Best movie you've seen


Storage is cool
Feb 10, 2002
Cardiff (Wales)
When I first got wind of Joss Whedons wonder woman project I was a little concerned... But then I remembered that a cheerleader who kills vampires was also a pretty stupid concept that ended up being a pretty funny movie and at one time the best show on television so I'll have to give him the benifit of the doubt...

As for Serenity I remember when Fox canceled it they specifically said they would not object to anyone else picking it up if they wanted... I'm kind of surprised no one did though after the sucess enjoyed by the guys who did exactly that with Buffy... Maybe Fox decided to change thier minds...


Storage is cool
Feb 10, 2002
Cardiff (Wales)
I gave up on the Simpsons far too long ago to expect the movie to be anything but lame... I mean they're still somewhat funny but the Family Guy has always done the type of random comedy the Simpsons are now relying on better and the best they could do for a movie was essentially a movie length episode... the best I think anyone can hope for from a movie is a pretty good movie legth episode of the Simpsons and I just can't see that being worth going to a theater to see...

Jake the Dog

Storage is cool
Jan 27, 2002
Hi Buck and P5. Thanks Buck!

Sorry, forgot to add IMDB link - V for Vendetta

My comment: "True poetic anti-establishment. Natalie Portman is superb as is Stephen Fry. Hugo Weaving's performance using voice and inflection of movement only, is sublime.

Despite it being fiction, it does beg questions that relate to our current reality, that it if it should it stir you as it did me. You might well wonder why is it that so few people are willing to say "Compel me to believe with logic and understanding" whilst the many simply believe what little information they are fed…

Is it apathy, ignorance, conditioning?"


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
The graphic novel of "V for Vendetta" is a far better experience in my opinion. Just like "From Hell" was. The same gentleman - Alan Moore - also wrote the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (which was a fun movie, nothing like the comic, but it wasn't trying to be, really), and "Watchmen".

Of course, no one else here would be caught dead with a graphic novel. A goddamned shame, 'cause there are some wonderful comics in the world.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Kingdom Come made me yawn, but then I'm not a fan of DC comics in the first place. Too many gods (Superman, Green Lantern, Spectre, Wonder Woman, the Flash, Batman) and not enough mortals (um... Green Arrow, I guess).

In a similar vein, there's Kurt Busiek's Astro City, which does an amazing job of combining the DC and Marvel sensibilities without needing 300 pages of introduction to continuity.

There's a really talented guy named Robert Kirkman who is doing a really fresh-feeling super-hero comic called "Invincible" and also a wonderfully grim zombie/horror title called "Walking Dead."

Just about everything written by Warren Ellis is some kind of joy to read. "Transmetropolitan" and "Global Frequency" are two of the best comics I've ever read, but his super-hero comics for Marvel are great too.

There's another guy named Brian K. Vaughn who writes about the actual last man on earth (an earth filled with women, though) in "Y, the Last Man." The same guy also writes a pretty unique title for Marvel called "Runaways" about a bunch of kids who find out their parents are super-villains, and "Ex Machina", a comic about a fictional mayor of New York.

Anyone else interested in comics? I can set you all up with some excellent starter material. Please, PM me that I may share the simple joy of comic books with everyone. :D


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
Got to see the "Firefly" series (13 episodes was it? and was that everything?) and I'm panting for more. Good storytelling. I am disappointed that it has all ended.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
13 Episodes. 1 movie. 66 pages of a comic book that happens chronologically in between. It shows Shepard Book being taken to that planet and deals with the fate of the guys with blue gloves, among other things.

Whedon has said that there are no plans for right now to continue Firefly.
However, he is working on a "Season 8" 22-issue comic mini-series of Buffy the Vampire Slayer stories.


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
The word "borat" (actually "burat") is a Tagalog word for penis. Well, just one of the words for that part of the male anatomy. The connotation is not nice and a doctor would not normally use it. Kids up to 10 years of age would use it when talking degradingly of a playmate's ... uh, piece.

It can also be used to call a man an asshole. Ah, I remember now. "Prick" is a good translation.

More specifically, the term "burat" is used when the head of an uncircumcised penis is exposed.

Do I get banned now?


Jan 13, 2002
You'd only get banned if you started posting pics of burat's. :cool: (at least a strong talking too)... :p That was good info, thanks for sharing it.


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
Whew that's a relief.

Well, from the reviews I've read, that movie is not about a bad person. Innocent and naive is more like it.

And the preview is hilarious. Looking forward to watching the movie. Which may not be in a theater near me, judging from the content and the Censors Board we have here. At the very least it's going to be cut up so badly it might not be worth seeing.

FYI, Schindler's List was X rated here in the Philippines. The Censors Board bowed to the uproar which ensued. And "The Piano" was not shown in theaters, AFAIK


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
agreed - Syriana is a recent fave of mine too but my current fave is most definitely "V for Vendetta".

Watched V last night. A very good movie. I wouldn't classify it as great—I thought it a little too one dimensional, but well worth your time. Watch it, and think about it's theme, especially where V is explaining to Evey how the British police state came about.

I hate to bring up "the war", but erosions of freedom don't happen overnight. It's a recurring theme in all moves to extremist governments—chip, chip, chip. And always for reasonable sounding reasons. Gotta love the politics of fear.

Oh yeah, Hugo Weaving John Hurt and Stephen Rea were superb. Natalie was less convincing.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
V for Vendetta, the graphic novel, is way, way, WAY better in every way.
You watch the movie, you see the watered down version.

Also, my (very, deeply gay) ex, after seeing "300" this weekend: "That made men look kinda hot. And I think I want to kill something."

I've been watching "The Wire" and "Babylon 5", both for the first time. I've had all the episodes of both for ages but I just got around to watching any of them.

B5 is cheesy but well-written.
The Wire is like "The Shield" but with proper amounts of violence, nudity and actual homey dialogue.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
I think B5 took time to find its feet. Seasons 1 & 2 were sometimes cringe inducing, but 3 & 4 were great.

Do not mention season 5.

How available is the GN of V? In print, out of print, second hand booksellers, only on eBay for the price of an AMG Mercedes?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Pretty much, if Alan Moore write it, it's available used and probably not out of print.
Alan Moore also wrote "From Hell" and "League of Extraordinary Gentlemen" and the forthcoming "Watchmen."

Watchmen is widely considered the greatest comic book ever written. There are only a few things that're allowed to be mentioned in the same breath. It's deep enough that several different people have a total of a couple hundred printed pages worth of annotations on it around the web.

The good news about B5 is that it's making me cringe less than old Star Trek TNG episodes.

I am convinced now that the only good Trek was the space station one.


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I've watched "300" this evening and it only reinforced my feeling that I was born in the wrong century. Nowadays, when you chop one into pieces, you know the next one will use a coward weapon like a gun or worst : a zap gun. There's no glory in battle anymore. What a shame.


What is this storage?
Mar 7, 2007
I've watched "300" this evening and it only reinforced my feeling that I was born in the wrong century. Nowadays, when you chop one into pieces, you know the next one will use a coward weapon like a gun or worst : a zap gun. There's no glory in battle anymore. What a shame.

I am going to go see that tomorrow after work with some friends. I hope it is as awesome as it looks like in the previews.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Be prepared, Nits. Your man shall wish to lie with you afterwards. ;)

On the other hand, Spartans were so queer their wives had to dress like men and wait for their men in the night; after the deed those studly spartan dudes would go back to the dorms fulla other manly gay spartans. Apparently it was common for a Spartan to not see his wife in daylight until their first child was born.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
As for "300", the books of David Gemmell (particularly Druss the Legend) might appeal


Hairy Aussie
Jan 21, 2002
Québec, Québec
I think they call it a xazer. It's the kind of gun that launch two wires that shock the target with an electric discharge. True coward weapon. It is short range only.


Storage? I am Storage!
Jan 14, 2002
On the other hand, Spartans were so queer their wives had to dress like men and wait for their men in the night; after the deed those studly spartan dudes would go back to the dorms fulla other manly gay spartans. Apparently it was common for a Spartan to not see his wife in daylight until their first child was born.

I guess, as he says, Coug really WAS born in the wrong century. ;-) J/K.

I don't see how there can be glory in battle and death. I have a relative who has had to kill (in hand-to-hand combat no-less). There's no glory in it.

Tazers are excellent weapons and a great way to subdue idiots who may want to fight. It's a pity more cities don't use them. I'd consider getting one to protect my personal property as well. My brother-in-law's city has them but makes them keep them in the trunk of their police car because the stupid Cheif thinks it makes the officers look too intimidating to the general public. I think, the more intimidating they look, the better.

I definitely will be going to see 300. Looks excellent from the previews.


Storage? I am Storage!
Feb 24, 2003
Chattanooga, TN
I saw it last weekend. My brother and his friend liked it but I thought the plot lacked depth. You just don't care about the characters.

It is a beautiful movie though. Every frame seems to have a brass sheen.
My favorite character was the female lead.

Regardless, It won't hold up to multiple viewings.


Storage is cool
Dec 13, 2003
Bulacan, Philippines
I'll bring my son along to watch 300 over the weekend.
As the cost of moviehouse films escalate, the cost of home movies goes down.
The last movies I've seen in the theater were supposedly epics. (some of them at least until they were actually shown)

The last 3 Star Wars
The 3 Lord of the Rings movies

And the last I only saw because I had time to kill before a meeting and for some reason I had some money to burn, "Deja Vu" which was enjoyable. It was a surprise to me, it being a romantic movie in disguise.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Stupid nine month wait for new Battlestar Galactica episodes. :(

My brother asked me to download all of "Dexter", which likewise did not disappoint. Dexter is a serial killer. And a sociopath. The whole show is a lighthearted romp through the mind of a killer. It's worth downloading or picking up on DVD.

"This American Life" is a radio program I have mentioned several times on this site. It's a wonderful way to pass an hour, just as a radio program. It's also a TV show now. The pilot episode is on's web site. Open it in a tab and listen. You don't need to watch. It's wonderful either way.


Storage Is My Life
Feb 7, 2002
Stupid nine month wait for new Battlestar Galactica episodes. :(

Ditto. I really do like this series. The plot device with the music revealing the "hidden" cylons was too easy/transparent though. Isn't there one outstanding?


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Yes there is.

And the music is only a transparent device if you've heard that song before. Which I hadn't.

The Season 3 soundtrack will be released in August. I am looking forward to that.


Fatwah on Western Digital
Jan 17, 2002
I am omnipresent
Uh, spoiler stuff for BSG fans.

All of you should be BSG fans. To that end, I will gladly point you to a high quality direct download of the first three hours of the show. PM me. All of you. I mean it.

My theory is that Starbuck went through a wormhole in the eye of that storm and came out in the eye of a very similar storm in the eye of Jupiter. She went to Earth and she didn't exactly have a jump-capable ship, so she had to be close.

Also, at the end of S3E20, Kara's in a model of Viper that we've never seen before. I've watched that scene about a dozen times now. It's something between the Cylon-War-era Galactica Vipers and the modern one that Apollo pilots. It has more curvy parts than the old ones.

Ronald Moore has said that he hasn't decided who the last Cylon is. They are kind of hedging their bets with Starbuck and with Rosalin but both of THEM seem to be related to the prophecy in the scriptures, which kind of implies a human origin. Leoben said Adama is a Cylon and if you look back, everything a Leoben has said has eventually come to pass, except the ongoing issue of trying to make a "family" with Starbuck. So there's a credible notion there as well.

There's also something from Season 1: The scrolls of Pythia said that men would receive aid from a "Lower Demon" which at the time was thought to refer to Sharon. Now, with all those seconds-in-command being Cylons, there's all kinds of ways to interpret that little clue.

Getting back to the new Cylons... I'm not entirely convinced of their status. Tigh fought in the first Cylon war, before they had humanoid Cylons. Anders making it to Galactica as part of any Cylon conspiracy is WAY improbable, considering how he got on board. Tyrol also has a long and established history on Galactica and, even more, has been directly told by Cavil that he ISN'T a Cylon (plus his kid would be a hybrid, and therefore all special like Hera... and no one cares about the Chief's kid). They all heard the music and ended up in the same place so I think they're making an assumption about who/what they are.

Um, anyway, I just typed several paragraphs of random and massively geeky speculation about a science fiction TV show. This is not my proudest moment.