Best movie you've seen


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
That's part of Norse Mythology, actually. And the comics.

Did you not watch the little after the movie clip?


Storage is cool
Feb 10, 2002
Cardiff (Wales)
There was one sentence referencing Tony Stark and one oblique reference to the Hulk. And maybe 30 seconds of screen time for Hawkeye that was kind of edited in.

I'll say it again: Loki was surprisingly sympathetic character given how much of a bastard he is in the comics. I suspect that this will be important later since Loki may very well be a recurring character across several Marvel movies.

O.K so it wasn't all references, but all the stuff with Shield added nothing to the story and took up a surprising amount of time given the length of the film. All just to point out that Thor will be in the Avengers film, which they said at the end of the credits anyway for the truly dense. (And those who don't know who the Avengers are and yet somehow still care...)

And I'm not disagreeing that Loki was pretty well done as a character, and if they only had time to develop one he was probably a good choice. I just think that they had a half hour or so in there that could have been put to much, much, better use.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Maybe the slow-motion fully nude re-enactment of the best part of Black Swan with Kat Dennings in the Mila Kunis role will be an extra on the Blu-Ray. In 3D.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Saw Thor last night, Imax 3D. I'd like to see the movie in two D, since I found the 3D best only for brief periods. Seems you get out of focus background that was probably incredible in 2D, for two guys that seem
to be fighting right in front of you. The Destroyer was very well done.
Loki, I agree, was better done, less one dimensional, then in the comics
or mythology.

Fast Five is also on my list of in theatre stuff.

I'm wondering how Imax works down there. I guess the first releases go into the big theatre, and then are moved to two D and Real 3D in smaller theatres?

It is 18 dollars and 50 cents, but, the sound system, 12,000 watts
of Klipsch sound, makes sure you don't fall asleep. Dublin Theatres.

Appears they also use digital projection. Have to give that a try.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I guess you need to get out and listen to Klipsch speakers, in particular their high end, old school stuff, not their new computer stuff.

Yes, the bass actually can be felt in the lobby. The sound is just very loud, totally filling, and pretty amazing. Yes the movie industry is obsessed with bass, somehow equating that with quality. The 12,000 watt system just reproduces the sound track, which is base heavy.

These are what I have, and, the only requirement to get full range sound is to be able to drive them with an excellent amp, and decent volume. I have the heresy 1's, a 12" sub, two bookshelf and a center:
and, the speaker that really does everything:

I've listened to all of the above. They are incredible, full range,
and give you exactly what you put into them. All of these speakers have stood the test of time.

I enjoy classical music, and, depending on what I put into the system, I get can get exactly what I want out.

There is a reason the Klipsch speakers have been industry standard in movie houses forever.

If you want to rag on something, rag on the music inputted into the system, not the speakers or the system.

Watching the movie in 3D, it feels like the 3D is an after effect, added on. You sacrifice a LOT of the brilliance imax is capable of
to do 3D, and, between that and the cheap glasses, it feels pretty much like what you are doing:
Watching a huge screen through .40 cent, cheap, plastic lens.
WHAT a waste.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
There is a reason the Klipsch speakers have been industry standard in movie houses forever.

I don't what theaters you attended, but in the old days they used to use Altecs in the theatres I worked with.


Jan 13, 2002
I guess you need to get out and listen to Klipsch speakers, in particular their high end, old school stuff, not their new computer stuff.

Yes, the bass actually can be felt in the lobby. The sound is just very loud, totally filling, and pretty amazing. Yes the movie industry is obsessed with bass, somehow equating that with quality. The 12,000 watt system just reproduces the sound track, which is base heavy.

These are what I have, and, the only requirement to get full range sound is to be able to drive them with an excellent amp, and decent volume. I have the heresy 1's, a 12" sub, two bookshelf and a center:
and, the speaker that really does everything:

I've listened to all of the above. They are incredible, full range,
and give you exactly what you put into them. All of these speakers have stood the test of time.

I enjoy classical music, and, depending on what I put into the system, I get can get exactly what I want out.

There is a reason the Klipsch speakers have been industry standard in movie houses forever.

If you want to rag on something, rag on the music inputted into the system, not the speakers or the system.

Watching the movie in 3D, it feels like the 3D is an after effect, added on. You sacrifice a LOT of the brilliance imax is capable of
to do 3D, and, between that and the cheap glasses, it feels pretty much like what you are doing:
Watching a huge screen through .40 cent, cheap, plastic lens.
WHAT a waste.

It's cute that you think that.

I don't express the same argument method as Mercutio, but I can say that I never equate loudness to greatness in terms of music fidelity. In other words, I don't care that it's 12,000 watts if the sound coming out sounds like two butt checks flapping together. You shouldn't even need a large quantity of power considering those Klipsch speakers are rated 105 dB 1W / 1M.

In all fairness I've not listen to the speakers you linked to, but have you gone and objectively listened to other speakers recently? No one should be able to tell you the speakers you're listening to are wrong or bad, because it's such an objective taste and everyone's ears are different. However, give it a try for yourself and go listen to a bunch of different brands out there and see if you notice anything different, perhaps even more accurate in terms of music fidelity.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 23, 2002
Chicago, IL
I have listened to a lot of speakers and Klipsch are the worst expensive speakers I have heard.

If you care rather than just rattling off the same bullshit over and over find a dealer and listen to these if want to hear something that sounds good.

It's been a couple years since I listened to them, but after spending a couple days in high end audio stores, they were the best I heard. A bargain also.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
"I don't express the same argument method as Mercutio, but I can say that I never equate loudness to greatness in terms of music fidelity. In other words, I don't care that it's 12,000 watts if the sound coming out sounds like two butt checks flapping together. You shouldn't even need a large quantity of power considering those Klipsch speakers are rated 105 dB 1W / 1M.

In all fairness I've not listen to the speakers you linked to, but have you gone and objectively listened to other speakers recently? No one should be able to tell you the speakers you're listening to are wrong or bad, because it's such an objective taste and everyone's ears are different. However, give it a try for yourself and go listen to a bunch of different brands out there and see if you notice anything different, perhaps even more accurate in terms of music fidelity. "

I'm not now in the market for speakers. Our local shop had a bunch of speakers, and, for my tastes, I enjoyed the Klipsch bookshelf speakers for the money, and the 12" sub, not the 14".

That said, If I ever spend 8 grand on a set of speakers, I'll start looking around. Hereseys, for the money, and the size place I have are just fine. They are over 30 years old, yet they still sound great, at least to me.

Speaker listening is determined by the room, setup, and really by what product the person that owns the listening room wants to sell.
That usually means what the person makes the most profit on.

IIRC, when I paid 1400 dollars a pair for the Klipsch Heresys, the Klipschorns were 2000 each. They are now 4000 each, with much better wood, and finish, but not much else changed. If I had a movie theatre, they would be my pick, but I don't.

I've listened to a number of the multiple same size speaker, floor standing stuff, and it really doesn't do much for me.
Sort of a giant set of Bose speakers, at least to me.

The young kids are probably right, that there are better speakers for the money out there. Klipsch has put out some really non-Klipsch quality stuff, for very high prices. Perhaps the worst 150 dollar in ear
headphones come to mind, and, the computer speakers they have put out are fair to good, depending on how much you pay for them, but it's really clear the only think "Klipsch" about them is the Name tags they stick on speakers made in China.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Forgot to mention most of our big speaker places, or system places are gone, victims of the economy.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
It's a subjective matter, but no one here agrees with you. My opinion is that Klipsch is great at being loud and has no other redeeming characteristics.


Feb 4, 2002
Horsens, Denmark
I like my Klipsch desktop speakers, but I don't believe they are the "horn" type that those here are referring to. They just look like normal speakers and sound pretty good.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 12, 2002
Twilight Zone
It's a subjective matter, but no one here agrees with you. My opinion is that Klipsch is great at being loud and has no other redeeming characteristics.

When I bought our Klipsch speakers many years ago, I took a CD of mine to every audio store in the area. ( it was Glenn Miller - plenty of range ) I ask the person that was helping me to play the CD with the amp/equalizer set at neutral. Then had them change from one pair of speakers to the next. The volume control was set at 50% for a song then the song was repeated at the lowest level I could hear everything, then at the highest level for a short time to listen for distortion. I also took my son as he is 24 years younger than I and has hearing that is much better than mine. After about a month of going back and forth to all the stores, we kept coming back to the Klipsch.
Sound is very subjective and if you are going to spend a lot of money on speakers or sound equipment, take the time to do it right.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
Well, back in the old days, elders used horn to listen to people so I guess that at your age, it's normal to appreciate Klipsch ;)


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
I guess that's the elephant in the room for me. I can't hear certain frequencies, and things.
A clock ticking.
One ear channel is 50% closed, due to cold water making the bone grow over the channel, and, the constant high pitched whistle can't be good for my ears, either.

Perhaps now they can grind the bone out of the way, without having it grow right back.

I started another thread to discuss sound systems, since it seems to be such a passionate topic, and, I don't think we've had such a thread.

Mercutio has his ideas, and, Bozo's is closest to my experience. Timwhit, thanks for the kind words, and the link. It appears that company has a currently open store in Walnut Creek, something of a rarity, and, a fun trip on a day off.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
Well, back in the old days, elders used horn to listen to people so I guess that at your age, it's normal to appreciate Klipsch ;)

I've seen plenty of Klipspringers. They have short horns though.

Now we have hearing aids for the prople that listened to excessive loud music in their youth.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
Saw Fast Five in a regular theatre, with a good sound system. EXCELLENT movie.
Look forward to seeing it on my home system. Seems the projection lacks a bit in resolution.

Characters and story lines are really well developed, and fun after 10 years, 5 movies.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Saw POTC:On Stranger Tides. Meh...

Wasn't bad, wasn't good. 2-and-a-half hours run time, and it didn't seem that long, so maybe slightly above average, but definitely not as good as the first (IMO, the best) or The Mummy.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
You don't go to Pirates of the Caribbean for any other reason than to see Enlightenment-age stuff asplode and to watch Johnny Depp act goofy while it happens.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
You don't go to Pirates of the Caribbean for any other reason than to see Enlightenment-age stuff asplode and to watch Johnny Depp act goofy while it happens.

For sure. I don't take a film such as POTC as anything more than pure, light entertainment. It's just as far as those types of movies go, I rank these ones pretty highly:

Iron Man
The Mummy
POTC: The Curse of the Black Pearl
The Bourne Identity
V for Vendetta

But like POTC 2 & 3, POTC 4 just felt a little ponderous. It lacks the spark that I see in the those above. If I really want something deep and meaningful, there are other genres.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Nonsense! Batman Begins is definitely a better movie than Iron Man. The Dark Knight I wasn't thrilled with.

I think Batman Begins is the better movie. Dark Knight is too full of plot holes. The biggest issue I have with the Nolan Batman movies generally is that Christian Bale is weak as an actor in that role. He doesn't do either a believable Bruce Wayne or Batman.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
I saw Thor last week. Disappointed by the simple plot and general cheese.

I suspect there was a lot of trimming done to counter the criticism that there was too much going on in Iron Man 2. But the script as filmed was weak. It was written by J. Michael Stracynzki, the same guy who is responsible for Babylon 5 and also a long time comic book writer.

I generally feel that the action and charisma of most of the performers (the ones that weren't Natalie Portman, anyway) made up for it. I think the forced inclusion of Jane Foster as a romantic interest was a mistake.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
Not being familiar with the comic book character and long since read the Norse Mythology, I have a question. Is Thor a "god" personality like superman? Yeah so he gets knocked 60 feet into contrition and then the hammer comes alive and he gets his armor. What the hell happened to all the internal bleeding? Finally after the pronunction of the hammer sounded like mew-mew it turned into mystery science theater.


I can't believe I'm a Fixture
Feb 1, 2003
I think Batman Begins is the better movie. Dark Knight is too full of plot holes. The biggest issue I have with the Nolan Batman movies generally is that Christian Bale is weak as an actor in that role. He doesn't do either a believable Bruce Wayne or Batman.

Was there ever anything believable about Batman?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Not being familiar with the comic book character and long since read the Norse Mythology, I have a question. Is Thor a "god" personality like superman?

Thor was originally conceived as the actual Norse God of Thunder.

In Marvel's current continuity, literal deities are not truly religious figures but rather a specific sort of alien or extra-dimensional being that thrives on and takes power from the the faith or belief of mortals. This is framed in the movie with the idea that magic and science are one and the same.

Members of the Greek Pantheon are also very active in the Marvel Universe. Hercules, Ares and Athena in particular. The Greg Pak/Fred Van Lente Hercules comics have been some of my favorite comics in recent memory, actually.

If you look at the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe, Asgardians and Olympians are described as being substantially immortal, to the extent that, unless their constituent molecules were dispersed over inter-planetary distances, they would eventually coalesce and return to life. Because they are in fact gods and that is how gods work. Some gods like Thor or Ares are even more impervious than that, but no where in the verbiage does Marvel ever specifically say that Thor is actually bulletproof. He's just really, really hard to kill.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Was there ever anything believable about Batman?

Nolan's Batman certainly tries to be. He wears realistic armor, doesn't have every possible tool in his utility belt and relies on technology that's mostly within the realm of possibility. The Sky Hook thing from Dark Knight actually exists, for example. Nolan also goes out of his way to avoid more fantastic story elements like Ras Al'Ghul's Lazarus Pit or the canonical origin of the Joker.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
"Leave a Message"

Shot mainly in the tropics: Pro women top surfers. Great moves, beautiful women, tropical incredible beauty, moving women's surfing to another level. Incredible...


Hairy Aussie
Jan 27, 2002
True Grit: Not bad

Watched True Grit. Disc had random stops, but, the dialogue of the movie was well done, and, the cruel nature of the wild was captured well.

Weird role for Matt Damon. Bridges was better then I thought he would be. Girl stole the show.