue the superiority of Star Wars to Star Trek, particularly as it relates to the
horrible writing of the typical episode of Trek. There's a classic Internet Argument, though, about whether the Enterprise (in any form) could win in a battle against either the Death Star or just against an Imperial Star Destroyer.
I'm a pretty regular visitor to this site, which more or less makes all my arguments for me. I've spent a bunch of time there. You guys might find it interesting reading as well, particularly if you actually start to follow the links on the page.
The new Trek movie is modestly entertaining, I guess.
Are you referring to the later series, or the original ST?
AFAIK (playing dumb

) Star Wars is only a movie franchise, not an 'episodic' type of genre

. SW is one of the worst movie franchises of all time, talk about horrible writing. Most movies that either Lucas or Speilberg were involved with are crap. SW is superior only to B-movies, IMHO.
As for the latest ST movie (I saw some of the later ST movies on TV, and they just don't 'play' the same as a series...most series do not translate well into movies, least not the ones I've seen), what I could see from the snippets commercial ads, there is heavy emphasis on FX, and unlike the original ST series of the '60's of entirely different TV morality...Kirk was constantly mackin up all the beautiful women Enterprise travels brought him into contact with---to boldly go where...go to base human frailties

; the new movie snippets show the "expected" humping...as much as you can get away with on TV or general audience targeted movies. Really boring, when all us humans focus on for the future is humping, lol. Does nothing to interest me as far as the plot line, I expect.
Now BG, they had lotsa humping from the beginning, as an element of the series story lines, no pretense at being Pulitzer material...Cylon Grace Park, yummy; I'll do one of her clones, lol